
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

~A message from Nibiru and the AnAnnUki~ Channeled by Méline Lafont

Méline: This is a channeling that was one month overdue,before this point of publication has been reached. This has to do with the fact that I've really hesitated to allow them to connect to me. It started with incoming images of pyramids and the famous "heads" of them which popped in during meditation. Shortly afterwards they spoke to me, along with my Twin Flame and Michael at my side. I think I definitely asked at least a dozen times what their intentions were and whether they came of the Upper Light of Christ and served the Divine Plan, I asked this to themselves as well to Archangel Michael and my Twin Flame .. checked with my Tauk board and pendulum, checked and asked the I AM Supreme Creator of the Upper Light .. well, I have done so during a month before I've made my decision. They kept themself during the entire period of doubt, lovingly and kindly and have always had great respect for my own free will and decision. Every time they stepped aside when I asked this and gave me the time that I needed. On the other hand, I felt that they really did need to share this message, for it turned out to bevery important. It is very clear that no one really wants to allow them connecting, for the same reasons that I was stumbling with the entire time, and that is; by judging on their past and fear, not knowing what their intentions are. My final conviction came due the fact that Archangel Michael and others  ensured me every time that they are turned to the Light and have loving intentions (I searched for this on the net and examined it and it appears that they indeed turned to the light and have seen their mistakes), and if there is someone who I trust 100% it is Archangel Michael as he is my top protector and everything and everyone must pass through him to come to me for connection. Michael and my Twin Flame would never allow me to communicate with energies that are not of the Light. I decided to post this channel and share as it is important to let go for once and for all these prejudices which we struggle with and give it a chance. We are attaching us too much to the past and our judgments on this, everyone deserves a chance, so that is why I grabbed it. Throughout the channeling I have received no negative tone or feeling, they felt not negative but it certainly was a separate from energy, a kind of enlightement but not as a power enlightened feeling such as I feel with Sananda for instance. I think this is due to the fact that they are not so very long illuminated, either it was my feeling created by being skeptical :-) They just want to share us the paramount importance of having positive thoughts and creating positive shapes when their planet / ship passes, because everything is energized empowered by this passage. This is the common thread throughout this message. I have been asked by them whether they are  allowed to connect with me again in our future now and I replied that I was going to wait and see what the reactions are and my feeling is! So PLEASE share your comments here about what you feel and this will definitly determine for another "possible" channeling from them. Sincerely thank you for giving this opportunity, with love ♥ Méline
Allow us to introduce ourselves and, by the same token, to greet you most heartily as we now enter the times in which it is paramount to address you all and to share important information. We are the so-called AnAnnUki and in the course of our evolution we have spiritually evolved into the Light. Our predecessors, who have been generally known by the term AnUnnAki, are no longer existing now, as we have evolved spiritually into the Light causing that designation to become obsolete. We are reborn and so is our designation. We speak from the Collective and we are most grateful for this opportunity to step forward. We get a distinct feeling that this is not so easy because our scribe is not convinced enough as to our intentions. For this reason we had to wait quite a long time for this opportunity to be granted. Now she has consented to function as a scribe for us, for which we are immensely grateful.  It is quite obvious that there still exist thoughts and judgments about us all referencing to the deeds of our predecessors. We firmly take our stand that we do not want to be compared with them anymore, as we no longer embody those energies and we have absolutely seen the error of our ways. In realising this we have been uplifted into a higher level of consciousness that is linked to the Christ Consciousness, to the Office of the Christ also known as the Highest Light possible. We request of you now, to open yourselves for our conversations in the firm belief that we no longer have the same intentions as in the past, for we no longer embody that disposition. We are loving entities now and we approach you with loving intentions to assist you and to make amends for our previous erroneous ways. We thank you in advance for this opportunity!

What we wish to convey to you all is that we are now in the process of gradually approaching your planet Earth. We are hiding behind your Sun and, rather unperceivedly,  approach you because a direct approach would be too overwhelming and too shocking. The energies that our planet Nibiru generates for the population of Earth and for Earth Herself  are enormously powerful. But please do not consider this a negative fact! We do not approach you with bad or with destructive intentions but rather with enlightened intentions. The results of our presence, in the sense of an approach, will cause many shifts and will more specifically see to it that all remaining negative energies, still firmly anchored in your planet, will be released in their totality. Much negativity has already left but still some has to leave. This can be accomplished thanks to the energetic shifts that we cause in passing alongside your planet. We will not arrive on your shores, our mission is to assist you by merely approaching you and than passing you by. That fact in itself will be more than sufficient to witness some beneficial shifts.

