Awakening was preordained the moment you entered the illusion
July 22, 2012 by John Smallman
The energy pressures are building up strongly as you, the
Light-bearers and holders, intensify your efforts and more determinedly
focus on your divine task of assisting in bringing humanity forward to
the point at which it will awaken. And many of you are finding that
task extremely tiring, if not exhausting. Know that you are greatly
honored for what you are doing, that your rewards upon completion of
this immense task will be astounding, and that you will be quite amazed
when you discover once more the wonder of who you truly are.
The Love God has for His creation is utterly beyond your abilities to
even conceive of, and His Will is for you to awaken and experience It
directly, personally, and eternally. You have spent far too long hiding
in the illusion and missing out on the infinite wonder and joy that He
holds out to you constantly. You need to wake up! And you will wake up —
to know and experience the sublime and eternal bliss of basking in your
Father’s loving embrace for ever.
That awakening was preordained the moment you entered the illusion
and started to dream the dream – although for many it is a ghastly
nightmare – which you experience as life on Earth, because your Father
could not and would not allow you to lose yourselves permanently in that
unhappy state. Remember, as the Son of God, you have enormous creative
abilities when you work with His divine Will, because His Will is also
However, building the illusion was something you did in order to hide
from God — it was not in alignment with His Will — and your Father,
while lovingly investing you with free will when He created you, would
nevertheless not countenance you destroying yourselves, which is what
would have occurred had He not intervened at that moment. So, the
illusion was born, but it was not and could not be like a divine
creation, which has eternal existence; it was purely a very temporary
state that was fated soon to fade away, unremembered and ungrieved.
Within the illusion you have been killing one another for eons, and
some of you have even been attempting to destroy yourselves permanently
by committing suicide. The reason for this is that almost all of you
have completely lost the memory of your divine state, at one in the Love
that is God. Without Love there is no motivation to stay alive, and the drive to destroy those with whom you disagree becomes intense.
Yes, you do have loving relationships – parents, children, spouses,
good friends – but often those loving relationships break down when
egoic agendas and differing desires lead you to believe that you are
separate and individual beings who would be much happier if you were not
tied into a relationship that has turned sour and unpalatable. If this
happens to someone enough times, a sense of cynicism arises to help him
deal with the pain that the loss of love causes, while any trust that
may have developed dissolves.
Love, as you experience it in the illusion, is a very fragile thing
that needs constant nurturing if it is to survive the storms of emotions
and disillusionments that so frequently occur and destabilize
relationships. Many have remained trapped for years in miserably
unrewarding relationships as bitterness and resentment have grown, and
others have broken out of similar situations and attempted to destroy
their partners to punish them for the misery they have experienced.
However, over the last few decades, increasing numbers of you have
come to realize the insanity of such behavior, and slowly laws have been
changed and attitudes have matured to enable people to untie or
dissolve agreements (and contracts which hitherto had been intractable)
that had been entered into with contractual obligations that could be
neither dissolved or modified. As humans you have been evolving,
because the Light implanted in you at the moment of your creation
demands it, and consequently, there was no way that you could go on
indefinitely treating each other so unforgivingly. And the results of
your evolving attitudes are showing up all over the world as people
communicate and attempt to come to agreement through wisdom,
understanding, and consensus.
There are, of course, many areas on the planet where violent
disagreement and the resultant conflicts are causing enormous suffering.
But the tide has turned, and the enormous power and influence
that the divine energies are providing will ensure that these areas of
darkness and suffering will be flooded with Light, leading to major
shifts in attitudes and behaviors. Then those who choose to disengage
from violence and conflict will be able to do so.
Many will find it difficult because so much suffering has been
endured, and the emotional desire for restitution is still very strong.
Nevertheless, due to the constantly intensifying strength of the divine
Love field enveloping the planet, anyone who truly seeks to find love
and peace, instead of continuing to engage in hate and war, will
encounter, often quite unexpectedly, the precise opportunities needed to
enable them to disengage from those situations of conflict.
Eventually, only those who remain determined to fight on will be left,
and for as long as they choose, that path it will be available. But
they will no longer be able to impose that path of despair and suffering
on others.
Your awakening from the insanity of hate, disagreement, and war is
inevitable. And that moment is drawing ever closer. Focus on the Love
and on the Light that so many are holding on high, release from their
debts all on whom you have ever attempted to impose a sense of guilt –
whatever the reason and however right it may seem to you – and forgive
yourselves and all of humanity for the pain and suffering that all have
endured. The ages of suffering, of sin, of guilt, of condemnation, and
punishment that you have endured for so long are to end, permanently.
There is a new age awaiting you, and as you enter into it your joy will
be boundless.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
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