
Friday, December 30, 2016

Selacia ~Tips for Beginning the New Year

-Start 2017 with Hope-
by Selacia
Right now is a perfect time to set the energetic tone for how you want to begin 2017. This is done with consciousness and intention, your purposefully deciding what kind of experience you want to have. Yes, there is a lot of very strange stuff happening out there in the world, but you can consciously choose your responses.

One example is hope. At the core of your being, you are hopeful and filled with light. This part of you can move through any challenge and remain confident that everything will be okay. This response of hope has a palpable energy. It lifts you up and gives you courage to prevail and persist. It helps you to succeed, and to see success even in so-called failure. When you connect with hope in a grounded spiritual way, it is like an elixir from the heavens. 

Message from Yeshua and Mary Magdalene ~ “We Walk With You….” ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda

yeshua-marymagdalene-mercedeskirkel-comYeshua and Mary Magdalene:
The passage of your Linear time and the revealing of higher (ascension) timelines brings substance to your new world in ways of such high quality and essence. Beloveds, we come before you today to bring you our Love in concert and merging of the divine feminine and divine masculine which is the template of your soul and highest manifestation of reality for you in this beautiful time of expanded Christ Consciousness in the Hearts of all mankind.
In the blending of our energies we exhibit and exemplify the ultimate manifestation of your potential and possibility as a Divine Human living on this earth in complete embodiment of your divine blueprint – the complete embodiment of your Solar Christ Consciousness, of Pure Source embodiment.

Natalie Glasson ~ Ascension Tools for 2017 and Beyond by the Celestial White Beings

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 29th December 2016 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Transitions of any form require the embodiment and acceptance of love; the purest vibration of love from the Creator. The Creator’s love awakens your entire being, increasing the flow of the Creator’s universe through your being, releasing illusions and allowing true remembrance of the Creator to dawn. Love of the purest vibration and intention is a tool to assisting you in aligning your entire being to all that is the Creator. It is, therefore, valuable at this time of ascension to encourage yourself to recognise the wealth of unconditional Creator love that exists within your being, emanating from your soul through your higher heart chakra and heart chakra, in truth every aspect of your being. Recognising the love present within your being now will support you in realising that throughout 2016 you have been consciously or unconsciously absorbing love and aligning yoursel f with your inner love and Creator love. You will then be able to honour the love within your being and use it to aid the next stage of your ascension.

Linda Robinson ~ Archangel Zadkiel ~ Inner peace during change

January 2017 Message




Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Archeia Holy Amethyst, along with a Host of the Angelic Realm of Light, and we greet you in Love.  Today, we wish to discuss maintaining inner peace during change.

Many changes are occurring on your planet.  These may range from changes in your personal life to changes in the country in which you live to global and planetary changes.  Whatever the circumstance, whenever a change occurs, the energy in your own personal energy field can be affected by the vibrational shifts around you.  These may be pleasing if you like the change, or they may be more difficult if you did not want the change.  Maintaining inner peace during the change will allow you to adjust to the change and flow with it more easily.

COCREATING A NEW PARADIGM FOR 2017 by Patricia Cota-Robles

January 1, 2017 = 1-1-1 to January 11, 2017 = 1-11-1 or 11:11

As we birth the New Year 2017, Awakening Humanity and the Company of Heaven have set the stage for a paradigm shift that will allow the masses of Humanity to transcend the negativity that has been pushed to the surface for purification during the shocking and tumultuous events that occurred in 2016. I know that may sound too good to be true, but that is only because we have forgotten the Truth of who we are and why we are on Earth during this auspicious time. Please read this entire newsletter with an open heart and mind and ask your I AM Presence to reveal to you YOUR vitally important part in this facet of the Divine Plan for 2017. You are powerful beyond your knowing and the time for you to express your Divine Potential is NOW!

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - December 24, 2016

The latest guidance from the Galactics, Earth Elementals, Ascended Masters, Faery Elders, and Angelic Beings known as the Collective:

Greetings, Light Bearers!

We are thankful for your presence on the Earth now, and thankful for this opportunity to speak with you in this beautiful time, whether you name it as the time of Solstice or Advent or Hanukkah or Kwanzaa, or simply the turning of the old year into the new.

