
Sunday, July 31, 2016

Sandra Walter ~ Timeline Shift: The Third Wave of 2016 Jul 29, 2016

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,
The energies for the September wave, our third amplification of 2016, are already arriving. To recap: The first wave (late December – January) was aimed at dissolving looping programs which interfered with HUman perception of the Shift in consciousness. These programs which kept people doing the same things, thinking the same thoughts, repeating the same beliefs were dismantled. As always, the collective recreates old patterns out of habit, so there is a delay between what occurs and what the collective can perceive due to our experience of linear time. That is the free will choice of Creator-in-carnate HUmans, with powerful DNA, who are able to collectively create realities.
The second wave (March-April) was aimed at shadow; the uncomplimentary beings, programs, thought forms, emotions and beliefs which are deeply engrained into the collective subconscious. This level of light was (and is) a bit torturous for disharmonious beings, both Human and non-Human. Many Lightworkers are feeling the impact of this global purging of disharmony, because the effects apply to every single being on this planet. No stone is unturned during a dimensional shift. Gratitude to the Lightworkers who had the vision and intuition to prepare for this phase. You have the tools, compassion and understanding to stand in your power, no matter how difficult it gets to witness and experience this cleansing of the collective consciousness.


Greetings My Fellow Light Beings,

It is a pleasure to connect with each of you at this powerful time of acceleration. I am Lord Metatron at your service.

I want to converse with you about the energetic exchanges that are occurring presently upon the planet. The Lion’s Gate has been receiving great attention by many individuals as it is always a very powerful moment within the year.

This year is especially interesting as the open of the gateway of energies is truly a continuation of light that occurred in 2015. You see, that the energies of last year were so very powerful that the movement of the frequency has been continuing into 2016. We have arrived at that juncture in which the gate’s opening doorway allows for more grounding energies to occur within the planet.


Michael's Message


          Beloved Ones: As you learn to tap into the cosmic records in the higher realms, you are beginning to broaden your awareness of your cosmic lineage. The process of reunification is well under way, and therefore, many faithful Servers of the Light are now striving to reclaim the many facets of their Divinity.  A part of our mission is to help you remember your Divine heritage, and to also help you understand the unprecedented process humanity is in the midst of at this time.

          Many of you, the StarSeed and Wayshowers, came into this lifetime with the vibrational frequencies of the Rays (within your Diamond Core God Cell) more active than those still functioning within the Third- / lower Fourth-Dimensional realms. Therefore, you have experienced more “bursts of God-conscious awareness” over the recent past years. If you will compare notes about your earlier experiences with others on the Path, you will find that you have had many similar experiences throughout your lifetime. You are now aware that many of the miracles, inspired thoughts and benefic coincidences are not common for the average person who still exists and functions within the distorted realms of the mass consciousness belief structure.

Kara Schallock ~ True Freedom - 30-Jul-2016

Life is as simple or as complicated as we want it to be. If we choose simple, we let go of all we are attached to; all we think we know and become an empty vessel. In this Emptiness, we get to the core of us and that is Love. There is so much that can distract us...whether it's the outer world or the inner. We can be distracted by our loved ones, by friends, by day-to-day living and yet, when we let it all go and focus only on our Hearts; only on our Selves; we access the simple Truth and we are guided. There is nothing of consequence except the merging with our Souls. The only way we can do this is to let go of all the thoughts and all the words and meditate. Meditation is how we strengthen our Souls. And as our Souls strengthen, we feel...yes, there are old beliefs that surface and the continual urge to be doing something. This “doing something” is probably the biggest attachment we have. We can hear our parents say, “You're lazy; go do something.”
Can you be still or must you be constantly moving? What is beneath your doing? Is it guided; is it an outer expectation or is it an old belief or pattern? What is the belief underneath your doing? If you resent having to do a chore, what does that tell you? Are you forcing something or do you shut out your true nature “in order to get things done?” What happens when you stop? Can you stop? Do you meditate only when you have time? Is it the last thing on your list when it should be your first?