You are not up for destruction, far from it. Please let that sink in. We only ask that you do not consider us our even link us with terms as "destruction”, “negative thoughts” or “negative intentions”. It is of the utmost importance to distance yourselves from this line of thought and to know, without a shadow of a doubt, that we come from the Light with the  best of intentions. This is our mission, this is our assistance towards all of you. This assistance can be seen as a restitution. To be aware that we come to help you, will bring further enlightenment to us as well as to you resulting in perfect harmony on your Earth. Admittedly, harbouring thoughts and fears about destruction or about our alleged ill intentions, can lead to more chaos and confusion resulting in the fact that our approaching planet Nibiru will energetically reinforce those thoughtforms. 

The arrival of our planet fortifies the collective thoughtpatterns and the collective consicousness of humanity. So please think and create what it is that you want to achieve from a heart filled with Love and Light. To exist in complete harmony within yourself will empower that what you want to become. Our planet Nibiru will shift everything meaning that all that has to happen to bring forth Ascension, will duly come to pass. The more your thoughts and your creations are outright positive, the more there are only loving thoughts and feelings towards one another, the more positively harmonious the effects will be.

It is very important that you familiarize yourself with this fact! Your own destiny and your own path lie within your own hands. You decide what your future or what your NOW moment, will look like. Your thoughts and your creations determine your state of being and your experiences. When you Love, when you remain and act from Love all will be good and all will stay good. Your inner peace is important as is your complete trust in the Divine. We originate from the Divine and we strive to cooperate with this Divine Plan which we serve. It is our hope that we have clarified what our purpose and our mission entails within this great Ascension process, which in itself is accelerating more and more. Have faith in the Divine and in our intentions as they are solely based in Love. We love you all so dearly and we only have your best interest at heart!

At this present moment, Nibiru is situated at the distance of the sun from your Earth, what you would call an astronomical unit, and our energies are already clearly perceived and felt by all of you. These are intense energies for which also beloved GAIA remains not numb.  She knows of our upcoming arrival to help Her as well as Her population and is most grateful for this. For centuries she has asked for help and She is now thrilled to see and feel us responding to Her request. 

The time is NOW for you to shift over to the state of enlightenment and everything in that regards is worked out meticulously. This project implies and has drawn enormous energies even from all over the cosmos because this solar system will now take its rightful place and will start executing its assigned galactic duties. Everything moves up a notch from a galactic point of view as we all continue to evolve at infinitum. Nibiru is our planet but it is also our enlightened homeworld on which schools will be established for students such as yourselves.

We are very pleased to see you all evolve on a large scale as is effectively foreseen that way. The ones who are ready will also evolve and will take the big leap into Ascension. The ones who are not yet ready will evolve along other ways and will continue to live on in their own creations of duality until the time has come for them to make the leap into Ascension. You are the precursors and the guides showing the way to what can be and what will be possible. We respect all choices and Nibiru will make a clear distinction in what the possibilities are because all worlds, all creations will be fortified and there will definitely be clarity! 

In no circumstances do we wish to bring fear, we want to clarify the fact that you must proceed thoroughly in the best interest for all of us and for all of you. Your thoughts and creations will materialize and that’s the reason why it is so important to remain positive and to be Love. Our arrival will empower everything, so make sure that you are at all times positive and loving, so that you will experience just that.

Your inner guide is now your only guide so work on establishing a direct link and connection to your inner guide when you feel that this connection is not fully activated. You are assisted enormously by the beloved Archangels, by the Ascended Masters and by other Galactic Civilizations who take on the role of helping and protecting you wherever necessary. Call on them when you think you need help to activate yourself so that you can rely on yourself at all times. All that surrounds you is something outside of yourself on which you cannot rely in times of chaos and changes. It is your inner guidance that will become important, your inner feelings as prompted by following your heart for your heart is always with you at all times. 

The old and familiar that surrounds you will never be the same again, a fact that will be felt by many as a deep hole : the familiar has always been a kind of hold for you. It is time to let it all go as in fact they are non-existent. Only you are eternal, life itself is eternal!  Your own essence, your spark, your love and your colour makes you what you are now and what you will always be no matter what. So be Love in all ways and have faith in yourself and in the Divine Plan. You have arrived at a most significant shift which will alter your whole world forever.

We thank you for this opportunity to share our message, we are the Anannuki and we greet you most lovingly.

Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.


  1. I don't mind reading more channelled messages from the Anannuki. This message alone does not feel negative to me at all. I am willing to release the past and embrace the idea of Anannuki as beings of light. I regard the Anannuki as friends and allies now and I am ready to hold thoughts of love and light to Nibiru as she approaches Earth.