We would again encourage you to turn away from news reports as much as possible, as they are designed to distract you from your rich and powerful inner nature and capabilities, and keep you feeling helpless under a torrent of world events that you are told you have no power over.

In this time of new birth, of release and renewal, we ask that you concentrate inwardly—with your heart even more than your mind—on everything beautiful and good that has come into your life over the past year or more.

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Diciembre ~ Cerrando y Eligiendo..

Inline image 1
translated by Gloria Mühlebach
Queridos, ¡hemos llegado finalmente a diciembre!! !!Qué viaje ha sido este año!!

Diciembre es la finalización de un ciclo de 9 y la completación de 3 fases.
Como he compartido en mi mensaje previo, desde un punto de vista energético el 26 de diciembre del 2016 es el marcador y el punto de relieve de esta fase para todos nosotros, y para este planeta. ¿Qué es lo siguiente? No lo puedo decir, pues lo estamos haciendo y creando nosotros mismos en el AHORA. 

Pero lo que puedo decir es que se me ha dado un gran vislumbre de las energías de diciembre, y lo que resalta primero y antes que nada son las decisiones y las elecciones que tomemos. Como estamos terminando y completando un ciclo de 9 años y una onda de 3 fases, tenemos que decidir qué nos vamos a llevar consigo y qué dejaremos atrás PARA SIEMPRE. 

Sandra Walter ~ Gateways of Transformation: New Realities Step Forth Dec 23, 2016


Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~
This is a powerful consciousness-shifting passage, and the next two weeks will be quite potent. Many are already receiving higher levels of the photonic codes, as the Galactics and our Higher levels weave this light gently, steadily into the collective consciousness via pure conduits.
Gatekeepers and the Galactics have called forth the influx of dimensional-shifting, consciousness-shifting frequencies which will affect those choosing Crystalline/Christ/Unity consciousness embodiment. This is why so many experienced a powerful clearing during the last Gate (December 15-16). While the light hit the physical structure hard (most likely your right side, as a physical representation of the release of the old patriarchal structures), it prepared us for the massive influx we are aligning with for the final Gateways of 2016. We continue to open these Ascension gateways and the Solar aspects of the grids and Gaia. Feel free to call this forth and add your permission/intention to this acceleration.

Anna Merkaba ~ Happy Holidays & Happy New Year – 2017 a Year of Opportunity, Abundance and Love!

Greetings My Dear Beautiful, Magnificent and Precious Beings of Light!
Today I would like to take a moment to wish all of you a phenomenal holiday season and a Magical New Year ahead! A year that promises to bring an influx of fantastic energies and align us with outstanding opportunities to make manifest that which is unmanifest! To truly tune into the realms of manifestation, and bring this knowledge onto the earthly planes of existence to be utilized by all. 2017 is a year of new beginnings, changes and opportunities.

Brenda Hoffman ~ Understanding Power Mongers

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s December 16, 2016, channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at   My next channel will be Friday, December 30.    Your internal judgments and comforts are shifting rapidly now for you’re discovering the skills of your new segments. Don’t worry about shifts in your external world for you’re addressing that en masse during sleep time. Your judgments and comfort levels are your focus now. Even though it may seem as if your internal and external worlds are falling apart, in truth, they are being created anew at the request of your new segments.
“Freedom for You and Me” is the title of this week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
Perhaps you feel little different from yesterday or last week. Such will not continue. For you added segments just days ago that are likely beyond your comprehension.
The segments you added are the revolutionary, strong, not always morally correct pieces that once pushed you to the forefront in a fear-based world – those pieces you have tried to negate ever since.
All of you have been extremely powerful in other earth lifetimes for you were preparing for this lifetime, this transition. You needed to know from within the powers you held in a fear-based world. So it is that strong piece(s) is now within you.
Perhaps that thought frightens you for you have ‘dummied-down’ that segment(s) because of the shame and guilt that resulted. Yet, that power segment(s) was appropriate for the times.

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Puerta del 21 al 27 /diciembre/ 2016 ~ ¡Den el Salto!

