
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ The human heart unfurls itself

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor gillianmacbeth louthan

In this Decembers learnings the human heart will find its way to a great opening in the soul and soil of what is old, finally Growing wings for a flight that was not scheduled. The human heart is a powerful device, more powerful than the ark of the covenant, as it inherently has a greater longer lasting force and effect on all that cross its path, which there is no protection from its sharp learning. It can be a cruel mistress on occasion and can seduce one into wrong choice’s, that all end on the same street of the future,  the human heart always follows its self sometimes landing on dead end streets.

The human heart has a perseverance that unfolds and unfurls its self as a banner that is strewn across the earth sky. Humanity stands tall in their tall in their unity when there is reason to fear. But as time passes and the pastures of their life are no longer in danger, they turn from the unison that was so important a day ago, an hour ago, a week ago.


by Patricia Cota-Robles

December 2017 
Because of the unprecedented influx of Light that has taken place over the past several years, the I AM Presence, which is the Divinity within every person’s Heart Flame, is at long last reclaiming dominion of our Earthly experiences. The Divine Intervention of our I AM Presence is allowing the entire Company of Heaven to work more closely with us than ever before.

These selfless Messengers of our Father-Mother God are asking us to join with them now, in unified consciousness, to empower the Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love that Lightworkers have been cocreating on behalf of Humanity and Mother Earth over the past 50 years.

This Activity of Light will enable our Grid of Divine Love to assimilate the unfathomable influx of Light our Father-Mother God will Breathe into the Grid, in a rhythmic momentum, during Humanity’s Global participation in the monthly Free Seminars we offer through Era of Peace. The Divine Intent of this influx of Light is to expand the Lightwork of every single person on Earth a thousand fold.

The Company of Heaven has given us the following Invocation so that you and Lightworkers all over the World will be able to easily weave your magnificent Light into the Chalice of Light we will form through our unified Heart Flames during the Free Seminars every month.

Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ Opportunity for Celebration

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

This message from Archangel Gabriel inspires us to remember a more graceful way to live in this changing world.

The Gabriel Message Card for this Week


All situations are opportunities for the Divine Light to shine
through you as times of celebration, not fear.

Shanta GabrielOften when I come into a situation that is unknown or unfamiliar, I notice that my first impulse is to feel fearful. This does seem to be a fairly common response to the unknown aspects of life. It takes consciously slowing down on my part, taking that deep breath and remembering what my intention is. I may even ask for protection or remind myself that It is Safe to be in new situations.

Prayers for Divine Light to flow through me and any situation or relationship I am involved with sets the energy I want in my world. Fields of Living Light are malleable and can be used to change any fearful or difficult circumstance that comes up. Because the Light of God contains both Divine Intelligence and Love, the frequency shift is immediate. Creative Solutions may even start to manifest right in front of me. That is definitely an opportunity for celebration.

Brenda Hoffman ~ Yes, You Can

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s December 21, 2017, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at  Create your 3D dreams for you’re the marketing arm of this transition. Even though we indicated something similar last year, you, en masse, requested another earth year of clearing – and of creating such fear that you would be forced to remember your creation skills. We, of the Universes, are sending energies and representatives to reinforce your marketing efforts. Self-actualization pieces will follow once the masses realize they’re capable of creating bountiful food and shelter – as you’re about to display.
“Go With the Flow” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
This recent void phase is nearly complete. So it is you are preparing for the next stage which is the creation of your 3D dreams.
Most who wish to follow you into 5D or beyond are not interested in spiritual elements at the moment for they feel their inner and outer worlds have been turned inside out. So it is they require some sort of framework of how and why to move forward. The framework you are now ready to display.

Selacia ~ Preview of January Energies -Foresight for Success-

by Selacia
As the year is winding down, it's helpful to have a look ahead at January, a pivotal jumping off point for 2018. In chaotic times like these, having foresight about societal and energy cycles can be both comforting and an essential tool for spiritual transformation. Continue reading for highlights of energies unfolding and what they mean for you.
This has been one of the most unusual years in our recent history. In fact, our collective psyche continues to process the relentless cascade of changes, surprises, and uncertainty. There is much to integrate and heal.  
Given this background, it's essential to regularly connect with a higher view of happenstance. That includes outer-world events and your personal life situation.  
Many things are not as they appear. Consider that some of the challenges and craziness may be divinely orchestrated to catalyze mega shifts and awakening. Factor in the potential of blessings in even the most dire circumstances.   