Friday, July 29, 2016

Natalie Glasson ~ Venus Love Alignment Tools by Lady Nada

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 29th July 2016 - Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

I am Lady Nada, I have strong connections with the planet Venus and have spent much time there enjoying the energies, discovering truth and evolving my evolution. I hold within my being and echo the beautiful, loving teachings of those of Venus. Their love so pure and truthful, it resonates with the vibrations and qualities of my soul. Many say I am born from Venus to me this seems true as I completely embody the sacred loving energies of Venus. I know though we are all born from the Creator, and the Creator is the origin from which we extend. In order for me to become the Chohan of the Eighth Ray of Light, I first studied the teachings and ascension tools of Venus, which connected me into the very truth and essence of my being. I then supported Master Sananda/ Jesus in his role as Chohan of the Sixth Ray of Light of devotion and truth. My exploration of the love and truth of the Crea tor supported me in assisting others in unifying with their soul and experiencing deep cleansing processes of awakening. It is only when you understand the truth of all beings or recognise the magnificent energies of the Creator which can be embodied at a planetary that you are able to understand the cleansing process necessary.

I, Lady Nada, wish to share with you some ascension tools and techniques from Venus, which hold the beautiful Venus energies to aid your spiritual evolution at this time. These act as practices to support the embodiment of your soul, exploration of your truth, healing as well as cleansing.

Chapter Eighteen--Preparing For First Contact--The Inner Stairway--Pleiadians through Sue Lie 7-28-16

By the Pleiadians—Through Suzanne Lie

The Inner Stairway Home

Sharman here. I have returned from my last visit to Earth as a “normal human.” I have learned a lot and wanted to share with you what I have discovered. Of course, many of you on Earth are familiar with what I will say.

However, I am hoping that my perception of your current reality may, in some manner, assist you with the many challenges that you are currently facing in your third/fourth dimensional versions of reality.

Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - July 28, 2016

The latest guidance from our friends, the Galactic and Angelic beings known as the Collective:

Greetings, Bringers of Light!
We see you awakening more and more powerfully, every day—every hour.
And we feel your impatience for your world, that it shift and change and renew itself in ways that introduce the freedom and sovereignty you have called forth.
Know that, as we have said before, there is nothing “unspiritual” about that particular kind of impatience.

For it is calling forth the profound rebirth of your planet into not merely new outer forms, but a whole new vibrational reality, one you have not seen before.
It is not made of the kind of smallness or shadowy darkness through which those of the Light once had to walk, crying out for any kind of Light to accompany you on your Earth journey.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Celia Fenn ~ Archangel Michael ~ The Lion's Gate 2016 and the "Master" Cycle that Commences : The Opening of the Seventh Dimension on Earth

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Beloved Family of Light, when you began this year of 2016, we did say to you, with much love, that 2016 would be a challenging year, and that you would need to embody your Mastery in a powerful way.  As the Lion’s Gate of 2016 approaches, you now prepare yourself for a New Beginning and to initiate your first major cycle of creation as an embodied Master and Alchemist. 

What does this mean?  It means that you will take what is of low frequency and you will transform it and turn it into Golden Light!  Even though you may be surrounded by people who are filled with fear and anger and other low frequency emotions and who are making choices based on these emotions, you will make your choices from Love and Compassion and you will be the Diamond Light that shines clearly and magnificently. 

Beloved Ones, now is not the time to give up or to step back.  Now is the time to fully embrace who you are, who you have become, and to step forward into the Emerald Light as a fully embodied Master, a Creator and Alchemist of Light.  In this time of chaos and challenge as the old falls away and the new is still to manifest, it is you who are here to hold the energy of the New, to be the New Earth, and to embody the Power and Empowerment of the New Earth Soul.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A message to Lightworkers - July 22, 2016

A Message to Lightworkers – July 22, 2016

The latest guidance from our friends, the Galactic and Angelic beings known as the Collective:

Greetings, Friends and Bringers of the Light!

We are pleased to have this time to speak with you today.

For much is shifting in your world, and not only in ways that are visible and reported upon by your news media, but in ways that you more sense or feel than outwardly see.

And that ability to feel, to know inwardly that the world is shifting in beautiful and profound and undeniable ways as it moves ever higher on the spectrum of Universal consciousness, ever higher in frequency and intent—that intuitive inner knowing is a beautiful gift that you have always had, and are now realizing more and more.