Translation by Gloria Mühlebach

Bendiciones, Tribu del Amor,y benditos Saludos de Solsticio:

El movimiento de lo viejo a ser liberado y deportado ha sido iniciado por la última luna llena de este mes. 
El Universo nos despoja de todo lo que ya no es necesario. No se lo pueden llevar consigo. Están a mano decisiones y elecciones por medio de auto entendimientos. Ahora, entrando a la puerta del solsticio, ¡vamos a encontrarnos en un viaje loco de conciencia!  Las energías solares están trabajando como medios de afinación de nuestro ADN y sistema nervioso, reconectándonos de nuevo con el nivel más auténtico del YO que PODEMOS SER en este momento.  Preparándonos mediante este portal del solsticio para el punto final del 26 de diciembre – el final del ciclo de 9 años y la onda de 3 fases ~ la Puerta de conclusión y completamiento. íDen el salto!!

Yo estoy experimentando un periodo de emociones más profundas y detoxicación en el plano mental y emocional.  Para variar, esto 
es reconocido muy instantáneamente y liberado también muy instantáneamente. He notado que cuando sucede alguna situación que usualmente disparaba estas emociones, ahora, tras esta desintoxificación emocional, me siento vacía e insensible en vez de sentir las emociones usuales que me irritaban en ese sentido. Soy despojada de ellas inmediatamente, por lo que no queda nada más a dispararse. Permanezco muy calmada, insensible, como si estuviera en otra burbuja. A la gente a mi alrededor esto le parece como si me sintiera apática, e inclusive yo lo siento así en cierto sentido.  Puedo ver un gran movimiento a mi entorno y en la vida de quienes están cercanos a mí. Situaciones seriamente agitadas a veces, y distorsiones. Todo es la finalización de los contratos, por eso hay tanto saliendo a la superficie para ser finalizado y liberado de una vez por todas. .  

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Gateway 21 - 27 December 2016 ~ take the leap!

Blessings Love Tribe and blessed Solstice Greetings,

The movement of the old to be released and deported has been initiated by the last Full Moon of this month. Everything will be stripped off by the Universe of what you no longer need. You can't take it with you, this time it is very strong. Decisions, choices through self realizations are at hand. Now entering the Solstice Gateway we are in for a wild ride in consciousness! Solar energies working as fine tuning tools in our DNA and nerve system, rebooting our brain system and returning us back to the most authentic level of Self we CAN BE at this now moment. Gearing up through this Solstice portal towards the end marking of December 26, 2016 ~ The end cycle of the 9 year cycle and 3 phase wave ~ the conclusion and completion Gateway.  Take the leap!!

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ All of your choices Echo throughout time without any resistance at all

When the soul demands a saline solution to its troubled heart it digs deep into the Wellspring of the past releasing emotional pressures that push from the inside out like a child wanting to be birthed. As one swims in the ocean of Tears one comes to a point of emptiness. A very low tide of self reveals what was hidden beneath the saline Solutions of the inner sea. All is bare and rough from the inner seeing. The bumps The Grinds what has gone kaput is revealed at the low tide of self and soul. A smoothness of nature is what one seeks to come in harmony with all aspects of the self that living are within this dimensional flux. 

When the emotional Tides of earth surges from unknown stimulus then that event is felt through out all Dimensions, all time and all space. In any given event of emotional surge there is a equilibrium that comes forth as that emotion is distributed throughout the different emotional  water levels of existence.  At the point of complete emptiness comes pause, a sign that the tide has moved out and the emotions no longer are surging. Water as a liquid element distributes itself accordingly to its own need ebb and flow.


Ascension Mastery channeled message through Rev.Christine Meleriessee Hayden, Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. 
“As the earth is now upon the entryway of the December Solstice, it brings to Light what has been Dark in all things.” ~ Lord Metatron
This is Lord Metatron at your service to bring forth understanding of the present energies of yet another season that will be experienced upon the Earth.
It does not matter where you are physically located in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere. Each element around the earth is going to be feeling the effects of this magnificent light storm arriving into Gaia.
As the Winter Solstice represents bringing Light into a Dark year, it allows for the transference of energies to be felt far and wide. As the Summer Solstice represents the Light being the focal point for the Darkness that has been experienced through this past season. So as you see it doesn’t relate to where you are living, but how you allow yourself to be blessed by the incoming light frequencies.

