
Monday, July 31, 2017


Pure Ascension Mastery Training

Pure Ascension Mastery Training

Ascended Master Spiritual Channeling Message with Lord Saint Germain and Lady Master Lady Portia, Ray Chohan of the 7th Ray of Ceremonial Order & Discipline (the Violet Purple Flame), share their expertise of Learning How to Own Your Power in Order to Embrace Your Oneness using the Wisdom of the Soul, transmitted by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden – Integrative Channel of Walking Terra Christa.

Greetings and Love to you,

I Am Lord Saint Germain, Mahachohan of the Rays of God, to help each of you to understand that the process of allowing your Mental and Emotional bodies to work in unison to bring forth the acceptances of your Inner Power to be shown in your outer world, is one that is extremely complex. This is due to the fact that within your physical self you may not have the ability to truly take yourself into the depths of your psychological self, which is the gateway to truly being One within all of your selves, meaning your Physical, Etheric, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual bodies of light.

Understanding all aspects of your full body system is not something that is easily accessed within your physical consciousness. That is why it is imperative to take time to reflect through deep meditations to allow all of these bodies to work in unison.

This is the pathway of Mastery and it can only be achieved by accepting the fact that you, as the physical self, do not have all of the answers.

That is why as an Initiate, you must go through the steps of Self Realization by learning how to see not only with your physical eye and mind but to perceive through the actualization of your challenges to become the new reality that you want to embody.

Marilyn Raffaele ~ The Arcturian Group ~ JULY 23,2017

Greetings, again we come to give support and love as we witness the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual struggles of so many at this time. Energies flowing to earth have become increasingly intense, causing issues normally not problematic to seem much larger and important. You are becoming more sensitive to energy and thus experiencing more of it in ways that would previously have gone unnoticed.
As consciousness becomes Lighter, more refined, and open to the higher frequencies, individual psychic abilities are gradually opening as well, allowing easier accessibility to Light beings, Guides , and even loved ones on the other side. It is simply that new and higher levels of consciousness resonate more closely with the frequencies of the higher dimensions.

Brenda Hoffman ~ Listen to You

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s July 21, 2017, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at Perhaps your loved ones are at a different place than you – so you caretake them because you were trained to do so. Slowing down to care for someone is no longer appropriate for they are as powerful as you even if they haven’t accepted that they are. Those loved ones will never accept their power if you are their caretaker, nor will your light shine brightly. This is a time of personal power – yours and theirs. 
“You’ve Catapulted Yourself” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,

We, of the ethers, have already informed you how far beyond expectations you have progressed, as well as we no longer fully understand what you will create or are capable of.
That last thought is not to frighten you, but for you to understand how much further you traveled than we or anyone thought possible. You are like a self-made millionaire rising from poverty faintly remembering that you once hungered for food and shelter.

Christine Meleriessee Hayden ~ Decree ~ Accepting the Oneness of Myself ~ Archangels Zadkiel & Amethyst


This is our last teaching for Owning Our Power to Embrace Oneness of Self Parenting Steps 6 and 7 along with the Metatronic Seals for Ascension Mastery Training. For this journey we first visited the City of Telos within the Agartha Network to experience the Light Ray Center with Lord Adama. We then travel to the Golden Etheric City of Fronlahamm (residing over Atlanta, Georgia & North Carolina) bringing forth the 7th Ray of Ceremonial Order & Discipline with Archangels Zadkiel & Amethyst. This is the decree for this class.

Lord Adama, the High Priest of Telos surprised us by sharing that there is a special area within Telos that has been under construction called the Light Ray Center. This center houses 22 temples of light that represent each of the 22 Rays of God. The reason they have designed this village of temples is so that individuals can experience each of the rays separately that are aligned with the 22 Etheric Cities that reside in the 5th dimensional earth.
The main temple is called the COSMIC GATEWAY which represents the 22nd Ray of Divine Oneness in the Flame of Platinum. It is aligned with the Etheric Golden City of Havalancheiee which resides over Mount Shasta. This temple also connects with the other 23 temples that are strategically placed around the Cosmic Gateway.

