
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Saint Germain ~ Het belang van het aarden en jullie ~ Gechanneld door Méline Lafont


30 April, 2013

Gegroet mijn geliefde gebroeders en gezusters van het Licht.  Door de eerste eclips zijn we wedermaal aan een belangrijke mijlpaal gekomen in dit huidige leven van u allen en dat is een zeer wonderlijk en verheugend iets.  Werkelijk shiften en absorbties van het licht doen nu gradueel maar stevig hun werk in deze realiteit, wat vele mensen hun incarnaties en leven drastisch doen veranderen in zowel de positieve als minder aangename zin.

Dit alles heeft zijn bedoeling en werking uiteraard en daarom is het ons nogmaals meegegeven als boodschap om u allen tijden te gronden en te centeren.  Ik blijf hier op drukken omdat het een belangrijk onderdeel uitmaakt van uw fysieke incarnaties.  Het is belangrijk te weten dat u, zowel van boven uit als onder uit, steeds wordt gevoed door intense licht energieën die beiden zowel een aardend effect hebben als een opliftend effect hebben, wat u samen brengt tot waar u hoognodig naartoe dient te gaan: UZELF, uw ware aard vanuit het hart.

Deze aardende en opliftende effecten en energieën brengen alles in manifestatie wat u zo nodig vind in uw levenservaring alsook in uw huidige realiteit.  Alles wat als inspiratie werkt van hoger uit, komt in manifestatie en creatie door het aarden.  Wanneer een rusttoestand is bereikt, wordt dit verder gebracht door het aarden.  Gaia voedt u met al de nodige energieën om u zowel tot rust te brengen als in verlichting.  Zij is het hart der realiteit; uw huidige realiteit, dus alles wat uw hart verbind met het hare brengt u, en alles wat u verder brengt en zijt in realiteit door het aarden: de verbinding van hart tot hart.

The Healing Properties Of Music And Art. Mini-Reading For April 29, 2013. By, Bella Capozzi.

th(3)For today’s reading I was drawn to the Angel Therapy oracle card deck, and the card which jumped out mid-shuffle was “Singing and Dancing.” This is a pretty easy one to interpret, with it’s colorful imagery and joyful symbolism. It reminds us that we need to take a break sometimes, from the intensity of the subject matter and events which are bombarding us from the internet and mainstream media. I’m not saying that we should ignore it-after all, we are all here to transmute negativity to Light. It’s just that we need to take a break every now and then, in order to be at our most effective. And what better way to relax and unwind than through music and the arts. The Angels are guiding us to incorporate music and dancing, and all sorts of other types of artistic expression into our daily lives.

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven~ You Are the Power and Glory of Creator ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ April 29, 2013

Yeshua.powercreatorYeshua and the Company of Heaven:
Dear Ones, much is afoot in your “neck of the woods”, as they say. Seriously, much is a-swirl and in change and transition and some things may now feel like polar opposites. But be assured that the shift toward greater consciousness is indeed occurring.

Take time to constantly return to your center and assess situations only from that perspective, in the core of your heart. This is a test and an affirmation of your true Reality, as you know.
You are beginning to glimpse the bigger picture, dear ones, and to delve into the recesses of deeper consciousness. Sometimes you may feel like you have hit a void but it is just the transformation of energies. Sit with it and cover and immerse yourself with the incoming energies and listen to that still, small voice within, always.

Wes Annac: The Pleiadian Council of Nine: The Influence of the Light is Growing in Every Moment

-Channeled through Wes Annac-
Your mainstream media will still not yet report the progress humanity as a collective is making with the purging of the dark souls from your collective society and influence, and this is because such media is still largely owned by those individuals.

You will find in the time ahead that free press is an absolute and just as will be so with your governments, souls in your mainstream media who display malevolent or service-to-self-based agendas will be kindly taken away from their positions and, depending on what their higher selves and their guides wish for them personally, will perhaps be rehabilitated of the negativity that would drive a malevolent perspective.

You are not alone – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn April 29, 2013


You are not alone, my child. You can’t but see us, but you are surrounded with countless helpers – Angels, Guardian Angels, Ascended Masters and my beloved Archangels who are my direct children with the Divine Father. They are all near by. Sometimes you can feel them, scent them, but they are still invisible for you. They are ready to give you every conceivable help that is permitted. They aren’t allowed to act against your life contract but they will guide, heal and protect you. However you know already that they have to respect your free will. They aren’t allowed to act without request. So, don’t be afraid to ask them. They can hear you, I can hear you too, and we are all waiting to hear your call. We are only one thought away from you. We don’t have visiting times, we are always there for you,
my child. ~ Your Divine Mother

Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

Andy Bojarski: Create Your World Through Your Decrees!

You are all such powerful beings of light.  We are all a part of Mother / Father God and God wants you to be happy.  You have the ability to make decrees.  A decree is a statement that you make.  Once your decree is made, the Universe will move to fulfill your command.  You are all capable to make a decree.  You need to manifest your reality as you are in charge of your life.