    1. I am agree with that. We all are brothers and sisters, we coming from the same lovely creator, he loves all his creations equally god bless you.

    2. God doesn't judge, we are not allowed to do that.

  2. Hello Meline

    I can tell you that Inelia Benz just did an interview that goes about ETs and Anannuki's.

    She speaks about good and bad Anannuki's.
    She gives us no explanation if they are still here or not. However, in one of her previous interviews she said that all the negative which is away, can’t no longer return as negative. This is not allowed anymore.

    I can also say that it is important for everyone to handle their fears, whatever they may be. Fear of the event can be perfectly solved. For as Inelia says this fear will not come back, simply because the time period is no longer there. We are in fact in the manifestation spacetime or timeline.

    For the people who need this tool to process their fears.

    Greetings André


  3. Found in a channeling of Earlyne Chaney in "tree of the golden light":
    "It should be remembered that it was the Anunnaki who came to Earth and presented themselves as Gods, who have since turned to the Light, and now work for the liberation of the Human Race."

    Channeling Sheldon Nidle with comment

    channeling from Saint GErmain about NIbiru:

  4. During reading i sense positive and love feelings. Fear is the greatest enemy... and lives inside us! I use to tell that we are our worst enemies!

    I have a lot of questions, all related to physics. So i am standing by!

    Love and Light


  5. Dear Méline,

    Ascension is the path of mastery.

    To FORGIVE the PAST and FUTURE is needed, to live PEACEfully in the NOW.

    The mind asks for external approval, as it has only a limited view. If it is too loud, maybe some wounds have to healed first, so it can agree to what the heart already knows.

    Follow your heart !

    World of Nostrum * a SOURCE OF LOVE

  6. Wow! I am so amazed and so glad that the message and content is openly welcomed... It opens my heart! THANK you ALL for this, it truly means a lot and it prooves that there are still open minded ones and that all can be forgiven and be LOVE. @ my dear friend World of Nostrum: This is beautiful and well said!! Thank you for that and a great appreciation towards YOU and all of You whom shared their feelings on this! ♥♥

  7. Hi Meline, I found this to be a positive message and I would like to hear more from the Anannuki. The energy coming through feels positive and Loving for me.

    Blessings of Divine Light, Love and Joy !


  8. Meline,

    Thank you for having the patience, thoroughness and courage to write this message from the AnAnnUki. I do believe their intentions are of Love and Light and am grateful for their insights and assistance as we progress towards Ascension. I am in the process of writing a book about my awakening journey and a consistent theme that I keep getting from the Angels, Ascended Masters and lightworkers is that our thoughts create our reality. I am so glad the AnAnnUki speak to this as it is such an important piece of our awakening.


    (Thanks again for your help last week!)

  9. Hello Méline,

    I have just read this message transmitted through you by the AnAnnUki collective. This is from the light and with most loving intentions, I have absolutely no doubt about it. I cried reading it and felt deeply liberated. Forgiveness is a most beautiful and loving place to reside in, isn't it? It brings back the feeling of unity with all, which is our only true reality. Blessed be the AnAnnUki and I bless the inner AnAnnUki in me, for we all carry their powerful heritage. My gratitude and blessings to you for having the incredible courage to allow these beings to express this through you, Méline.

    Merci du fond du cœur,


  10. Feels absolutely ok, Meline, thanks for giving them the chance to speak up and reveal their mission and part in our ascension process, the shift of the ages for all of creation, which feels also quite appropriate that they'd be willing to contribute their assistance and thus kind of a restitution as they called it themselves ...

    Yeah, let's forgive and forget and zealously move ahead all together!!! What an awesome time to be here and see this all dissolving and unfolding with Love and Grace ...

    Many Blessings, Love and Light

    Jana :-)

  11. I'm crying..., but with joy. I like very much this message. It opens my heart too! I just want to forget all negative things. I just want to LOVE and be LOVED.

  12. So sweet of you all, thank you so much for your honesty and support. I do not think the next one will be in the near future or that I will channel them weekly :-) They will come forward I gues when it is time again for an important one and than we will see again how I feel towards them... But I too did work on forgiving and accepting them to speak to me. Step by step but letting the door open on a tiny space :-)

  13. It is not about forgetting, we should always remember what happened and why, so we do not repeat it ourself.

    TRUE FORGIVENESS can only happen if ALL things are "on the table" / "in the light" so to speak. It is not an easy task, but necessary for a PEACEful living in LOVE.