Ron Head ~ Stake Your Claim Now – The Councilro

the councilStake Your Claim Now – The Council

It is time to stake your claim now. For years we have spoken with you through many channels about a great variety of things, but these have always centered around a specific subject. Never have we wandered too far from it, nor have we stayed long when we did.
We have spoken of the fact that you are all energy beings. You have had no great problem realizing that intellectually.
We have spoken of the fact that you are aware only of a very small portion of your true being. Most of you have had no trouble with that point.

Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Hilarion ~ July 24 - 31, 2016


PLEASE NOTE: The following message is an excerpt from a personal reading (Ultimate Guidance Reading) that I had employed Jocelyn Joy Thomas to do for me (JoysReadings). The following message from Hilarion is Part 3, the final part of my reading.  

Question: I have been told I have been chosen to bring back the physical Temple of Truth on Earth. May I please have guidance from Master Hilarion on all the steps I need to take in order to do this?

Greetings, we are going to talk today about The Temple of Truth…and how you can help to bring that about and I want you to do this in a way that will make it easier on yourself. I want you to do this in a way where you don’t get delayed, or confused. I want you to know that there are others who are assisting in this work as well, you are not alone.

Marilyn Raffaele ~ The Arcturian Group ~ July 24, 2016


Dear friends, as we observe the struggles and confusion many of you are experiencing at this time we wish you to know that every thing happening is a necessary part of mans ongoing ascension process--these things are serving to wake people up. It is impossible to fully understand or figure out solutions with the human mind for much of what is going on is simply not what it seems. Instead utilize these times to rest more fully in trust, allowing intuition to be your guide.

On the surface everything seems to be bubbling with chaos. Think of this chaos as a cleansing process exposing buried and long hidden dirt and which in time will reveal that which has always been there but has been unseen--a clean and harmonious reality reflecting truth and oneness. The world in general is experiencing whatever intense and deep cleansings are necessary in order that new and higher levels of awareness may be experienced. 

Walking Terra Christa ~ Lord Adama ~ Stand-off as the Light and Dark Become One ~ A Deeper Understandingw

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Aluna, Aluna, Aluna

It is my pleasure to be with each of you in this moment. I Am Lord Adama with the Telosian and Agarthian Councils of Light.

There are many variables of energies that are happening presently. One of them being the full moon of Capricorn in Cancer that we are actually in the midst of in these moments. The emotions can be very sensitive, open, and disruptive. That is what is happening within and around the earth plane presently.

What I want to talk about is how each of you can assist yourself to not get into those stages of turmoil, but to find emotional balance.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ The Quantum Awakening ~ Blue sepctrum storm year

July 26, 2016 - July 25, 2017 
“I Dissolve in order to Catalyze
Releasing Energy
I Seal the Matrix of Self-Generation
With the Spectral Tone of Liberation
I am Guided by My Own Power Doubled.”

This cycle brings the forces of Pure Transformation, calling us to let go and surrender on all levels...The vibration of Spectral is here to liberate us into new realms of possibilities by urging us to allow energy to travel as it needs; to embrace seeming chaos; to release rigidity, control, and fixations; to dissolve old structures and routines; to shed limitations, fears, and identities from the past.

This is the Time to welcome a new freedom, and celebrate the emergence of a greater, full-spectrum wholeness! Blue Storm calls us to be awakened Thunderbeings; agents of electric passion and purpose; alchemists of energies; empowered self-generators; embodiments of stillness dancing; lucid World-Changers living from our centers of calm resilience.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ The Quantum Awakening ~ Day out of time portal

‘Day out of time Portal’

On July 25th we enter the day out of time portal, a place were all and nothing exists simultaneously. A powerful place of flux that could tie the ‘string theory in a bow’. The Mayan ‘day out of time’ is the last day of the galactic year in the Mayan calendar. This day is observed as a day free of time, a day of reverence. This 'free day' re-aligns the 13 Moon calendar to the solar year. It is aligned with the feminine aspect of nature and reckons them in time.

Each and every day we need to allow a few moments and ‘step out of time’ to realign and reckon our energies. To swim in the void for that timeless minute and realign with your heart and souls desire. Everything you had given up on and tossed to the wind landed in the sacred place known as ‘the day out of time’. The energies are loud and dynamic as we swim along the shorelines parallel trying to avoid the time rip tides. The sun explodes in all of her glory exposing her underbelly to all.