You are no longer in the control of others and others have no power over you.  You are now moving out of your shackles and realizing as an awakened spiritual being your true and amazing full power.  So use your power, and decree things you want in your life.  Have conviction and have the strength and the confidence that your decrees will happen.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Linda Robinson – Message From Archangel Zadkiel And Lady Amethyst – Standing In Truth – May 2013 – 29 April 2013

LindaRobinson(Thanks to Lucas2012infos )

Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel along with Lady Amethyst, and we come to you in Love and Light.
You are making great strides in the new energy.  You have experienced extraordinary leaps in consciousness, and your awareness has opened to new vistas.  You have radiated your Light for all to see.
The new energy has presented many opportunities for you to examine all aspects of your Being and to release those aspects that are no longer part of your ascended Self.  Now, you are poised to continue to open to even greater levels of awareness in this new energy.

Standing in your truth is an important part of the new energy.  This is one of the many changes that have come with the new energy.  You are being given the opportunity to examine yourself and your choices and to decide what your new choices will be.  Being in the midst of shifting energy is much easier when you stand in your own truth.

Andy Bojarski: The Universal Law of Reflection

ReflectionThis law so resonated with me and it made me think so differently about myself and life in general.  Every person that is in your life, whether it is a relative, or a friend, is a mirror of an aspect of you.  The same is true for every situation in your life as well.
No matter who is in your life or what situation you are encountered with, they are always a mirror aspect of you.  The earth as a learning school gives you the opportunity to always see yourself in the mirror.  Do you like what you see?  Do you like your life and what is in it?  And that mirror is very, very accurate.

Someone else in your life or any situation in your life is also a mirror.  You have to look in the mirror and change yourself.  Do not change the reflection in the mirror but work on yourself.  You must observe the outside but change on the inside to get the results you want.  That is how change will happen for you.  Anything and anyone in your life that you do not like or do not resonate with are showing you aspects of yourself that you do not feel comfortable with.

Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Hilarion's weekly message April 28- May 5, 2013

April 28-May 5, 2013

Beloved Ones,

As a new day dawns on the horizon, more is asked of you when all you want to do is rest and relax. Be good to yourselves, take a deep breath and hold to the vision of a better world as you stand in proxy for humanity. All is in the process of shifting and recalibrating. There is a collective sigh as the density builds in the atmosphere ready to be transmuted into a higher vibration. Let all that distracts fade away as you maintain the certainty that inside each human heart is a wellspring of goodness and innocence that is uniting into a power that is greater than can be told; it is something that can only be experienced.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

out this weekend

Hi my precious friends,  I am following a Pranic healing course at the moment so I am not able to post much this weekend.  Sorry for this, but will try to post a few important ones.  Much Love and blessings and wishing you a most wonderful weekend!!!  Méline ♥

Trust – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn April 26, 2013

Trust, my child. Trust into yourself and into your invisible helpers, guides, Angels and your Divine Parents are immense important. Only in faith you can create deliberately and connect with us. We hear you; every single word, every thought you nurture rings out to us. We want to help you and to give you guidance, but all to often you boycot us, in not trusting us. You call for us and think in the same moment that we wouldn’t but help you, because you would be too insignificant for us. You ARE important. Every single one of you is exceedingly important for us – but through your lacking trust you block our help. Trust, trust yourself and trust us and all can develop divinely. I trust YOU, my child. ~
Your Divine Mother

Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

It can start, the divine starting signal was given – Archangel Raphael trough M. Gamma ~ 27.04.2013

AARaphael-II(Translated on the 27.04.2013, original language German)
Today we continue with the topic healing. Again and again you come to a point where you doubt yourself and your possibilities. This is something you have to experience over and over again here on earth. You must understand that this is part of your lessons.

Lessons are essential for you to grow and to learn. God experiences himself through you. You are an aspect of god himself. This knowledge you always have to hold in your heart.
It is important to understand, that you are able to throw out everything absolutely everything overboard and to let go of the old mind set.

Archangel Raguel: Revisiting His Advice On Breaking Old Vows And Opening To Abundance. By, Bella Capozzi. April 27, 2013.

Praying-Hands-FYV★ Of all the old blocks and programs that we have to clear, it’s my opinion that the impediments to the manifestation of abundance have got to be the most stubborn!  It often seems like a never-ending process, as we try to get free of what hinders us.  While it’s true that the Earth is now occupying a 5th dimensional space and we’re ever so slowly easing into a simpler corresponding lifestyle, the fact remains that we still are in a place where we have to deal with a lot of the old, unpleasant financial issues.  This is the latest import from my old blog, and is a message that I received from Archangel Raguel after he appeared to a client and I during a session.  I feel his words are every bit as relevant today as they were back in September, when I first heard them.