Selacia ~ Love Secrets in Your DNA Akashic Records


The power of love to bring people together and create a lasting bond is without question one of the most amazing magnetic forces at work in relationships. Have you ever wondered how you could have been attracted to someone, or stayed with someone, when he or she didn't fit your idea of the perfect match? Likewise, have you wondered why you are still single or why the person supposedly perfect for you left with no explanation? Continue reading to understand some of the "why" of such things, learning how specific answers can be found in your DNA akashic records.

Why Love Often Doesn't Make Sense

For starters, know that love quite often doesn't make sense when your reference point is the conventional world and society norms. Love can seem illogical and unmanageable from that reference point. Love can't be negotiated, after all. It can't be put in a box or manipulated.

Love is a living energy that one can only fully appreciate from a holistic big-picture point of view. This larger view includes subtle forces that bring two people together. These forces are quantum, vast, and interconnected on a soul level. 

Ailia Mira ~ The Council of Radiant Light ~ How Your Experience Comes About

Hello Divine Ones,
It's good to be with you. We see that as we converse with you upon your capacity to create your experience through intentional use of your focus, some of you are starting to relate to your life with a increasing sense of curiosity.
Curiosity is a beneficial perspective to have toward anything - because it opens up your sense of possibility. Some of you are already starting to consider that you might be able to accomplish things you hadn't thought of before, and this is a really nice thought to think.
Allow yourself right now to consider that you could actually accomplish a state of thriving that you never before considered.
Just allow yourself to think that thought right now, “I might be capable of accomplishing a state of thriving and well-being, that I've never before considered possible.”

April Bender ~ The Re-Unification of Worlds Intensifies

April Bender via integrated Overself

Another year has passed, another arc on the grand spiral of time. Your (April's) spirit/essence has lengthened profoundly in breadth as well as height and depth. It has been an expansive year and one of deep integration, and joyful alignment. A time of receiving from Spirit and nourishing Soul unlike any other. You are no longer you, as you have grown/expanded beyond identity, beyond human description, beyond light/dark, beyond form, beyond many such illusory boundaries – while still contained within a human vessel. You have reclaimed the knowledge, the wisdom, the truth contained within the deepest parts of Self, your ancestral blood, your connection to Gaia, Source/Creator, and your connection to worldly and otherworldly allies, seen and unseen (heavenly and planetary). You have served as a bridge, a friend, a code bringer, collaborator, and healer between worlds and as a result, have restored your sense of empowerment, strength, vitality,  inner calm, and sense of belonging on this planet.

This is every human's divine birthright and intended role, though many still struggle to break through the fog (the counter influences and illusions both internal/external), and claim it. But this is indeed what the collective is striving toward. Not only the reintegration and healing of fragmentation and separation, but also the healing of relationships throughout the Web of Life in order to restore greater harmony between worlds. And to be candid, this is the only thing slowing down the actualization of the new paradigm, the ascended Earth experience, or the re-enchantment/sacralization of the world. Everything else has been given and continues to be gifted.

Sandra Walter ~ Crystalline Grid Amplification: The Now Preparations Jul 27, 2017

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~
Our sacred passage of the August Gateway (August 3 – 25) will be stepping up in intensity as Gatekeepers unite on SUNday July 30 for a global amplification/opening for this powerful passage. Join the Unity Meditations on SUNday to connect with this activity and the highest intentions of peace, acceleration and Ascension. We welcome every heart in service to unify in this field of Pure Light to assist the global collective.
The Cosmic Trigger last SUNday, which involved the Cosmic Stargates for the third time this year, sent a massive Solar blast toward Mars. Interaction with these stargates will pick up in August. Remember this is a Universe-wide operation utilizing massive influxes of Divine Intervention and Divine LoveLight.