    World of Nostrum * a SOURCE OF LOVE

  14. Dear Méline, this message is completely in line with what I received from my sources. It resonates with me and it reminded me of the last sentence in my latest channeling: 'Those who thought they could use the Universal Laws and manipulate them to control others, simply do not understand their essence. As you now know, they will, it is inevitable, it is Law.' It seems inevitable the Annunaki also figured this out by now, for that is where true power can be found :) The essence of the Laws is (unconditional) Love. Love and Light, Jared

  15. Thanks for taking the risk of sharing this, I think it would be very interesting the see what they have to say next!

  16. I say, we lovingly give them the chance to send more messages and not judge them by the past deeds of their ancestors.

    Love, light and forgiveness always :)

  17. I'm happy to see this message, and I feel that they are sincere in wanting to assist us. :) Thanks for sharing. And I agree with the others. If someone has really repented & changed...then how can we not welcome them? Looking forward to more.

  18. Sorry, dont like this message. Better DO than speak. they want to be trusted mimicking the words, expressions and concepts of the Archangles, Masters and Galactics. Hey, they are asking blind trust in them and their intentions of help and what do they give to gain that trust? Why dont they walk their talk and do something positive instead of just asking for trust and preaching what we should do?
    Nothing personal with you Meline.
    IMO we do not need more "preachers"... if they want to help and if they really are asacended now, just do the restorations needed from the legacy they left here... Talk is cheap. Just do what they preach!

  19. Méline, at first I was very hesitant to read this channeled message. I decided to put my opinions to the side, so that I can feel the vibration from this message. I was highly impressed with how positive the message was. It actually really moved me. I felt a high sense of love, and at the same time, a sense of making mends. Thank you. I would defiantly love to read another message.

  20. Forgive, the rest is up to god! love and light

  21. Hello! As this is my first comment on your site, I'd like to say that I love your channellings and find them to be great.

    I found it very easy to embrace the idea of the Annanuki collective and their message. The Niburians have higher aspects of the light anyhow. It is now our task to forgive the AnnUnaki - and I feel this is really the heart of their message. Included in that is the remnants of the Annunaki programs and race memories within us - not them.

    Thanks for the courage you took to hear them out. It was very beneficial for us to read this channelling :)

  22. According to Sheldan Nidle it was the Annunaki that were helping our Illuminati. They switched to the light in 1995 and are now working with the Galactic Federation to defeat the Illuminati (dark cabal). When they did this they changed their name from Annunaki to Annunuki. So yes, I would like to read more messages from them.

  23. Is such a shame that humanity can`t catch the Universal Christ Spirit in their hearts and minds so as to kill their paramount ego that drives them crazy, dishonest and irrespectfull towards their neighbours & themselves and now trying to kill all of us with their stupid atomic weapons. Now more shame on humanity that Annunakis once monstrous and evil beings have turned to the light in unity and harmony and in Christ Spirit, what a lesson to humanity, ARE THEY GOING TO SURRENDER IN THEIR STUPIDITY OF EGOISTIC MANNERS??? I DOUBT.

  24. I would be wary, for the devil conceives himself to be your friend. Plus they are admitting that they once had negative energy and intentions and now claim "we are from the divine" seems very contradictory!

  25. Interesting.......would like to believe them&hear more....
    Thanks for sharing!!!

  26. Well, I have received enormous amounts of respectfull reactions, mostly positive but all very respectfull towards me, so I want to thank you all for your support in this and for sharing your thoughts!! I myself am letting it sinck in a bit so we will see what the future brings… I am stucking to my team for channeling for now :-) Love Méline ♥

  27. I believe in giving a second chance

  28. Thank you for sharing the message. I felt their love and gratitude while reading. I also understand your concerns and I am grateful you decided to share them with us. I look forward to reading more messages from the AnAnnUki in the future if you choose to allow that opportunity.

    With unconditional love and light,
    Dora Fabienna

  29. Ich hatte ein gutes und klares Gefühl dabei.
    Ich glaube sie wollen uns helfen

  30. Ich glaube wenn wir zulassen dass sie uns helfen dann sind es die, welche uns am meisten helfen könnten. Sie werden reiche Geschenke zu uns bringen

  31. they did ascend as much as we still have to. Our human race carries a lot of negativity, so we must get this chance also. To the message itself:
    I only feel love, endless love. Therefor I accept this to be most sincere. I feel enriched by the thoughts....

  32. I felt at the beginning, when I read the first few sections of Méline, strong energies flow in my heart center.
    When then the AnAnnUki spoke I thought: „My Ur–Creator–Soul knows if their words are true“.
    While I read the message, this strong energies still flowed and at the end I thought: „Everyone who is willing to live in love, light and peace with me is welcome to me“.
    Ich fühlte am Anfang, als ich die ersten Abschnitte von Méline las, starke Energien in meinem Herzzentrum fließen.
    Als dann die AnAnnUki sprachen dachte ich: „Meine Ur–Schöpfer–Seele weiß ob ihre Worte wahr sind“.
    Während ich die Botschaft las strömten immer noch diese starken Energien und am Ende dachte ich: „Jeder der bereit ist in Liebe, Licht und Frieden mit mir zu leben ist mir willkommen“.