Andy Bojarski : The Universal Law of Request

RequestUnder the Universal Law of Request, before you can get any help, you need to ask for it.  You have free will and you must ask for help before any help will be given to you.  No angel or Higher Being of Light will interfere in your life.
Interference stops you from becoming stronger and from learning.  Angels and higher beings will not interfere with your choices or with your life.

But you can and should ask for help when you feel you need help.  Do not be upset, do not demand, do not bark orders and do not blame anyone when making your request.  Do not throw a tantrum like a baby when the baby does not get what it wants when making your request.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Jesus through John - A sea change in the way information is released into the public domain is underway

We are watching with joy from here in the spiritual realms as the divine energies surrounding you all start to really take effect, so much so that even in your mainstream news media some “good news” is being reported, albeit with a certain lack of the overarching enthusiasm that they show when disasters strike! Nevertheless, it is a sign of things to come.  The Good News can no longer be ignored, dismissed, or go unreported.  A sea change in the way information is released into the public domain is underway, although that reportage always lags behind when it comes to reporting on the alterations occurring in attitudes, behaviors, and awareness that have resulted in those changes.

Strength and Perseverence.” Mini-Reading For April 26, 2013. By, Bella Capozzi.

SurferGirls.grid-6x2✺ Today’s reading centers around the subject of standing in your own power.  You’re suddenly finding that you’re remembering little bits and pieces of your Divine Mission.  These can come in during meditation, or at the most unexpected of times!  They are the brilliant “light-bulb” moments, the sudden inspirations and ideas.  “Wow-how did I ever think of that,” you wonder?  As we go deeper and deeper into 2013, these flashes of brilliance are going to become more and more frequent until they eventually become the normal way of doing things!  Your Angels and Guides are spoonfeeding you little increments of your mission and your history, chapter by chapter so that you don’t become overwhelmed.

Spiritual Protection for the New Age by Archangel Michael Channelled through Natalie Glasson
My blessings of love are bestowed upon you; I am Archangel Michael, the Archangel of Protection. I have many purposes within the universe of the Creator, many ways in which I wish to be of service to others and especially souls upon the Earth.  It is my greatest purpose to act as a divine expression of the Creator, connecting with and reminding souls of the vibration of the Creator within and around them. I carry the light of the Creator to you, I allow for you to see the light of the Creator within me and I support you in realising yourself as an aspect of the Creator in manifestation. In many ways I am here to act as an example of the Creator’s light as well as your own light. This is the role of all Angels, Archangels and Ascended Master beings.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Lucas – Time To Reinstate And Renew Our Bond Of Being One – 25 April 2013

top-10-tallest-mountains-annapurnaWe have read enough about fears and the feeling of fears and the instigation of those purposely by our own governments, or even corporate structures. Now in the aftermath of the bombings and fertilizer plant blow up in the U.S. as foretold mainstream  media hyped fear and ignored  real truth and facts. This opened only more people’s eyes and woke them up. Things only need to be seen as data and you should not get personally attached or drawn into the stories. For most  of you it is just the one side you see that is in total opposite of you. Your feeling of right and wrong is challenged again. Your morals and beliefs shout out for punishment, argument, debate, etc.  Lots of you are still  going into hate, anger and see only repercussions as the answer for what has been done.

Be – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn April 25, 2013

Note: Prime Creator and the Divine Mother have asked me to receive now these short daily messages from her. This would be my priority now, before all other messages and the readings. They are not to see as a competition to the wonderful messages Jennifer Farley receives from Prime Creator, but as a complement, as the expression of the Divine Feminine, the Prime Mother.


Live in the NOW, my child. There is only the present, the NOW. Nothing else exists but the NOW. The future isn’t yet, the past is over. It isn’t anymore, has never been. So let all go, that bind you to it. Only in the NOW, you are co-creator. In the NOW you design your future. Simply BE and dream your magnificent future into being. Let all worries go, give them to me, I love to dissolve them for you and to fill your heart with my love. You don’t need to struggle any longer with your worries, fears and needs. Leave them to ME and live a peaceful, happy life. This is your birthright, my child. I love you. ~ Your Divine Mother

Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

CERTAINTY WITHOUT THE CANDY COATING as received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

As our lenses become sharper, all internal and external truths are questioned under the big bright light of scrutiny. We have so many decades of time under our belt – why can’t we remember who we are and what comes next? Once proof was in the pudding, now the proof and the pudding is fleeting, confusing our senses. We lean forward in the seat of the soul with our internal heart driving us into un-chartered waters on a see of confusion. Certainty without the candy coating of doubt is required to fulfill our energetic obligations. Doubt cannot live in a world that is moving into faster than the speed of light.