Kara Schallock ~ Evolving More - 30-Jul-2017

We are and have been in a powerful transition in the last month especially. (Of course, we have been transitioning from the old to the New for a very long time...lifetimes.) We have been preparing in the last month for the eclipses and the 8-8-8. Eight is symbolic for Power, so expect a leap up in your personal Power, which means that you take Responsibility for all in your life. There is no acting small or deciding something or someone else is to blame for any perceived shortcomings you might see yourself having (the Truth is that you have no shortcomings). What makes you happy? Nothing makes you anything. Your Joy is within; your Power is within; your Knowing is within. You need nothing outside of yourself to prove who you are. There is no need; therefore, you're not needy. You are a powerful, sovereign being of Love.

Lauren C. Gorgo ~ Sacred Heart Power : for the Love of Self

In the scheme of things, July has been such an important transition month between the purifying Pentecostal energies of June and the upcoming eclipse energies of August.  In some ways it may have felt as if we’ve been feeling our way forward thru a long, dark, underground corridor, one that has all but prevented us from seeing outside of our personal processing, but the tide is turning again and we are finally catching glimpses of where we’ve been, why, and what all the struggle has been for.
With both Mars and Sun in the emoceanal realm of Cancer all month long, we’ve been called to some serious deep see diving, way down to the core of ourcellves, all in preparation for the next robust celestial events of the year: a partial lunar eclipse on 8-7, the Lion’s Gate on 8-8, and the highly anticipated total solar eclipse on 8-21, all of which takes place in Heart-powered Leo.

Ron Head ~ The Council – Everything is Changing

The Council – Everything is Changing

We will revisit today a familiar topic. As usual, we will impart a bit of insight that may be helpful, and we will lead you to some reasonings that will perhaps be rather new to you.
You are living in a construct that you view as reality. That is, in fact your term for it. Now we have pointed out to you several times in the past that this reality is made up of molecules, atoms, particles, nanoparticles, and finally energy. You live in a field of nothing but energy, and you call your interpretation of it reality.
This interpretation is a construct that you have built up a consensus or mutual agreement about for your entire history. In other words, what you see is what you have agreed to see. You have named shapes. You have named functions. You have named colors and sounds. There is not much in your environment that you have not agreed upon. Well, actually, there is. But you don’t perceive it.


Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Archeia Holy Amethyst, and we greet you in Love and Light. Today, we wish to discuss inner stillness and expanded consciousness.

Higher dimensional energy is continuing to reach your planet. This is occurring along with many changes on a global scale.  You may also be experiencing changes in your immediate vicinity. You may even be questioning what you want the next step on your path to be.

Change is a constant. You may find this uncomfortable, or you may welcome it. Whatever your perspective, when you look for the positive aspects of change, this can help you progress and expand your consciousness.

As you focus on potential outcomes of change that can benefit you as well as others, this brings in a higher vibrational frequency that can help you view new possibilities in expanded consciousness.   

Expanded consciousness often begins with turning inward and being aware of your Divine Spark and an inner stillness that resides there.

Natalie Glasson ~ Understanding and Transforming Experiences of Lack by Lady Quan Yin

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 28th July 2017 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

It is with compassion and grace that I, Lady Quan Yin, come forth to greet you. I bring to you the energies of the Goddess, Ascended Masters and the loving healing of the Board of Karma, my energies are integrated within all of these aspects of the Creator. Today I come forth to guide you to recognise core issues, energies or perceptions within your being which require to be transformed in order to assist you in continuing your ascension process on the Earth. It is a time when the energies anchoring into the Earth are extremely potent and powerful. Therefore, it is easier for all to look deep within their being to create necessary healing and transformations. Gazing within your being to observe your truth and what requires to be realigned with the Creator is the most beautiful process that encourages accelerated spiritual growth.

Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ Strengthen your conscious awareness of other states beyond the physical, communicate deeply within yourself and learn to trust in your own answers.

