
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

❤ Archangel Indriel. “Friendship Is Forever.” By, AuroRa Le. July 24, 2012.

Greetings, Beloveds.  I am Indriel.  Guardian of Lightbearers and keeper of The Mother’s flame of community, solidarity and friendship.  I am here today in the spirit of oneness with you, as we all share in the same mission.  We are charged with safeguarding the precious energy grids of Gaia, and insuring that the consciousness level of the Collective Whole rises to such a level as to insure her swift passage-and yours-into an elevated state of 5th dimensionality.  Yes, I come as your friend.  A great friend.  A devoted friend, for we are compatriots of old, and there is not a single one of you perusing this transmission who does not know me well.  And yes, you know each other.  You love each other dearly and truly, and it saddens me to see so many of my mighty torchbearers rooted in complacency, still deeply sleeping, whilst others are at odds over differing points of view. ❤

From my heart,  I tell you that it’s time to come together.  Scant months remain, leading up to a most pivotal time-not only for Gaia and for humanity, but for all of us.  The impact you are making here does not end with Earth’s ascension.  The ripples shall be felt far and wide, as massive waves of sheer power, an energetic force the likes of which have never been experienced ever before.   All civilizations throughout God’s Holy Universe are  preparing, just as you are, for this miraculous event.   And it is YOU who occupy the front lines.  It is YOU, as one unified and unstoppable force, who are charging the barricades and tearing them down with your own bare hands.  Hands worn and scarred, but yet alight and aglow with the crystalline energy of Love.  A divided army cannot conquer.  Thus, I challenge you to willingly set aside your petty squabbles and critiques.  It makes little to no difference whether you agree or disagree about how the job must be done, and from whom a loving message is originating or it’s content therein.  All is factual if it is borne out of love.  The content of every transmission received, when of The Light and is positive in it’s nature, will resonate with some and not so much with others.  One cannot be wrong, whilst the other is right.  Should you not agree, I beseech you to please temper your words, for words can wound and wound deep.  Lovely Angels, you are of such benign and tender hearts. ❤

You must reject judgement, confrontation, cruelty and vengeance-reject them with every fiber of your being.  Then in their stead pour sweetness and acceptance.  Forgive yourselves your mild transgressions, examine what they taught you and then send them off with love to Source.  Pointed barbs and senseless gossip shall get you nowhere, and only serve to undermine the wonderful work you have done thus far.  Know that you came to Earth together, with the same noble goal in mind.  To not encourage and support each other at every turn is simply unthinkable.  So toss away the lessons you have learned by living in a dualistic society, and be the walking embodiment and the purest example for all of what the ascension is all about.  My sleeping soldiers shall be inspired by you and then they shall remember.  

Watch as they emulate your every move.  They shall wish to be like you-to do as you do and to speak as you speak. ❤
Come together in a spirit of mutual respect and friendship, Beloveds.  You are each an equally essential element of the Unified Field.  Be aware that you have yet to reach your full state of awareness, and you are as yet unable to be sure who it is that lies within each human disguise.  The noisy neighbor with whom you spar may well be your dearest friend or brother, unbeknownst to you; simple they are acting out a role which you together chose he or she should play!  I ask of you only that you come together in a happy bubble of friendship, peace and mutual respect for one another’s work.  No preconceived bias, no racial or religious differences, no false idols of separation shall survive the full  impact of Disclosure.  When the illusions of duality are long gone, you shall see that all God’s children shall come forward at long last and join hands.  Prepare to hold tight and never to let go.  True friendship spans all space and time.  Do not forget.  Friendship is forever. ❤

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