Natalie Glason ~ Realigning the Earth’s Energetic Networks by Lord Maitreya

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 21st December 2017 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Blessings and love extend from my being to you and all of humanity, this is a blessed day, as it signifies a powerful shift within the energetic network of Mother Earth. You are invited to be of service to Mother Earth and all of humanity by joining all of us on the inner planes in our intention and activation now.

The energies and consciousness of humanity are now appropriate to support Mother Earth in a major shift of healing and realigning her energetic network and meridians so that the truth of the Creator may flow with ease and perfection once more. It is during the winter equinox, and in fact each equinox of the season, that the veils between humanity and Mother Earth become thin. A greater connection and a deepening resonance with Mother Earth can be accessed. It is on these special earth days that Mother Earth opens her energies to the divine and the Universe of the Creator to receive all that is appropriate and necessary for her own growth and that of all earth beings.

Ailia Mira ~ Be gentle with you

Hello Dear Friends,
Today we have a message we feel is beneficial to you at this time. We are always with you and in awareness of what you want, how you feel, how life is going for you and what the vastness of your being is attempting to guide you to. Our aims are always in sync and further the intention of your own wholeness. We seek only to share our views so that you might remember and tune to who you truly are, with more ease, more joy and thus live life with more capacity.
There is nothing more beneficial to you than self-love and nowhere does this quality have more opportunity for expression than in how you treat yourself when you regret things you’ve done or not done. Today we implore you to make it a priority to be gentle with yourself.

Shanta Gabriel ~ Archangel Gabriel ~ Walk in Beauty and Live in Trust

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

This message from Archangel Gabriel inspires us to remember a more graceful way to live in this changing world.

The Gabriel Message Card for this Week


Walk in Beauty, Live in Trust and Know
the Benevolent Love of God Guides Your Way.

There has been a long road stretching from the time I first received this message from Archangel Gabriel in 1995 to making this message into my way of life.

I was going to teach my first class in another state and was nervous about the prospect ahead of me. At that time, and even now in certain situations, it is difficult to admit in public that I have been listening to an Archangel speak to me. When I asked what it was I needed to remember most about the upcoming journey, I received this message. It remains one of my favorites to this day.

Marilyn Raffaele ~ The Arctruian Group ~ December 17, 2017 144
DECEMBER 17, 2017
Dear readers, greetings to all at this special time of celebration and festive activity. The holidays often serve as a trigger that activates a sense of oneness within those normally unfamiliar these energies. The emotions of love and giving that freely flow throughout the Christmas season are often someone's beginning steps toward awakening if they are ready and open to it.
People of any and all belief systems can celebrate Christmas if they understand its true meaning. Christmas is not just about the birth of a highly evolved child 2000 years ago, but is representative of the birth of the Christ within every individual. We have spoken of this in previous Christmas messages, but choose to repeat it for those yet unaware of the real meaning of Christmas.

Brenda Hoffman ~ Go With the Flow

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s December 9, 2017, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at What you’re experiencing now is a short-lived fever of clearing all need – past, present, and future – for servitude. You’re not slipping into earth and Universal fears, you’re rapidly striding into a new future as you clear those pieces that create your fight or flight responses.
“Betwixt and Between” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
Today is likely a day of trauma, not because it has to be but because you do not yet understand your reactions or the actions of those surrounding you. Change most often creates fear within you for you have delved so deeply into fear that you cannot imagine change producing joy.
So it is you jump between the joy of knowing all is to change in a millisecond for you and those who wish to continue the forerunner path – and fear that you are wrong. And fear that what you now experience will continue forever in this earth life – or worse.

Mahala ~ News Flash December 15, 2017

Mahala Gayle

On the morning of December 11, 2017 I woke up just before the sun was rising. I looked at the sky and saw a perfect Ring of Light north of the sun. The sun came up in the SE.  The ring was quite far from the sun and was a large empty circle about the size of Earth. There were not any clouds next to it and the ring was beautiful. I wondered what it was for and then I thought about how the next day was the 12-12 Gateway and I thought I must have seen this round Gateway open a day before it was supposed to open. I tried to take a picture of it but my camera would not work.
When I was thinking about how beautiful this Ring of Light was a thought came to me about the movie Stargate. Do you remember that movie? I remember that when the right time came, the round Gateway opened in the movie and the actors went through the tunnel and came out in a different reality. I think that is what is happening to us right now. I think we just entered the energy of this tunnel of light and will come out at the time of the Winter Solstice manifesting a new consciousness that is on an entirely different frequency.