Blog exists 1 year! A thank you note ♥


My sweet friends , followers and family of Light.  Today it's been exactly 1 year that I have started this blog and started to channel. 343,000 visitors in 1 year is truly beyond what I was expecting to have as visitors and it really blows my mind away to see how much of you are daily visiting my blog! THANK YOU! I started to do this out of passion and Love because I simply enjoy being in connection with all of these wonderful beings of Light and star family of us, as it brings an uplifting and hope and most of all so much Love.  I never expected my work and blog to be so loved and affecting other hearts in the good way, as it seems to be the case.  This blog and channelling service has brought me to so many important people in my life, family members of Light have been reunited with me and others with each other through my readings and channelings. I have made some great friends and I love every single connection I have with you all!  Thank you so much for your support and nice comments, meaningful words and appreciation as well as the donations for my blog and readings.  The appreciation is all mine for all of you whom are following my work, spreading and blogging my work and posts, and for all the new connections and wonderful hearts that are now present in my life! Thank you all for making all your creations possible and for being part of this all, thank you for being you!!  Beside thanking all of you: my wonderful readers and friends, I would like to take the opportunity to thank a few in particulary for being in my life:

Andy Bojarski: The Universal Law of “As Within, So Without”

As WithinThe Universe and your surroundings rearrange themselves to bring you what you believe and to reflect your existing reality.  So it is literally as within so without.
Your outside world is really an exact reflection of your inner world. This is how your lessons on Earth are presented to you. So look at your life and see what you have in your life. Do you like your friends? Do you like your job? Are you happy in your relationships? Are you really happy in your life?
Whatever is presented to you in your life is how you feel on the inside. If you understand this, then your life may be easier for you. How you feel is reflected back to you in your reality. You are manifesting your life based on how you are feeling. Your feelings create your reality.

If you are angry on the inside, you will find angry people in your life who are mirroring your anger back to you. The more angrier you are, the more angrier friends you will have. Like attracts like. Your anger is attracting angry friends. This is also true if you have suppressed anger. If you are angry on the inside and hide this anger, you will still attract angry friends. You may hide your anger from your friends, but you can’t hide this from yourself.

Melchizedek ~ The coming days and more specifically, the energies of the eclipses, will reveal much concerning disclosure ~ As channeld by Méline Lafont

 April 24, 2013

Greetings dear ones. An extremely uplifing and beautiful time is just around the corner for all of you due to the upcoming eclipses arriving in the course of 1 month (april 25th, partial lunar eclipse, May 10th annular solar eclipse and May 25th penumbral lunar eclipse). They will surely bring about much in your reality, even more than has been the case up until now, and everything builds slowly but surely up to your genuinely real reality which unfolds itself from your heart and from your inner Self.

What is currently unfolding on your world can be compared to a coin that shows both sides occasionally. As is commonly known, everything happens for a reason and can be viewed from both sides and they both are playing out in such a way that everything can be brought back to order. The enjoyable as well as the less enjoyable experiences must be allowed in order to get breakthroughs causing some hardship for many hearts in incarnation in these times of Ascension.

Sirius movie

Yekra Player
Yekra is a revolutionary new distribution network for feature films.

“Sirius” is a feature length documentary that follows Dr. Steven Greer – an Emergency Medicine doctor turned UFO/ New Energy researcher – as he struggles to disclose top secret information about classified energy & propulsion techniques. Along the way, Dr. Greer investigates new technology and sheds light on criminal suppression. He accumulates over 100 Government, Military, and Intelligence Community witnesses who testify on record about their first-hand experiences with UFOs and with the cover-up.
In the course of his research Dr. Greer is asked to look at an amazing find: a humanoid specimen, 6 inches long from the Atacama Desert. Not until 2012 was he given permission to take bone samples and DNA from the specimen. At that same time a pre-eminent geneticist, hearing of this find, offered to do DNA testing. He enlisted an MD from the same university,- world renowned for his work with skeletal anomalies, to view the x-rays and CT scans. Their expertise along with Dr. Greer’s expansive knowledge of the subject bring more questions than answers. Where did this “Atacama Humanoid” come from? Are there others like it? What does it say about the origin of the human species?
While on this odyssey, the audience gains a whole new perspective on technology, human evolution, and clandestine organizations who have manipulated and controlled the public for centuries.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Anrita Melchizedek: Monthly Transmissions By The Elders

Wesak Full Moon Lunar Eclipse ~ April 25th/26th ~ Transmission from the Elders

Mp3 download

Welcome, sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now, as we take you on a guided visualization to experience the Wesak Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, on April 25th and 26th ~ the first of three eclipses to be experienced within this next month, sweet ones. The energy of eclipses takes you deeper into the Cosmic Heart of All Creation, lifting you in consciousness and Light, sweet ones, into a greater awareness and knowing of Who You Are, as these magical Master Beings, and sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. The lunar eclipses generally take you into a greater level of clearing, of having a look at what it is you are still working with, or changes you wish to make. The solar eclipse expands this to a greater level of Solar Christ Consciousness ~ of being able to consider these tasks at hand, of being able to take yourself into a deeper level of your service work, of transformation and rejuvenation. And indeed, sweet ones, into the knowing that all is Divinely Perfect ~ as you travel through these Christed Timelines, and in this new Golden Age of Light through these pathways of Divine Love.