Ailia Mira ~ The Council of Radiant Light ~ the promise of Ascension

The Promise of Ascension

Message from the Council of Radiant Light
Channeled by Ailia Mira
We Greet You in Love,
Tremendous change is occurring in your lives and in the lives of others on your planet. We wish today to remind you of the promise of ascension. 
First, we will begin by offering some soothing views to help you shift into a state of peace.
We wish to acknowledge that we know many of you are struggling of late, and we continue to offer you encouragement and reassurance that all is well. We know that you may feel challenged and we wish to affirm that what you are experiencing is not a step backwardWhat is taking place now, and always is a furthering of your divine embodiment


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My Dearest Beloveds, this is Master Thoth at your service. I want to relay some understanding on the teachings of the Law of Attraction and how it can relate to your personal experiences, not just the desire for elements to come into your world, but being within that world within the law – so that it is a continual creative process.
The Law of Attraction is a powerful law to incorporate within your consciousness but you must remember that working within the Universal Laws an initiate must comprehend all the laws in order for them to become active on a continual basis. That is why it is so important to understand the inner truths of each of the laws and how they are related to your personal experiences.

When an individual decides to work within the Laws of the Universe, they are then allowing themselves to be connected to the Source of Light. In order words your Higher Essence is guiding you through your physical self to be One in all things – Oneness. This does not occur without understanding what the laws are doing for you personally. That is why I am so delighted to provide this information to so many initiates so that they can have a better understanding of whom they are, what needs to be changed in order to truly achieve the best optimum results in their lives.

Anna Merkaba ~ Metatron, Quan Yin – The Sacred Key – Purity Magnifier

puritymagnifierGreetings Everyone,
I hope that all of you are doing exceptionally well! I know it has been a long time since I’ve touched base with all of you. Today, I come to you with a new message that I have received from AA Metatron and Quan Yin. Quan Yin has supplied us with a fantastic sacred key which should assist you in meditating yourself into balance. This particular sacred key is called “The Purity Magnifier”.
Before I tell you more about it, I would like to say that the channeling that I am sharing with you today talks about a few very important points that I would like to briefly touch upon. In the channeling Metatron and the company of heaven are talking about Karma. Karma that has been accumulated by many on this planet and that the time has come to release this karma. Please note that, there is a big difference between the Karmic Wheel of Life and Karma. Everyone has some form of what is called Karma on this planet, however not everyone is actually “stuck” on the Karmic Wheel of Life. Many who come to me for a healing session whose origin prior to their present earthly incarnation is outside of earth, such as star seeds, angelics, etc., are not stuck on the Wheel of Karma, and what they believe to be their human karmic debt is but an illusion, caused by what is known as Karmic Containment Units, once these KCU’s are removed, tremendous shifts in consciousness occurs. I deal with KCU’s on daily basis and talk more about KCU’s on my blog  

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ The Quantum Awakening ~ SIRIUS RISING JULY 22

On July 22, in most parts of the world, Sirius rises before the Sun announcing The Atlantean New Year and The Ancient Egyptian New Year.  Announcing the flooding of the Nile and bounty is on its way.  Announing the Ennead. On August 8 (8:8) we have the Solar Lions Star-Gate. Bringing into awareness on a cellular and stellar level the Hall of Records. On August 17, we celebrate the anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence (1987) (and for those who can still remember Woodstock 1969)  September 9, (9:9-9) brings us to another deep earthy learning and letting go.

On July 22, we enter the sign of Leo and the Sphinx Stargate. We dine with the Atlantis New Year and celebrate the Egyptian New Year. The 22nd of July is also the feast of the Magdalene. Doorways to the past reopen like a corneal mass ejection whispering sweet something’s into the ear of a ham radio operator.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ The Quantum Awakening ~ From your Hostess of Light

This month has been thick and heavy like the gravitational pull in this dimension weighs us down a little more each day. We feel like an egg on a Texas sidewalk, cooked over-hard! Life demands that we get out and celebrate but the she-crab in all of us says ‘no thank you’, I would rather stay in my shell, a place of safety. The world is turned upside down and we all pray for peace, and kind of peace, but the dove of comfort comes not.