Lisa Renee ~ Energetic Parasites

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor lisa renee

We are in the pivotal shift between the end of a Dark Cycle and the beginning of a new one.  During this incredible time of moving parts, shifting dimensions and timelines, we look forward and backwards for deeper clarity.  Summarizing and shedding the multiple levels of NAA influence and energetic siphon, we place special focus on the energetic quality of parasites. What does it take to extract ourselves from parasitic values, unplug from vampiric systems, clear out physical, mental, emotional and spiritual parasites?  Protecting our health and life force, valuing our spiritual embodiment and ability to self-source, is a major part of how we are preparing to be responsible co-creators in this new cycle. 

The alignment that occurs between Earth, the Sun and the Milky Way is magnified into a specific demarcation point in the timelines that separates the worlds, which begins another stage of mass soul transiting on the cusp moving from the constellation of Ophiuchus and into Sagittarius. Many groups of souls and entities that have been in the lower dimensional planes of the earth for multiple millennia, will be transited out through the Galactic Window. As this wave of soul groups leave the lower dimensions of the earth realm, within the celestial structure that mirrors the planetary body from the heavens, the unified solar principle returns through the birth of new stars.

Kara Schallock ~ Up Up Up - 15-Dec-2017


Regardless of gateways and portals, we have ongoing high dimensional Light flowing to us, into us and around us. This Love helps to dislodge what we may still cling to; that which is old and keeps us in the old. Yes, it can be scary to let go of certain comforts and familiar ways and yet it is necessary; that is, if you want to evolve. I notice when we let go of one thing, another surfaces, as it is an ongoing process. And it is not just old stuff that surfaces, as some of our current choices are based in old beliefs, remember we can't create the New from the old. The New is new and that means it is fresh without the old energy attached to it.
You may wonder, “Where do I fit?” For now, let it be O.K. to not “fit” anywhere. Be a “free-floater.” Not many are willing to do this, preferring to fit into a small box with a label on it. They may think that it's better than nothingness. This won't do. You can't be in the New if you're not willing to let it all go. Letting go of what's familiar is not easy. 

Sandra Walter ~ Solstice Gateway and update on Sandra

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Greetings and Gratitude for our connection during this Sacred passage of our Ascension. Our complete devotion and focus is amplified right now, and cosmic events are aligning to deliver heightened states of our personal and collective reality choices.

We are the Creators of this Ascension, and we are about to merge consciousness with our Higher Selves, Christed Selves, and Multidimensional Pure Source aspects.

Sandra is okay!
News spreads quickly through our community, so I will clarify what occurred with me last weekend. I was in a dramatic car accident last Saturday and miraculously walked away with minimal injuries. It was a strong Phantom Death experience.

Natalie Glasson ~ The Core of Your Inner Sadness by Master Hilarion

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 15th December 2018 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Today, I, Master Hilarion, Chohan of the Fifth Ray of Light, wish to speak with you about the energy of sadness within your being. Recognising and healing your inner sadness is an aspect of your own spiritual evolution aiding you in accessing the mastery within your being.
Your inner sadness may feel personal to you as if it is a result of your circumstances and journey upon the Earth. You may recognise your inner sadness as being your constant companion or that it exists in the distance visiting you now and then. To you, your inner sadness may be due to an experience of lack in your reality, or unfulfilled desires and dreams. Along with sadness there is suffering, as when you are experiencing energies and a mindset of sadness you are causing yourself suffering. It can be that experiencing suffering caused by another to you may also allow your inner sadness to bubble up into your conscious awareness and physical body. There are seemingly numerous causes for inner sadness to be your companion, I, Master Hilarion, wish to discuss your inner sadness with you while bringing forth liberation and freedom from the pain of sadness.


by Patricia Cota-Robles
On Thursday, December 21st, I will be the Guest Speaker on You Awakening, which is a wonderful telesummit dedicated to supporting our evolution, hosted by Jacklyn Johnston. 
Please join Jacklyn and myself Online for a powerful Activity of Light during which we will discuss the NEW facets of the unfolding Divine Plan being orchestrated by our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven. The incredibly powerful energies that will be flowing into the mental and emotional strata of this Planet on December 21st will jump start this Divine Plan in monumental ways.
We will join our hearts with yours as we cocreate a Chalice of Light through which the Light of God will flow to embrace ALL Life on Earth. Then through our one-pointed Divine Intention we will empower our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love which has been building in momentum for 50 years.

Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - December 18, 2017

A Message to Lightworkers - December 18, 2017

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, Powerful Light Beings!