Anna Merkaba ~ Today is a VERY SPECIAL DAY! 12.21.16

resurrection_of_gaiaGreetings Everyone! Today is a VERY SPECIAL DAY. 4 years ago on 12.21.12 something magnificent has happened, a day where a number of souls were drawn together into a meditative state to open a gateway of 12.21.12. A gateway that has allowed tremendous influx of light energies to filter through onto earth and help raise GAIA’s frequencies. On that day, many have begun to awaken.
A few months after this portal, I have received a message that we would have a 4-year window of opportunity to make this shift happen for an even greater number of souls. A 4-year window which would allow GAIA to make a giant leap of consciousness from one frequency to another, and along with her millions of souls would be able to do the same. And so, equipped with unconditional love for all of humanity, all of GAIA, our deepest faith and trust in the Divine, we have begun our journey.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016


December 19, 2016
With your help, as we move into the full embrace of this very powerful December 21stSolstice and the unified celebrations this year of Christmas and Hanukkah, the Gift of Light that was given to Humanity by Beloved Mother Mary on December 12, 2016 at 12:00 noon will be greatly amplified for every person on Earth. This Divine Blessing from Mother Mary is preparing each and every one of us at a cellular level to withstand the influx of Light that will bathe the Earth during the first eleven days of 2017. 

This Gift from Mother Mary was given to Humanity during a Global Activity of Light that I was blessed to facilitate with Jacklyn Johnston during her wonderful online program, You During that Cosmic Moment on December 12th, the day dedicated to the Virgin of Guadalupe, thousands of people all over the world participated with us LIVE and thousands more have experienced this wondrous opportunity by listening to the REPLAY.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Illumination and Inspiration from Mother Mary on Divine Grace ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda

piccredit.archives.firstcontactgroundcrewteam.comMother Mary:
Divine Grace is infinitely bestowed on all who hold this beautiful divine quality within their hearts and minds in purification and with Love for all within you and without you. My dear beloveds, I embrace you all with my Love and Grace and walk with you further into the beautiful 5th dimensional Light.
Behold the exquisite colors and ambiance of this sparkling 5th dimension as you adapt and nestle into it as your pervading truth. I AM your escort and support in this, dear ones. Walk with confidence and know that you are clearing all that no longer resonates with this beautiful new precious reality that you are entering into with each breath of Love and Grace you allow to sustain you.

Brenda Hoffman ~ Surprising New Segments

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s December 16, 2016, channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at   My next channel will be Friday, December 30.    Your internal judgments and comforts are shifting rapidly now for you’re discovering the skills of your new segments. Don’t worry about the shifts in your external world for you’re addressing that en masse during sleep time. Your judgments and comfort levels are your focus now. Even though it may seem as if your internal and external worlds are falling apart, in truth, they are being created anew at the request of your new segments.
“Freedom for You and Me” is the title of this week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
Perhaps you feel as if nothing is right, even though nothing is wrong. You are betwixt and between. The expected is not what you expect and the unexpected continues to happen.
This confusion is directly related to your inner-being. For you are undergoing a transition different from what you expected. You most likely thought that you would awake one day a different person of a different frequency or dimension. That all would be achieved without much effort on your part.

Paige Hall Ferraro ~ Solstice special radioshow

♥ Holiday Greetings Beautiful Souls! ♥ 

It truly feels like "yesterday" whereas I was sending a newsletter for Solstice greetings last December 2015 and announcing a show with two Ascension Guides whom I had taken great faith in.   So much has changed, beloveds.  Here WE are about to complete the "BEginning of the End"  as I call it in this 9 year cycle and there is just so much monumental emotion, tears, clearing and clarity as We approach this Solstice gateway.  The energies are just massive in their impact on each and all of us. I honestly do not know anyone who has not been impacted by the intensity of the influx of Light which is propelling us further into our descension, merging our Lightbodies within the physical vessel which we call Humanity.  If you are feeling an urgency to complete relationships, locations, ideals, programs and all that which was fixed, please know that this is the END of this 3D living and WE all Knew this was it.

I clearly remember the bliss I felt during the December 2012 Solstice Gateway.  The channels were clear coming in through the soul star and stellar/galactic centers.   So, here WE GO, Light Family.  What does that mean exactly...I always have this sense of retraction within when another wayshower says, what else is there?  Oh but there is always MORE....and there always WILL BE!  This week of the Solstice includes Mercury into Retrograde and a big bang of Light incoming....which is truly breaking off the crusty edges that remain.  

Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - December 16, 2016

A Message to Lightworkers - December 16, 2016
The latest guidance from the Galactics, Earth Elementals, Ascended Masters, Faery Elders, and Angelic Beings known as the Collective:

Greetings, Light Bringers!
We are glad to have this opportunity to speak with you today.
We see many things occurring in your world that indicate not the closing of doors, but the opening of them—doors long shut and hidden from view.

You may feel that once again, the Truth of the matter has not had its day, whether it is one catastrophe or historic event or another, or something you yourself are experiencing.
Yet we are able to assure you that the Spirit of Truth has arrived upon the planet, and that the current astrological alignments, Galactic presence, and rising consciousness of Gaia and Her people, are all lining up unprecedented change and renewal, worldwide.

Nathalie Glasson ~ Fulfilling Your Needs with the Intentions of Your Soul by the Andromedans

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 16th December 2016 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

We, the Andromedans, come forth as a reflection of the truth that exists within your being. We honour your existence upon the Earth, wishing to add our energy and support to all that you create. Allow yourself to accept our light as it flows forth to you with love and blessings.
We, the Andromedans, wish to encourage you to recognise that you are a powerful being of creation. Your essence was created by the Creator forming an intention and then nurturing and embodying the intention until a manifestation took place. Your essence was born from the creation of the Creator, which means that you can manifest and create upon the Earth in a similar way. As a powerful being of creation, you have the ability to co-create with the vibrations of the Creator to manifest your needs and desires on the Earth. Fulfilling the needs and desires of yourself and soul is an essential aspect of your spiritual evolution. To co-create with the Creator and your soul, there is a need for you to form with your conscious mind or receive from the Creator or your soul an intention of what you wish to experience or manifest. Once an intention is accepted, then a process of embodiment takes place, where you become the energy of that which you wish to manifest. Through the process of your intention synthesising with your entire being, you manifest the energy of creation which holds all the codes, templates and in truth everything that is necessary to manifest your intention. It is the energy of creation formed that becomes your reality and experience, reprogramming your entire being to be in alignment with your intention.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ From Your Hostess Of Light

As we move forward in the dimensional fields of inquiry and out of the 2016 flux zone we come to a place of reckoning. Reckoning is defined as the time when one is called to account for ones actions, to pay debts or to fulfill ones promises or obligations and settle accounts. This is not a one lifetime accumulation, but eons of time has come to a head and stops at your feet. The end of this year is a perfect time to clear out what no longer fits who you are in this time and place. Clear out the skeletons, the armor, the loves, and the hates.
Dimensional flux can be pretty nasty stuff pushing us into the gutter of self-asking how did I get here? LikeAlice in not-so-wonderland you will not feel as if you do not belong in some circumstances that choose to clear. Feeling Like you are a stranger in a strange land becomes stronger in scent, as you make your way thru your life like a time traveler on a booze excursion. Of course you feel like you have jet lag, of course you are dizzy and disoriented, you dear ones are surfing thru time without even knowing you are at the airport.
Like going to bed in Alaska and waking up in Hawaii, human senses are upside down as they readjust akin to a google app gone askew.  As above so below also goes for inner and outer earth as barricades are defrosted enough to let the ancient civilizations ‘be heard’. Are those civilizations

Lisa Renee ~ Violating Laws of Nature

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor lisa renee

Dear Ascending Family,

This month we are attempting to comprehend the social engineering that shapes earth based human culture into an anti-human, anti-life or death culture.  Until we have an accurate assessment of where this is coming from, we cannot take responsibility for our part in it, or shift out of it into true freedom and conscious co-creation.  It has recently become clear that all crimes against humanity perpetrated in this last cycle, will be known on the higher planes and intergalactic communities. Those who operate behind the scenes with impunity on earth, who feel above the Natural Law, are on record. May we be supported in moving toward greater disclosure and truth, while embodied here, to support the full realignment with the Natural Laws of this Universe, both individually and collectively.