The Pleiadian Council of Nine: An Entire Paradigm of Secrecy is About to be Shattered

-Channeled through Wes Annac-
Greetings, dearest souls, I am SanJAsKa speaking for our Council of Nine. You continue to make the strides and progress that you are becoming famous for, and as the Earth experience tests your faith and resolve we note the overall enlightenment so many of you are beginning to find not just in yourselves, but in those around you who are beginning to respond quite favorably to the energies and perceptions you’re uncovering.
As you unlock new perceptions and find yourselves able to radiate the resulting energies, every single soul around you benefits from your Light in their own specific and individual ways and for many of them, it will take and has taken quite a long amount of your concept of time for the energies you’re introducing to their perspective to settle in and begin changing such perspective in a way that will display very clearly to you, the effect your Light is having.

The Crystal Dolphin Pod. “Pillowed By The Whitecaps.” By, Bella Capozzi. April 24, 2013.

1357656963_461498044_1-Pictures-of--Dolphin-Alchemy-Personal-Transformation-Retreat-with-Wild-Dolphin-Swims♒ Because of you, the sun shall rise again.  Because of you, the rain shall fall and snow shall fall and all is made anew upon the dawning of another day.  You live to spend another day here.  Every day brings boundless opportunity for all of us to do some good.  It is because of your efforts and ours that hope remains alive.  The Light is winning.  Oh pray, correct that… The Light has won! Moonrise brings illumination to the darkness.  And oh, how we are creatures of the moon!  How we flow with the tides, and we play !  We dive and dance amongst the cresting waves, up and down, pillowed by the whitecaps.  It is your doing, sweet Cousins, that you and I are blessed to play our games and raise our young, as part of these evolving societies.  We must let it settle in, all this bright Light.  The Light is much akin to rain upon the seas.  It falls from the sky, it scatters like stars.  It lands not softly, but with an impact into the water which is already here.  Thus it must blend, blend, blend.  It must integrate, you see, with all of that which came before it, so as to become one.  We are quite sure you’ve concluded by now that becoming one is no small feat in a place such as this one, wouldn’t you say?.  Together, have we not been battling the false concept of separation for a seeming eternity?  You are tired, as we are, are you not?  Yet we swim onward, to freedom.

Melchizedek ~ De komende dagen en energieën van de eclipsen zullen veel losmaken ivm disclosure ~Gechanneld door Méline Lafont

Gegroet mijn geliefden.  Een ontzettend opliftende en mooie tijd staat u allen te wachten met de komende eclipsen in 1 kalendermaand tijd.  Deze zullen steevast veel teweeg brengen in jullie realiteit, nog meer dan tot nu toe, en alles bouwt zich langzamerhand op naar jullie werkelijke en reële realiteit die zich ontvouwt vanuit uw hart en innerlijke Zelf. 

Wat zich nu ontvouwt op jullie wereld kan vergeleken worden met een munt dat zich hier en daar laat zien van beide kanten.  Zoals geweten heeft alles zijn reden en ook beide kanten, die op zodanige manier worden uitgespeeld zodat alles terug tot orde kan gebracht worden.  Zowel de prettige als minder prettige ervaringen moeten veroorloofd worden om doorbraken te kunnen verkrijgen en dit maakt het absoluut niet gemakkelijk voor vele harten in incarnatie in deze tijd van Ascentie.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Forgive – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn April 23, 2013


Forgive yourself my child. You are perfect as you are. You are making experiences as an incarnated Being. You cannot sin. Therefore forgive yourself your “debt”. But forgive also the others their “debt”. Every Being is acting in the belief of doing right. No matter if out of love or out of lack of love. Forgive and your bundle will become very much lighter. Unburden your load and your whole life will become easier. ~ Your Divine Mother

Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

I AM MARY OF MAGDALENA as received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

I am she who comes upon the wings of light I am Mary of Magdalena. In the days of old, many of you were in the Sacred Order of Magdalena. It was not a last name. It was a title. It was a crown. It was a knowing. In my time of living I endured much hate that was placed upon my being because of my position and training. I endured arrows of poisons that came from the eyes of others. I endured angry words. I stood high in my Light and the sacred teachings of my order. I did not trip upon my path but kept a strong heart of love. I did not beg for mercy for I knew that I stood in a light so grand and so beautiful that nothing could cause distress or cracks in my world or in my heart. I saw my light as solid, not as filaments that waft and weave in every changing breeze, but solid as a mantle.

“Trust Your Vision.” Mini-Reading For April 22, 2013. By, Bella Capozzi.

MoonCardWallet You are so much wiser and more intuitive than you ever could imagine!  This is the message that is coming through to me for today’s reading.  You are powerful and brilliant and limitless-a truly multidimensional being.  And (surprise, surprise), most of the time your instincts are 100% right!  But as we wear the Human bodysuit, we have a tendency to second guess ourselves, and to not trust what we can’t perceive with our five physical senses.  Which is perfectly natural. Such is life behind the veil.  But now the veil is crumbling like like cookie-crumbs, dissolving into nothingness, evaporating like water on a hot day-right along with the old and decaying ways of the third dimension.  Before we know it, it will all be nothing but a part of our history, an incomprehensible bedtime story that we tell to our grandchildren.