Shanta Gabriel

Dear One,

You are here on this planet to develop yourself fully. When the ancient philosophers stated "Know Thyself," they were talking about the power of Self-awareness. This means not just one's consciousness of the physical, or even of the mental and emotional selves. To truly know oneself means a real discernment of your self as a multi-dimensional being.

You have the power within you to know planes of reality beyond the three-dimensional world in which you live. In fact, developing an awareness of these other states creates a link to the joy and love so many are seeking. These qualities you truly desire in life are beyond the physical plane. They exist in the expanded state of consciousness that is your bond with God, the Source of your very being. To commune within your self is to find these qualities. It requires a willingness to see beyond your outer self, and to take the time necessary to create a conscious awareness of the love and light within you.

7 30 17 Bill Ballard ~ Lions Gate - Total Solar Eclipse - 30 Years After...

Hey guys.... Are WE there yet? ha!
My Old Timer's Story... 

Much LOVE!

Bill Ballard's (2012) eBook “The Great Awakening” 

Paypal - email:

Alternative news always cited & shared publically on Facebook:

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Natalie Glasson ~ Healing Lack of Trust by Archangel Amethyst

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 21st July 2017 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Angelic blessings flow to you from my being; I am Archangel Amethyst, the twin flame and feminine aspect of Archangel Zadkiel. We are the angelic representative of the 7th Ray of Light. It is our mission to support transformation, purification and the dawning of the divine within all upon the Earth. Through our light and the energy we transmit we assist present moment ascension deep within your being.

I come forth to you with Archangel Faith and Archangel Hope; together we create a trinity of angelic light. Our trinity magnifies the light that we transfer and express to you. Archangel Faith is the twin flame of Archangel Michael while Archangel Hope is the twin flame of Archangel Gabriel. Together we create a powerful source of light transmitting qualities of trust, belief and transformation. We believe that together these energies magnify the divine within you and reawaken your remembrance of your truth.

Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - July 24, 2017

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, Universal Co-Creators!

We greet you in this day before the Mayan calendar’s “Day Out of Time” [July 25], in these days before the August 8 Lion’s Gate, and the Solar Eclipse of August 21.

In these powerful and rather challenging days, your minds and bodies are being prepared to receive downloads of the highest possible frequency of Light data that you are able to receive at present—Light particles that work more powerfully than what has reached your planet in millennia.

It is so that the Lion’s Gate occurs annually, aligning Earth with your Galactic center and the star Sirius. 

Anrita Melchizedek ~ The Temple of Truth and the Sirius Stargate of the Heart

The Temple of Truth and the Sirius Stargate of the Heart ~ Elders July Transmission
July Telewebinar Transmission ~ The Sirian Stargate of the Heart and the Golden Age Temples of Light or 
Mp3 download
Emerald Heart Solfeggio Frequencies by Source Vibration

Welcome sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this month of July as you deepen into the merging timelines of Unity Consciousness and the expansion of Christ Light upon this sacred earth and through the Unity Grid of Divine Love. 

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Méline Portia Lafont ~ July Discounts and Focus on Activation Descending Higher Self


For the month of July, I offer some discounts.  Check them out at the following link: 

The Channeling Course is now also available in Romanian language (Complete course) and is currently at a discount rate in all languages NDL - ENG - ROM
The course is currently being translated in Spanish as well !! Thank you for all your help in this, so that this course is accessible for all.

The month of July I would like to focus on the descending of the higher Self into the Body form on the Physical level.  This is beneficial for all in every way to reclaim the path of abundance within oneself.

With Love

Celia Fenn ~ The Planetary New Year and Lion's Gate July/August 2017

IMG 0214

Beloved Family of Light, you have now reached a time in your year of 2017 when great change is at hand.  We would call this the Great Shift of 2017.  Indeed, as we have said earlier, 2017 is the year of Sacred Planet Earth, and the year of New Beginnings.  The incoming Light Codes of the first half of 2017 have laid the seeds for the rising New Earth Consciousness to manifest on Earth.
We call this New Earth consciousness the “Unified Field” of Higher Consciousness.  It is the new and emerging field of Higher and Multi-dimensional consciousness that is coming into existence around the Planet to create the Multi-dimensional grids for the New Earth.  It is held in the Heart, Soul and Light Body of each person who has made the commitment to Higher Consciousness and Multi-dimensional living.  As these shining beings awaken, and come together, their radiant energy signatures and group energy signatures create the structural grids for the New Earth manifestation.