We are pleased to have this moment to speak with you here again.

We are aware that many are distressed at world events—the wildfires in California, the undrinkable water and lack of electricity and other infrastructure in Puerto Rico, lack of respect for environment, communication rights, and human health, and bills being passed in numerous countries that represent the interests of the banks and the billionaires, and that leave working folk to their own devices.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel~ The 12:12 Activation of Unconditional Love

Shanta Gabriel

Dear Ones,
At the moment of 12:12 on the 12th day of the 12th month, the pure golden light of Christ Consciousness ignites the sacred vessel of your high heart with compassion and love.
Divine Love is an imprint pre-encoded for your awakening consciousness. If you could only see from the Angelic viewpoint, it would appear that humans are acting as lightning rods when they receive this immense download of Christed Light that anchors Unconditional Love into the Earth.
When your heart is open and there is a willingness to receive, the connection to your new thymus chakra becomes activated at the 12:12. This center receives divinity and awakens Divine Love in the sacred chalice of your High Heart.

Brenda Hoffman ~ Betwixt and Between

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s December 9, 2017, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at Instead of blaming world chaos for your fears, realize you’re merely discovering new aspects of you. If you envision this point in your life much like a United States high school graduate, you’ll realize your ability to test many paths before discovering the path that provides you with the most joy. 
“Shouting Hooray!” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,

Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - December 11, 2017

A Message to Lightworkers - December 11, 2017

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, Powerful Light Bringers!

We are pleased to have this time to speak with you again, and to share insights on an issue that touches all of your lives etherically, if not in outer ways.

We have recently received a question from a grandmother in Australia, who out of Love for her granddaughter, is distressed at the amount of bullying occurring now.
This dear one asks why bullying is happening to so many children and young people. Her granddaughter she describes as a lovely girl, a high school student, with dark hair. 

She is being bullied for having a mixed racial background and fair skin, which even her friends comment on. 

Paige Hall Ferraro ~ 12/12 Stargate Exaltation

♥ 12/12 Stargate Exaltation ♥ 

Greetings BEautiful Souls!

Wow has it really been 8 months since my last newsletter?  That is astonishing.  I have been present on Facebook with sharing radio shows and weekly updates.  On our November 21st show, I got into some of the experiences I have gone through in the last 6 months, and we also discussed choice points, disclosures and New Earth values.  If you missed that show, the link to the archives is at the bottom of this section.

Briefly, let's just say that I have been reborn.  I did not know that it was possible to have so many lives within one incarnation, but let me assure you, it is not only possible but I am living proof that we are ascending in a human vessel.  This incarnation has been one of deep, deep surrender to the Divine plan, standing in the Truth of who I really AM and not who others assume I was.  Like many of you, I have been brought to my knees with the Lightbody cellular upgrades & integrations, whilst navigating the shores of polarity on this planet.  I will be sharing more in the weeks ahead about some of the life altering situations that I have experienced throughout this incarnation.  The point of this is to assure you that no one is better off than another, no matter what it looks like on the outside, or is perceived. Being in the "public eye" on social media, I did not feel safe to expose what I was experiencing in the Ascension community, in various realms, the losses I endured and the many moments not knowing if I was going to make it.  When we are on our knees, It takes monumental strength and faith to rise up again as the Creator of our Sovereignty.  I have always said that I will never ask of another anything that I am not willing to do, or if I have not gone through it myself. And now more than ever, I AM devoted to co-creating with ALL who are ready for Unification and Equality.  

Ron Head ~ The Council – The Box You Live In

the council

Are you aware that you live in a box? Many of you will not be surprised by this question. Many others of you will be. You are quick to point out that you are free. Well, you are free, but you have been conditioned not to act upon it.
The box we refer to has sides, a bottom, and a top that are made up of a great many components. It was constructed and handed to you on the day you were born. And you have explored it, agreed to it, and allowed it to be reinforced ever since.

Natalie Glasson ~ Returning to Your Original Design of Co-Creation with Mother Earth by Mother Earth

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 8th December 2018 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Divine blessings and gifts of light extend from the essence of my being to you. I am Mother Earth; I am the pure consciousness and source of the Earth. I come forth to communicate with you as we have a contract together of co-creation. In order for us to exist within this dimension known as the Earth, there is a need for our energies to be as one, listening and communicating with each other, as well as holding a similar focus for creation. When we have embedded in our entire being the same focus of creation our frequencies unite, we empower each other, awaken truth and becoming a potent force of creation. Thus healing, remembrance and all that humanity and I, Mother Earth, desire can come to fruition. Our united focus and frequency is the key to aiding ascension for all beings, fulfilment and remembrance of the Creator.