Life has become primordial oozing like the Florida gulf sludge that was birthed out of the ancient seabed by mechanical probing and digging. Everything comes to the surface and most of it seems toxic in the form words, actions and promises. We look at our species and wonder what went wrong. We look at our lives and wonder the same thing. All that we were taught does not hold up in the light of this new day. truths are hung out to dry in a wind created by political lips flapping. We get on bended knee and pray this is the’ comedy zone dimension’ and not our final home. We change channels and dreams more than we change our sheets. People are afraid the root chakra is blocked and they have all put tinfoil all over their windows afraid to look out afraid to feel afraid to love. Everything hurts and the wounds can be seen in the heart and eyes of those around you.

Message from the Council of Radiant Light Channeled by Ailia Mira ~ Reassurance in Difficult Times

Surrounded by love_edited-1
Message from the Council of Radiant Light
Channeled by Ailia Mira
Listen within now.
There is no reason not to let yourself be the way you are.
No matter what is occurring in this vast and complex game, you can still be you.
The way you are is perfect and you are fundamental to Creation. You, in your wholeness, are essential. 
As you hear this, energy within you reorganizes. Light streams in, in new ways. You, when you hear this, have a deep inner knowing of the truth of what we share and this knowing becomes amplified as we commune with you transmitting this message. This moment, the fact of our co-creation is abundantly present. You can tap into it for reassurance in difficult times. You can tap into it as a way of remembering and returning to the truth of existence and the truth of your being.

Kara ~ Finally...a new Ascension Note - 16-Jul-2016


It has been a long while since I've written a Note. My computer needed attention (and is still offering challenges) and then my beloved kitty transitioned. While I miss his physical presence, he is with me, guiding. Our companion animals are not just animals; they guide and teach. I have learned a lot through all of this.
Soon we will be in the Lion's Gate again. We continue to clear, adjust and acclimate to higher and higher energies. It's important to keep our vibration high, so we more easily match the vibrations that continually flow into us. While there is much in the old world that tends to distract us and much of it brings up fear, it is all a part of the large transition and is affecting all sentient beings of Earth. Release the fear and anxiety and pay attention to your Root Chakra, for when it is clear, you feel safe; when it is blocked, you feel fearful and anxious. It is so important to stay in an aura of Love and remind yourself that all that is occurring is in Divine Order. So if your life is in chaos or it is the world that is in chaos (a perception, by the way), rise to be Love and be that in all you say, think and do; for that is the best way to transform the fear in ourselves and others; this is keeping your vibration high. Clear your Root Chakra and then fill it with the higher vibration of white, which fills this chakra with Soul Essences of Purification and Resurrection (Ascension). Then bring your attention to your pure Heart and Be Love.

Brenda Hoffman ~ You’re Angry – How Wonderful!

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s July 15, 2016, channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at  Many of you are enmeshed in earth fears. It is as if you have one leg on the 3D side of a precipice and the other on the 5D side. Some days you know all will be well – and others you’re certain fear will always be your life. You’re undergoing a spiritual questioning of your 5D being – which will end in a few days. You’re testing your 5D faith for most haven’t yet created your earth dream to solidify your knowingness that 5D exists. But you will by following your joy.
“Is Earth on Your Shoulders?” is the title of this week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
You are beginning to sense, see and feel small rays of sunshine through the massive clouds that have reduced your light for eons.
Some of you have not yet acknowledged your new you, but you will for this is the time of doing so.
You are thinking that just telling you something does not make it so. The same method used to mystify and cover the glorious you hidden on earth for eons. We agree with that thought. At the same time, we wish for you to address your changes.

Selacia ~ July Madness tips

July Madness Tips                    -Full Moon Week Higher View-
by Selacia

The week of a Full Moon is when you want to have your discernment antenna turned on "high alert." Things tend to get amplified and regular life dramas tend to be expanded upon. Also, the craziness of the world, amplified beyond the usual, is impacting people on a personal level, adding to the intensity people are feeling. These amplifications are not really that unusual, but these are unusual times. Old norms often have little application during these moments.