Sandra Walter ~ The August Eclipse: Metaphoric and Mystical

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~
The August eclipse is deeply esoteric, which is why we are guided to utilize it for complete activation of the New Earth Crystalline grids. A Total Solar eclipse crossing the entire United States is a rare event. In this year of dropping old timelines while simultaneously amplifying the higher timelines of Ascension, this eclipse presents yet another powerful turning point for a palpable external manifestation of what is occurring with the higher light.
Our August Gateway passage opens on August 3, includes the Lion’s Gate on the 8/8, the Total Solar Eclipse on August 21, and extends until August 25. This wave of Light assists us in dissolving realities which do not serve the collective highest interest. It also provides an activation of ancient encodements, structures and intentions set in place for this possible scenario, while lighting up the New Earth/Crystalline Grid networks.

Brenda Hoffman ~ You’ve Catapulted Yourself

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s July 14, 2017, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at  Perhaps you feel you’re not part of the creation team because you can’t create your dreams. You will once you claim your joy – whether that be cleaning house, a walk in the woods or judging others. There are no shoulds in your joy. If judging others is your joy, it will morph to loving others in time. The only rule is to follow your joy wherever that takes you. Self-love + following joy = creation. You can’t make a mistake, nor can you stop yourself from creating UNLESS you refuse to follow your joy.
“You’re Your Creator” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
You are discovering you can no longer hold onto that which you have hidden from yourself for so long.
Perhaps you think that such is as it has been since you initiated your transition – one clearing after another. While that statement has a bit of truth in it, what is happening to most of you now is a deep cleansing that neither you nor we thought possible before you started your current earth journey. For you had much more on your earth ‘to do’ list than a deep cleansing.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ COSMIC INSIGHT for JULY

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor gillian macbeth louthan
The month of July offers us an opportunity to see with the eyes of a sacred geometry with a thousand different angles and patterns. We are asked to look thru all levels and dimensions of emotions into the underlying fragile reefs of self and soul, Very Fragile and in need of our attention. We try so hard to block what hurts, we cushion it anyway we can. Eventually all comes full circle in the karmic Ferris wheel cycle and we come face to face with that which we ran away from. The she crab carries scampers from her truth and runs hither and fro, shielding herself.
In this month of July we come to a holy intersection of time and ancient sacred days that have both an end and a beginning. A great stellar pulse comes forth from our daystar straight into the heart of all mankind. we slowly move step, by step forward like an inch worm, Sidestepping as many issues as possible. Stuffing the emotions with the sweetness, you are not finding in the real world.

Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ Call on us often and picture the wings of Angels enfolding you in Light.

Shanta Gabriel

Dear One,

To call on the Angels does not symbolize weakness, it shows strength. It takes great courage to ask for assistance. There is a thought-form in your society that says you must "do it alone" if you are to be considered responsible and mature. This, however, creates a great burden for you in your world because there is so much to deal with in worldly life. It is not easy to live in an earth body, so assistance is necessary in order to live in a happier, more harmonious way.