These times are coming up on us fast. This will be when our primary means of communication will be telepathy, and it is why it’s imperative that we begin exercising our intuitive skills right now.  All this amazing information is right at your fingertips.  But then, you already know that!  You are already “seeing.”  And if you’re not, then you need to open your eyes wide, and take a good look around you.  Trust your vision.  Trust what you see.  Trust that the world if shifting right before your very eyes and that the sooner you step out of denial and trust what’s right in front of you, the sooner you’ll feel that stillness and peace everyone is talking about.

Yeshua ~ Keep Steady Amongst the Turbulence and Ride It Out Into the Calm of Peace and Love ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ April 22, 2013

Note from Fran:  A big huge loving Thank You for all the support, love and healing energy so many of you have given me recently. I have felt it deeply and my heart overflows with your generosity and friendship. I am happy to be returning once again to channeling! Much gratitude to you and to Yeshua, who gives us a message below ♥.

Hello dear ones. I greet you yet again with all the Love in my heart.  I bring you this message today so you can further clear yourselves and proceed further on your chosen path. You have reached a period of deep refinement along your path of ascension and creation.

There comes a time when assessment must be made as to clarity of purpose and intent, dear ones.  You are beginning to see from a much wider perception and so adjustment must be made, as always, and with new acceptance, in order to expand your impact upon your lives and upon the world around you.
Make no mistake that you are proceeding along an ever-expanding awareness of who you are and what you are about and what you can impart on your ever-winding spiral of ascension.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Kryon - World Affairs - 4/20/13 by Anna Merkaba

Kryon State of the World - 4/20/13
Tragedies around the globe are happening daily, what we are trying to tell you children of the light is not to fear that which you cannot fear, for there is no fear and there are only lessons. Yes indeed it is true that many here hurt and a many families are in agony, but this should only bring all of you closer together, join together in meditation, send out love and light into the world, and do not let any of this affect you in a negative way.
Do not give into fear, for fear will render you useless and allow those that are in control to achieve exactly what they are looking to do, and that is to get YOU the light workers out of the game. The more you give into the news of terror, agony and anger, the more in terror you are, the less you will achieve.  Know that this is simply a part of the times that you are in now, and as we have prepared you months before, that such events would unfold, they still will.

Sirius Movie release today!

  Today finally the movie "Sirius" by Dr. Steven Greer will be released.  Help spread the news and become a Sirius Affliliate, in order to receive your own personal link and be able to post and share away about the Sirius Movie.
In order to achieve our goal we have partnered with Yekra, a revolutionary online distribution company who have developed a ground breaking distribution program called AffiliateConnect, which offers a win-win to everyone who wants to share Sirius with their online communities – websites, mailing lists, Facebook pages, Twitter profiles, YouTube channels, blogs, etc.  There are no limitations! Anyone who is supportive of Sirius and our goal can participate.  You can start distributing Sirius online as of our premiere release date – Earth Day, April 22nd, 2013 – way before we provide it to any other traditional distribution outlet, including iTunes, Amazon and Netflix.  What makes it even better is that we’ll give you a transparent share of the revenue generated from every sale.  This means that you get to spread the word about a cause that you support, raise money for the free energy lab that will change everyone’s lives and share in the financial success of the film.
- See more at:

Sirius Affiliate Information & Sign Up

In order to achieve our goal we have partnered with Yekra, a revolutionary online distribution company who have developed a ground breaking distribution program called AffiliateConnect, which offers a win-win to everyone who wants to share Sirius with their online communities – websites, mailing lists, Facebook pages, Twitter profiles, YouTube channels, blogs, etc.  There are no limitations! Anyone who is supportive of Sirius and our goal can participate.  You can start distributing Sirius online as of our premiere release date – Earth Day, April 22nd, 2013 – way before we provide it to any other traditional distribution outlet, including iTunes, Amazon and Netflix.  What makes it even better is that we’ll give you a transparent share of the revenue generated from every sale.  This means that you get to spread the word about a cause that you support, raise money for the free energy lab that will change everyone’s lives and share in the financial success of the film.
- See more at:

Sirius Affiliate Information & Sign Up

In order to achieve our goal we have partnered with Yekra, a revolutionary online distribution company who have developed a ground breaking distribution program called AffiliateConnect, which offers a win-win to everyone who wants to share Sirius with their online communities – websites, mailing lists, Facebook pages, Twitter profiles, YouTube channels, blogs, etc.  There are no limitations! Anyone who is supportive of Sirius and our goal can participate.  You can start distributing Sirius online as of our premiere release date – Earth Day, April 22nd, 2013 – way before we provide it to any other traditional distribution outlet, including iTunes, Amazon and Netflix.  What makes it even better is that we’ll give you a transparent share of the revenue generated from every sale.  This means that you get to spread the word about a cause that you support, raise money for the free energy lab that will change everyone’s lives and share in the financial success of the film.
- See more at:

Sirius Affiliate Information & Sign Up

In order to achieve our goal we have partnered with Yekra, a revolutionary online distribution company who have developed a ground breaking distribution program called AffiliateConnect, which offers a win-win to everyone who wants to share Sirius with their online communities – websites, mailing lists, Facebook pages, Twitter profiles, YouTube channels, blogs, etc.  There are no limitations! Anyone who is supportive of Sirius and our goal can participate.  You can start distributing Sirius online as of our premiere release date – Earth Day, April 22nd, 2013 – way before we provide it to any other traditional distribution outlet, including iTunes, Amazon and Netflix.  What makes it even better is that we’ll give you a transparent share of the revenue generated from every sale.  This means that you get to spread the word about a cause that you support, raise money for the free energy lab that will change everyone’s lives and share in the financial success of the film.
- See more at:

Jared Ayden ~Nu Kobalan: Find your balance and keep moving ahead

20 april 2013
Nu Kobalan

Be careful (emphasis on 'care') what you choose. You literally have endless posibilities to choose from. What you see in your reality today is what the collective has chosen in the past, you change your future in the now by deciding what you focus on.

Everything in your reality can be used both for good or for bad, these are the opposites of one and the same. The outcome of good or bad is always progress, both are excellent means to grow, learn, evolve or whatever you would like to name it.

Marlene Swetlishoff ~Hilarion weekly message April 21-28,2013

April 21-28, 2013

Beloved Ones,

The times that you are living in are wrought with both the greatest of challenges and the greatest of blessings. As the third dimensional energies are no longer being supported by the very atmosphere surrounding the Earth, it is becoming increasingly difficult to hold the denser energies in your personal energy fields. There is a boomerang effect that is occurring whereby those who harbor and hold the denser energies are finding that it comes back to them intensely magnified and this energy sometimes erupts in ways that are difficult to comprehend by the greater community.

Andy Bojarski ~My Higher Self: There Is No Bad Choice

ChoicePlease understand that every moment of your life you are bombarded with choices. Some choices are easy like whether you want a hamburger or a cheeseburger to eat.

Some choices are harder, life whether to buy a home or not or whether to take a job in a different state causing your family to have to relocate affecting all the members of the family.
Understand that regardless of any choice you make in any situation in your life, you are learning and choosing to experience the effects of your choice.

You make the choices and you experience the effects of those choices. Each choice you make for every situation carries with it a different timeline. There are many, many different timeline scenarios that are possible for you in your life. No one is better or worse than another.  Each is just different with different lessons for you to learn and experience in your life.

Marilyn Raffaele ~ The Arcturian group message April 21, 2013


APRIL 21, 2013
Hello dear ones. We come today to wish you a happy spring although it has been a very different spring for many parts of your world this year. Gaia is adjusting to the new energies pouring in, as well as opening herself to more of her own Divine energies for she too is a conscious being. Gaia is making the adjustments necessary as best she can in order to allow her own ascension to proceed with the least amount of discord to the beings living on earth.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

El Morya ~Ascension brings along her Global Changes ~ As channeled by Méline Lafont

Copyright © Picture from Méline Lafont: New Zealand

El Morya

As a token of my appreciation I will put your mind at ease with the new energetic changes occuring on Planet Earth. There’s a lot impending at this moment and the new sprouts outgrow their stump forcing their way through the soils of the earth to bring forth marvellous fruits for which you have toiled so hard.

Much room has been made for massive renewals and enrichments in order to obtain a planetary shift into the Light. The shimmering sphere of golden Light shines down on you now and lets her astonishing energies descent in this regal valley where for centuries the dark has ruled supremely. The light is offered to you to enable you to see again in the dark nooks and crannies of your Being and of your planetary Being so a thorough approach and a resolute presence of the Light can be made possible.

John Smallman ~Saul: To withhold forgiveness is like embracing cancer

In the spiritual realms much has been transpiring as the new energies enveloping Earth have strengthened and intensified to assist in humanity’s imminent awakening.  Yes, it is imminent!  Much has been promised to you, and the moment for delivery is approaching rapidly.  Nevertheless there is much to do to complete the essential preparations prior to the arrival of this divine and long-awaited event, and every one of you has an important part to play.  It is largely about releasing judgment and embracing forgiveness, especially as your awareness of the misbehavior and betrayal perpetrated by those whom you have trusted grows in direct proportion to the number of whistle-blowers releasing previously hidden information about deceit and corruption in high places, and abuse of their positions by those holding them.

John Smallman ~Jesus : Spring is in the air, and so is change of a most magnificent kind

The Oneness that is God has all of creation enfolded within It; It is the infinite field of divine Love where all Wisdom, all Knowledge, all Consciousness has its eternal existence.  It is a state of utter joy, peace, and contentment, where no one is, or can ever be in any way, bereft.  It is Reality, where all are free to create abundantly with the skills and abilities that God has bestowed upon them, and delight in the results.