Full Moon in Capricorn

Preparing For First Contact--Chapter 17--Energetic Communications--Pleiadians through Suzanne Lie 7-18-16

By the Pleiadians—Through Suzanne Lie

Energetic Communications

Greetings. I am Sharman here again to speak with you. I am actually wearing an earth vessel within your NOW, so that I can walk among you to best feel the human energy fields. I wear different “disguises” on different days depending on what area I am visiting.

At the end of each day, I return to my cloaked Ship to “call home” to share what I have experienced. I was chosen for this mission because I spent a long lifetime as a human and learned to “read” many of the thoughts and emotions of the humans that I observed.

Ron Head ~ The Summer of your Discontent – The Council

Summer of Your Discontent
The Summer of your Discontent – The Council
Many of you are feeling as if everything has gone to #%&t, or perhaps to-hell- in-a-handbasket. This is how your current situation seems to you. And when you look around, it seems the world is a very good likeness of that, also.
Now, I have been chosen to speak to this because I am the higher self of one of you who will read this, and I also have been where you are many times in what you call the past. There is no reason for you to know any name. We do not use them here, and the one I spoke of will know my vibration instantly.

Marlene Swetlishoff ~ HILARION ~ July 17-24, 2016

Beloved Ones,

Upon the higher planes of existence there is much activity, much that is taking place. The world as you know it is going through purging on all levels. It entails sifting through, working through and dissipating many layers that go back through generations. To the uninformed observer, it seems the world is going mad but this is not the case, there is a higher purpose at work and this is what you, the Lightworkers must remember and keep in focus. It is a sign that the greater Light is making its presence felt upon your world. There are, however, other forces at work which try to counteract the effects of these higher frequencies and energies by creating havoc, pain, and suffering amongst the people of the world.

And so you have two distinct polarities vying for control of this world. Those of the Light, who hold the Light are very well aware that their participation is crucial and it is a participation on a non-violent basis, they understand that their participation is on an energetic level, on a level of intention so that the Light and the Divine plan can prevail. As the layers of cleansing occur, much that has been held within the DNA and the hearts of every person upon this planet is coming to the surface, is being brought up, cleansed, purged and is very uncomfortable. It is sometimes debilitating, but always, the after effect is one of greater freedom within.

Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ Strengthen your conscious awareness of other states beyond the physical, communicate deeply within yourself and learn to trust in your own answers.s

Shanta Gabriel
Dear One,

You are here on this planet to develop yourself fully. When the ancient philosophers stated "Know Thyself," they were talking about the power of Self-awareness. This means not just one's consciousness of the physical, or even of the mental and emotional selves. To truly know oneself means a real discernment of your self as a multi-dimensional being.  

You have the power within you to know planes of reality beyond the three-dimensional world in which you live. In fact, developing an awareness of these other states creates a link to the joy and love so many are seeking. These qualities you truly desire in life are beyond the physical plane. They exist in the expanded state of consciousness that is your bond with God, the Source of your very being. To commune within your self is to find these qualities. It requires a willingness to see beyond your outer self, and to take the time necessary to create a conscious awareness of the love and light within you.

Natalie Glasson ~ Master Kuthumi ~ Part 1 intentions for Ascensionna

Part 1 Intentions for Ascension
by Master Kuthumi
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 15th July 2016 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Everything you do, think, feel, experience, embody, give and receive is a part of your golden pathway to the divine. You are a blessed being, as is every soul on the Earth and the inner planes. You are blessed because you are born onto the Earth to create for yourself and experience a golden pathway to the divine. Everything has already been arranged for you by your soul; your mission is to discover your golden pathway and your golden being, to wash away illusion to realise that you are already walking a blessed pathway on the Earth which continues and extends into and beyond the inner planes. This is not to activate or strengthen your ego; it is to humbly recognise the essence of truth that continues to exist within your being. Your golden pathway to the divine aligns with your inner essence of truth meaning you can never move in the wrong direction; you are always taking a direct pa thway to the Creator. The inner essence of truth within your being energises and fuels your golden pathway to the divine; this is why when you recognise your truth within, you feel as if you are being guided upon the Earth in a direction you may not have imagined for yourself, and yet it is deeply fulfilling. Every person upon the Earth now is recognising their golden pathway to the divine because of a greater growing sensitivity to their inner essence. Your golden pathway although created by your soul and soul group is constantly being renewed by your inner essence of truth, which means you are always in complete alignment with the Creator, your purpose upon the Earth and your inner exploration. Nothing is out of place, everything is co-creating harmoniously, there is simply a need for you to recognise this, in doing so you are recognising your ascension process which is in truth a self-realisation/ Creator realisation.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Advanced Arcturian Lecture Series--Arcturians through Sue Lie 7-13-16