You cannot look for answers to life's challenges in the world around you. The answers and the way through are in the higher frequencies available in the light of Truth and Wisdom. This is the light of God's love and it is the comfort offered by the Angels. When you ask for assistance, Light and Love flow to you immediately. This expands your conscious awareness so you can see the greater truth in any situation. This receptivity gives you freedom to act in ways that you know are in your highest good.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ From Your Hostess of Light

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor gillian macbeth louthan

As time unwinds itself like an 8-track tape we all find ourselves up the emotional creek without a paddle or a compass.  We look face to face with our deepest fears, blocks and human so-called weaknesses, as we enter the summer Initiations. The month of July is one of the most powerful months of the year donning costumes and teachings that only a wizard could wear. Everything is asking us to show more light, show more love, show more passion in our undertakings. We have become willy nilly of purpose floating like a jelly fish filled with seaweed entangled thoughts. We have always looked outside of ourselves for answers now we must march to the mad hatters summer beat and go down a few magical rabbit holes, white holes and deep dark black holes in order to secede from the union of who we once thought we were and who we are now destined to be. Our mission, our divine orders have molted as restructuring is assumed.  All the cloaks of invisibility that we have worn thru time now crumble at our feet, spreading themselves across many a mud puddle. This summer we renew our vows with the light, with Earth, with fulfillment. We are asked to let go of the need to change the landscape of another’s learning sequence and first sweep in front of our own cosmic porch which is littered with our own emotional debris and what needs to be loved into a new form. We jump on any excuse to avoid doing what is on our bucket and to do list.  We scamper off like a puppy at a moment’s notice.  We are all running low on emotional energies, like a sweeper that needs plugged in. we get a little life and juice and then we feel drained again. There is a great resistance on the planet to moving toward the eclipses and power days of July and August. Most just want to hide in the sand or an emotional cave. Like vapors from the temple of Delphi and the oracles of old, we cannot escape the next learnings as they are absorbed into every cell of our being, opening passages of old memories. The body bucks the system creating biological fears that come to the surface. We all feel like a part of us is dying, and the humanness gains momentum in fear, creating a cycle of the immune system dropping causing dis-ease whether imaginary or real. When any part of your body mind and soul goes into distress whether from solar flares, family flares, or just plain old stress and worry, immediately send light into that area. Treat it like a scared child and ask what is the matter, what can I do, what is this related to/ past/present future?

Brenda Hoffman ~ You’re Your Creator

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s July 7, 2017, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at  Even though you’re of 5D, there may be fear pieces that remain in your being – not necessarily from this life, but from other lives of the earth or Universes. If you remain in fear at any level, you may choose to take the unpleasant clearing medicine that will create the complete joy life for which you yearn. But we will help you with that clearing once you request our assistance as free will stops us from helping you until you do so. 
“Don’t Let the Boogeyman Get You” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
Have you taken the time to breathe in the light?
Many of you tell yourself that you must do this or that before you enhance your being with the most recent light energies of love and creation.
Step one to any creation is knowing you deserve what you wish. Perhaps that thought does not seem that difficult for you feel you deserve the best of everything. We beg to differ.
You are at a place in which all you desire is waiting to be created. But then, waiting is the operative word in most of your creation statements.

A CALL TO ACTION by Patricia Cota-Robles

JULY 13, 2017

Your I AM Presence has magnetized this information into your sphere of awareness because of who you are and why you are on Earth during this auspicious time. The information that is being shared with you today from the Company of Heaven is something you are very aware of on a higher level of consciousness, but that you may not have been able to remember in this dense physical plane. The Divine Intent of this sharing is to remind you that the time for you to fulfill your purpose and reason for being on Earth is NOW.

What is occurring in the Government of the United States of America and the Governments throughout the World during this Cosmic Moment is a greatly intensified purging that is pushing Humanity’s miscreations to the surface in a way that cannot be ignored. This is occurring in this uncomfortable way in order to motivate you and me and the rest of Awakening Humanity into action. This is a critical step in clearing the way for the global events that will take place during the August Eclipse series. The Beings of Light want all of us to know this Truth, because they are very aware of how difficult the challenges are that Humanity is facing on a daily basis.

Sandra Walter ~ Gateway Preparation: July 13 -17

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~
We are connecting with the Cosmic Stargates today through Monday (July 13-17), with an upcoming collective trigger on July 23. You may have noticed the timeline shifts as this approached; the time-standing-still sensation which occurred in several moments yesterday. Also note the clarity of the SUN has brightened again; let this be reflected in your own heart.