Upon deeper reflection, most people have some intrinsic awareness about the Natural Laws and the consequences of actions that occur when Violating Laws of Nature.  Most people will follow Natural Laws as plain common sense in order to avoid pain, such as knowing that if they ignore the Law of Gravity, and step off a cliff, it is highly likely they will cause pain to themselves or die, or that if they disregard the Law of Thermodynamics and touch a hot stove, they will burn their hand and it will hurt. As a result of these immediate and dire consequences of cause and effect, people follow the Natural Laws most of the time in their day to day, and they do not need an authority to tell them to follow these laws to ensure compliance. However, when the cause and effect of a natural law is not immediately recognized or understood, because it is separated by time and space for a length of time, many people easily Violate the Laws of Nature and ignore the consequences of doing so. If the human population could comprehend that repeatedly Violating the Laws of Nature is directly associated with the destructive consequences of the long-term cause and effect of co-creating with the anti-human or death culture that currently displays the massive pain and suffering in our world, would we take steps to stop it?

Ailia Mira ~ December Solstice & the Emerging Potentials

Divine Ones, we greet you in celebration!
We greet you in love but we also greet you today in celebration. The December Solstice is approaching and this time of celebration is so appropriate given your expansion and the emerging potentials for humanity! 
We greet you in celebration!W are celebrating your recent shifts, your recent decisions, your choices and your focus on aligning with your own higher consciousness.
We have seen a lot of devotion around this and about this we have that to say, Bravo! Brava! We celebrate you! So much brilliant joy is surging through so many of you more often as you make these simple direct choices to be who you want to be and love yourself as you are now and feel empowered in the present, and claim your ability to choose what this moment is for you, as energy.
We see so much opening up in your realm because of your many shifts. You are raising the vibration of your planet as you raise your vibration. Don't you love that? Well, if you were focused on raising the vibration of the planet, you'd be struggling because you're attempting to do something that's not sovereign, but when you raise your vibration through your own intention to be in sovereign alignment with all you are, through your own alignment, the vibration of the planet rises. Subtle, but powerful.

Kara ~Schallock ~ Winter Soulstice 2016 - 17-Dec-2016


As we head into the Soulstice, realize it is big and will affect everyone. We are ending much duality and separation and preparing to fully embrace Unity and our sovereignty. Every year we have taken a step forward and are more than ready to fully step into our mastery. It is a sacred and powerful time. Step by step we have seen what does not serve us and have released it; thereby integrating more Light and Love into our being. We will continue to refine, continue to release and continue to evolve. We have an opportunity to ground our New Selves, leaving behind much disorientation, confusion and physical rearranging. So continue to keep your thoughts and feelings high and focused on being Love. We will also see a resurgence of creating anew our visions and purpose.
2016 has done a lot for us; even when it felt as if we were in such darkness and chaos. We now have an opportunity to bring to completion all that we have been working on. Still, it is important not to have wishes, expectations or attachments as to how it should look. Instead, stay in the Moment while you continue to take just one step at a time. In this way, you are guided. Do not project your desires onto the future, but allow it to unfold by itself. Besides, anything you project is based on past experiences or from your intellect and is always limited. Divine Order knows what it's doing. This may feel so different from the past, where we controlled, made things happen and did not trust ourselves to be carried forward (as in advertising or marketing). As each of us commits and trusts Divine Order, we allow the miracles to occur. This is true Faith. This is Surrender to what is, which always heightens our consciousness and creates our life. Observe and take a step toward that which is joyful and easy. Continue to release the past, so the New can take its place in your life. Release your comfort zone and allow yourself to be uncomfortable. Discomfort is because we are trying to hold onto the past or project our past into our future instead of trusting the process. If you feel unmotivated, discouraged or tired, realize that this is preparing you for what's ahead. What's ahead is what you create.

Sandra Walter ~ Unity Meditations: Join us on SUNday


Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,
Our Unity Meditations continue this SUNday.
Our Divine Team and Higher Levels are directing us to unify in larger numbers for the powerful December – January passage. Embrace your Wayshower Self and do the good work, right now.
Gatekeepers, Gridworkers and Lightworkers: We unite to assist with healing, empowering and balancing the HUman heart grid. Healing experiences, activations, expansions, and deeper integrations have been reported with these meditations. Let us unite our collective intentions for peace, harmony and walking through this acceleration with ease and grace.