Disharmony and Disconnection


Michael's Message

     Beloved Masters, in your mind’s eye, however you perceive, envision that you are viewing the Earth from a great Light ship, and together we, the angelic Forces and the multitude of universal Light Beings who represent our Father/Mother God, are bringing forth the energetic vibrational patterns of the wondrous Divine schematic in preparation for humanity’s inhabitation of the Earth. During the intricate, complex stages of preparation, great sentient crystals were implanted deep within the Earth in strategic places around the planet. A portion of each huge crystal rose from the Earth’s surface as a sentinel which radiated energy and information out into the cosmos, as well as functioning as a receiver of Divine Light, Wisdom and Power from our Father/Mother God. Over the many aeons of time, as Earth changes took place whereby mountain ranges rose into the skies, land masses sank beneath the waters, and continents shifted and changed shape, most of those great crystals were shattered and buried deep within the Earth and the waters. However, many remained intact deep within the waters, in great caverns, and many more lie close to the surface of the land hidden only by a thin covering of earth or vegetation, waiting for you to discover them and bring forth their powerful gifts and ancient memories. They are the Earth’s Seed Atom Record-Keepers, and you hold the key which will give you access to the wisdom and the power of manifestation that lie dormant within them.

Marilyn Raffaele ~ The Arcturian Group ~ December 3, 2017

Greetings to all at this time of celebration and festive activity. We are here to assist you toward a better understanding of the emotions some of you are experiencing at this time. This year, many are finding that holiday lights do not seem to be as bright, festivities not as attractive, shopping more of a burden, and that holiday celebrations no longer hold the same sense of excitement and enjoyment that they used to.
This is because your evolving energetic frequency has shifted you out of alignment with much that up to now you enjoyed. Foods, entertainments, friends, etc. as well as many traditions no longer hold the same value they once held, which can make things difficult when you are in situations surrounded by people still in alignment with these things. Because you have evolved, attempts to revive the past and "get on board" as before, simply will not work.


Hi my friend,

It’s a blessing for me to connect this way with you again. December is a big transitional month and we have a lot to catch up on, so let’s get right to it!

The first few days of December will offer us a quiet and contemplative space that will give us the opportunity to reflect on the past year, our present reality, and the next steps to take to get ready for all that’s coming up in the new year. 

Fine-Tuning Our Reality

As we move into the first few weeks of December, this is the perfect time to fine-tune our intentions and choices, to ensure that they are aligned with what we truly desire to create more of in our lives.

Mahala ~ December Planet Alert 2017

We are now in December, the month of many celebrations.  We started this month with Mercury turning retrograde on December 2 at 11:34 PM PST. Then the super full moon is on December 3 at 7:47 AM PST, which will cause high tides.  The combination of Mercury turning retrograde at almost the same time as the full moon will cause a very chaotic full moon. Please stay calm as we continue to experience the energy of this full moon.  This energy will bring unexpected events so expect the unexpected this month.
Mercury will be conjunct Saturn at this full moon and they are both conjunct the Galactic Center. This will bring very intense energy to Earth. There may be problems with machines like computers, electronic devices, and other things involving communication or transportation. Mail may start getting mixed up and if you are waiting for something to come in the mail it may be late in arrival or get lost. Mercury rules communication of all kind.

Brenda Hoffman ~ Shouting Hooray!

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s December 1, 2017, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at Even though you and Brenda are one cohort, you have unique paths, so not all shifts are of the same depth. The current energies pummeling earth until at least the first of your new year will allow you to KNOW who you are and circumvent your need to jump between 3D and 5D. This knowledge will create an inner light of peace attracting those mired in 3D chaos.
“Forerunners Extraordinaire” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
Shout hooray to all corners of the Universes for you overcame tremendous obstacles to bring New You into being. Even though you do not feel that different, you will as you adjust to your new being.

Valerie Donner ~ Mira from the Pleiadian High Council ~ December 5, 2017


Greetings. I am Mira coming to you today with a strong force of love, and commitment from the Earth Council, where I have been serving full-time now for five years. With this commitment I pledge to you and to the earth to see you through this powerful time of Ascension.

As you might have noticed there are strange occurrences on your planet. You are probably feeling some of them, for most lightworkers feel these energies. Even the awakening humanity are paying greater attention to these anomalies. They are occurring because you are going through the Ascension process.