Lisa Renee ~ Grounding Mechanism

Lisa Renee, Energetic Synthesis

Dear Ascending Family,

This month we discuss the fundamental understanding that the Grounding Mechanism for the human and planetary body is reconfiguring into different and higher functions.

Currently there are sweeping changes occurring to the planetary architecture, which are impacting the human body and collective consciousness in a variety of ways, putting stress upon the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual layers in order to adapt to the laws of structure in the next harmonic universe. The world of forces as we have known them on the earth, are fundamentally changing their patterns of movement. Transiting into the next harmonic universe requires that the cellular record, the birth imprint in our lightbody, be altered so that our consciousness is able to synchronize with the higher frequency timeline, or ascending spaces that exist without alien machinery. For some groups the arc of this ascending pathway to evolve beyond 3D earth mind control is longer, for others it is shorter or even happening now. We must transform our consciousness into more loving, kind and unifying thoughtforms, or suffer the consequences of our unconscious actions that pull us down into density like a lead weight. The density of these unconscious forces carry us into the magnetic pull of black force interaction that works like a vacuum, sucking down everything in its path to be dragged into the black void of space.  

Sandra Walter ~ Stargate influx - M-flare - and new video

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Our Cosmic Stargate opening on July 13 provided a long-duration M-class flare event. This influx continues through July 17, and prepares us for our global unification (cosmic trigger) on SUNday, July 23.
Much like the last cosmic stargate opening, the activity is precisely coordinated with the exact moments of interaction during Gatework; how blessed we are to witness the physical affirmation of our connection with the stargates.
Some intense global history was transmuted during this activity; more uncomplimentary secondary timelines and their sources were removed. This is more preparation for the August Gateway, which may feel more imposing as it approaches. Breathe, beloveds. Our collective strength is powerful, consciousness-shifting, peace-making stuff. We got this. Gratitude to all who are actively assisting during these passages of amplification.

Kara Schallock ~ Ongoing Upgrades - 15-Jul-2017

So much is happening! Our cells, DNA and all that we are is accelerating. This brings up all that is notLove. These can be attachments to the old, to others and anything that you think is true, yet isn't. (Illusions.) Our physical bodies are especially feeling this upgrade. This, of course, is absolutely aligned with all we have released mentally and emotionally, as all our bodies are one unit. When experiencing something in the physical, many may label this as “illness;” yet it is important to shift focus from illness to Wholeness. We are wholing and not healing. We are not fixing what is broken; we are evolving all our bodies to be congruent with our Souls. We are not merely restructuring; we are creating anew. Restructuring indicates that we are re-turning to something. We are not returning; we are creating. We are much like the Butterfly. The Butterfly isn't just a caterpillar with wings. In the chrysalis (Christ Consciousness) stage, the entire caterpillar is broken down and from this mush state, new DNA is created. This new DNA thus manifests the Butterfly. And isn't this what we've been doing?
Pay attention to the details while you also honor the big picture. This requires you to stay present. It is only when your attention is not in the Now Moment that details get lost. While you take care of the details (taking care of what is in life to take care of), life is smoother and allows you to focus on the Truth, which is Love, Joy, Ease, Peace and all the Soul Essences. As we focus on the greater Truth, we create the New World, along with creating our New Selves; for what is the New World? It is an expression of us. 

Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - July 14, 2017

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, Masters of this Ascension Era!

We greet you now, viewing you not only as Earth beings, but as Intergalactic Beings, who are leading humanity into its next phase of being and consciousness.
And you are knowing increasingly now Who you are, and why you came here in this era, and the very specific work you are doing in the etheric while in your sleep state—and in a less conscious way, energetically during your waking hours.

We are aware that many have been saying, “I don’t feel to be fully present. I feel as if I am in several places at once, or sleepwalking, or unable to focus fully, whether physically or mentally.”