It is into this sublime state that humanity is to awaken.  Your present state of sleep, constantly interrupted by dreams and nightmares that you experience as real and substantive, no longer serves you, and so you have chosen to wake up into the refreshing, stimulating, and exhilarating state of wonder from which you chose to briefly hide yourselves but a moment ago.  It seems to you that you have been experiencing this imaginary reality for a very long time – and in “time” you have – but it has been only momentary, as you will discover when you wake up.  And then your joy and amazement will be boundless and unceasing.  Reality is always amazing because it places you in the Presence of the infinite, all-loving Source, which created you solely to experience eternal joy, amazement, and wonder — and so you will.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

El Morya ~ Ascentie brengt haar globale veranderingen mee ~ Gechanneld door Méline Lafont

Copyright ©Foto van Méline Lafont: Nieuw Zeeland

 20 April 2013

El Morya

Als een blijk van mijn waardering zal ik u allen gerust stellen met de nieuwe energetische veranderingen op planeet Aarde.  Er is veel in het verschiet op dit ogenblik en de nieuwe scheuten ontgroeien zich uit hun nest, een weg banend door de aarde en haar gronden om de mooie vruchten te brengen waar jullie zo hard aan gewerkt hebben.

Er is veel plaats gemaakt voor ontzettend veel vernieuwing en verrijking voor een planetaire verschuiving naar het Licht mogelijk te maken.  De glinsterende bol van goud Licht schijnt nu op jullie neer en laat al haar prachtige energieën neer dalen in dit koningsdal waar eeuwen het duistere heeft geregeerd.  Licht wordt jullie geboden om in al de duistere hoekjes en kantjes van jullie Zijn en planetaire Zijn weer te kunnen zien, zodat een grondige aanpak en een resolute aanwezigheid van het Licht kan mogelijk gemaakt worden.

It Is Not Fate versus Freewill, It Is Fate and Freewill as received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

As spring pushes her way into every pore of our being, we feel The need to birth another level of our own being from the inside out.  Making life uncomfortable and tempers flair. All of earth mirrors this urge to move forward out of the long winter of waiting into a place that can only be seen by the beholder. We unfurl our closed wings and step out of the black hole into the future.

We look at ourselves seeing a newness that has not made its way to the surface as of yet. We feel compelled and driven to move out of our winter blues searching blindly for those rose tinted glasses we once wore. We are seasoned like a good wine that seeks a crystal goblet to fill. Every day life gives us another morsel to digest, an appetizer that keeps us from our intended destination. Regrets and guilt trips pile up like laundry, as we cling to what was and what could have been. We mourn for easier times and reflect upon what once was. We did not have it so bad after all, of course hindsight is 20/20.

Archangel Indriel. “In Gratitude And Grace.” By, Bella Capozzi. April 19, 2013.

Beautiful-Fairy-love-angels-27525265-500-313❀ There has never been a finer time to step back and take stock of your many blessings. During these days of cleansing and upheaval, it is imperative that you be always conscious of the good in your life and to remain in a holy state of perpetual gratitude.  Give thanks for everything.  Shift your attention away from the negativity and instead place your awareness on the variety of ways in which you are abundantly blessed.  Thank the Creator over and over again.  Morning, afternoon and evening, you must count your blessings and give thanks.  Do this nobly, all the while maintaining an air of gratitude and grace.  Think, before retiring, of what blessings the day has brought you.  Reflect on all that has gone right in your day, rather than what has gone wrong.  Then record it, if you like, to be looked back upon and savored during erratic times.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Faith makes you to great Masters – Archangel Raphael M. Gamma ~ 18 April 2013

AARaphael-II(Translated on the 19.04.2013, original language German)
We continue with the message about healing my beloved humans. Again and again you will be confronted with barriers which show you that a healing is not possible.

It is my Divine Will that you will all ascend with Gaia and you can not escape that – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn ~ April 17, 2013


My beloved Humans, my children, it is I, your Mother. I am the Divine Mother, the Divine Feminine and the Creator of all that is. I have not only created your universe but countless uni- and omniverses. Nothing is above me, but all is in ME. You are I and you are all divine aspects of my SELF.
Today I want to speak to you through this scribe who has willingly been at my disposal.

My heart is heavy and I suffer with you. What happened a few days ago has been an act of barbarism, an act of abuse of power the dark mights have exercised to stir up fear in you. The “Mighty of the World” know exactly that they have given away their power to you and try with all that remain to them to get it back.
I appeal to you my exceedingly beloved Beings, my children and grandchildren, stay strong and in your love, that is the strongest power in the entire creation. Don’t fall for this maneuver and stay calm and unperturbed in your higher vibrations. You mourn and are horrified – because you are a part of my body, my Being, I mourn with you – but stay calm with it and in your center. Be the Master of your emotions and vibrations.