Important Points from the latest
Advanced Arcturian Lecture Series

The Arcturians - through Sue Lie

Dear Readers,
There are so many wonderful points made by the Arcturians that I wanted to share some of them. Also, then you will better understand the Arcturian message in the next AALS, Advanced Arcturian Lecture Series, which will be offered in August.)

The illusion of perceiving yourselves as “ONLY third dimensional beings” is leaving the consciousness of more and more people. That illusion arose from the fear that maybe you “weren’t good enough” to be that higher version of your SELF.

Lisa Renee ~ Timelines Shift


Dear Ascending Family,

We are nearing a time of more visible and tangible changes for the planet and for the collective consciousness of humanity.  For those of us who are able to participate consciously in this process, these changes are very encouraging, even as the workload feels like it is increasing. For those who are not able to consciously participate, they will be participating none-the-less.  As planet Earth shifts her station of identity and moves into her soul embodiment, all those who keep their bodies will make this transition with her.  We may soon witness a collective Dark Night of the Soul, as humanity unknowingly moves onto a higher frequency platform, causing all that has been unseen, unhealed, and unintegrated to bubble to the surface.  As chaotic as this may appear in the outer scape, the pressures being applied are essentially supportive. In this newsletter we will delve deeper into the mechanics of this unfolding process, in order to better understand how we might best participate with these changes at both micro and macro levels.

There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world. This has shifted the way the original human race blueprint relays its intelligent information into the collective consciousness fields of earth. When the collective fields shift in this way, it means there has been a frequency shift in the collective agreement that impacts the overall consciousness evolution on the planet, therefore, the Timelines Shift.

Brenda Hoffman ~ Is Earth on Your Shoulders?

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s July 8, 2016, channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at  The fear expressed via your media, politicians, friends and family is as predicted. For 3D structures wouldn’t collapse if fear and pain were occurring in bits and pieces instead of almost daily. Each of you has a personal puzzle piece that won’t become part of New Earth if you follow shoulds instead of your joy. 
“Focus” is the title of this week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
You no longer need to carry the world on your shoulders.
Many of you are experiencing a heaviness you cannot attribute to happenings in your life. You are trying to understand why you cannot shake or shift sadness that is so deeply ingrained in you that you feel hopeless, angry and fearful.

Sandra Walter ~ Immaculate Perception: The Lens of the New Self Jul 11, 2016


Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,
As the second wave of 2016 levels out, we are able to breathe, regroup and adjust ourselves to this new level of light, and new level of Self. Much is revealed with these waves; the choices of our highest path, highest joy and highest integrity. Follow the energy, beloveds. The purpose of these frequencies is to reveal the higher truth, to purge disharmony, and fully support the Ascension. Internal discord or difficulties in your lifestream cannot be explained away as *intended to reveal the dark. This is about the collective as well as the personal purging of what does not align with the higher dimensional expression Gaia. As always, when you personally clear what does not serve any longer, by actively making choices of a higher vibration, you affect the collective ability to release, disclose, and ascend.
Integrating the merge between lower and higher selves becomes easier now. The second wave brought intense realignment, and revelations of the higher vibrational ease of the higher 5D/6D Self. We experience this in our Wednesday Unity Meditations; the ease and grace of the Christ consciousness, amplified by the collective trigger of intention. As we trust our heart center compass to direct this journey, the lower self/old self agendas have no power. We are given a great gift this year; the ability to merge with our Higher self in a stronger, clearer and more consistent way than ever before. for many this year will bring a permanent shift to Higher consciousness; the solar Cosmic Christed state of our Higher levels. Our focus is on that new perception; the perception of the Higher Self is Immaculate, pure, unaffected by the lower timelines. This Immaculate Perception is our safety net, our activation, and a Gateway to a permanent shift of consciousness.