Happy summer/winter people of HEART! But that’s not even the best news. The best news is that Mars is f.i.n.a.l.l.y. fixin’ to turn direct (June 29) and we are THIS close to completing quite a legendary (physical) transmutation cycle in preparation to receive more of our soul Self in form. If you can remember back to when Mars turned retrograde (April 17th) I am sure that particular theme of your personal transcension expedition is quite obvious to you by now…i.e. those places in your physical body and/or reality that you needed to shift/rise above in order to fully open the (new) flow of life force.
This particular leg of the journey has been so challenging and complex because it involves the densest layer of our existence…it also been filled both with ecstatic highs and excruciating lows. This is to be expected as we depolarize at the physical level, but it is still quite an experience to behold as our human existence merges with our divine essence.