  33. Danke für den Mut dieses Channeling zuzulassen und es zu veröffentlichen. Die Energien fühlen sich sehr gut an. Aufbauend, beglückend, das Herz öffnend und wärmend. Ich freue mich auf weitere Botschaften.
    Wollen wir gemeinsam die Namen NIBURU und ANNANUKI ins Herz nehmen und als Lichtarbeiter mit Licht erfüllen, um die Angst (unsere Angst) zu löschen? Wollen wir anerkennen, dass auch wir in verschiedenen Rollen (bestimmt nicht immer dem Licht) gedient haben? Ich bin dazu bereit! Danke, Heidemarie

  34. I sometimes see videos with flying objects around the sun. If Nibiru is behind the sun then their flying objects look for us as they would be round the sun.
    Ich sehe manchmal Videos mit Flugobjekten um die Sonne herum. Wenn Nibiru hinter der Sonne ist dann sehen ihre Flugobjekte für uns aus als wären sie um die Sonne herum.

  35. Hi Meline, Forgiveness is a given, if we are to assume that one cannot ascend if they are not of the light, then we know they have been acting in the appropriate fashion. My issue that I have to work out is their previous behavior, and that could be cleared out by them removing their former minions from this planet. That would be a massive help to stop the constant negative energies being given to mankind. Then we could proceed to clean up the results of the inappropriate programming that was given to us all. I think more could be done by them to help us, or to help us to help ourselves. Perhaps I am not getting the message of help they are trying to convey. I'm thinking that a more proactive involvement in correcting what they and their minions have done would be a big step towards forgiveness. Unconditional love, and forgiveness doesn't mean you have to like their behavior. Thanks Meline, this needs to be digested in my mind, my heart has already made its decision....Randy

  36. Auch ich stehe seit einigen Wochen in engem Kontakt zu den Anunnaki.Für mich nannten sie keinen neuen Namen, teilten aber
    mit, das sie nicht für das ganze Volk und den ganzen Planeten sprechen , sondern nur für eine Gruppe, so wie es bei uns die
    Lichtarbeiter sind, die den Aufstieg der ERde vorbereiten, so
    bereitet diese Gruppe den Aufstieg Ihres Planeten vor. Und es
    wird geschehen, ihr Aufstieg ist eng mit dem Aufstieg der Erde
    verbunden. Diese Gruppe von Anunnakis ist wie über ein Notagregat
    an verschiedene Menschenherzen (ich gehe nicht davon aus, das ich
    die einzige bin, die hier die Engergie zur Verfügung stellt) verbunden , weil die Herzkraft der Anunnaki noch nicht voll entwickelt ist. Aber auch das wird geschehen, denn es entspricht dem göttlichen Plan. Es geht für die Menschen der Erde jetzt darum
    im Vertrauen zu bleiben, denn Angst stärkt die andere Seite.
    Je mehr Vertrauen wir in uns und den göttlichen Plan haben, je leichter wird es gehen.
    In Liebe

  37. Hallo Meline, please keep the contact to the AnAnuki for more and better Relations in the near and further future. ThankYou, and God will bless You. Thomaszg 2872

  38. Dear Méline,
    thank you for giving the channelling by the AnAnnUki. I read it on Nebadon 2. In answer to your question I’d like to tell you about my experiences with them. Please excuse my imperfect English.
    My first contact with them was in 2008. I actually found those I met rather quarrelsome. They heaped reproaches on me as to the bad deeds mankind has done throughout history. I did not see why I should bear this and interrupted the contact. Afterwards I was told the people of Nibiru had had the same problems as we on earth still have, therefore they were especially intolerant towards us, as we tend to condemn things in others which we have just overcome ourselves.
    The next contact was in May this year, shortly after I had realized Nibiru’s approaching. A man and a woman came to visit me. Somewhat undiplomatic I opened the conversation by saying: “You are not told favourably about.” “You not either”, was the answer. There followed a serious discussion of the problem of judgement, which is often due to mutual projection. We agreed to look at things and to express them clearly without judging anything as good or bad.
    At the next meeting the man gave me a violent blow on my chest and I flew far back in time. I saw pictures about the time when they first came to us, then about the “creation of mankind”. This was actually in-vitro-fertilazation between their men and our early women. They caught women of ours, killed them and took out egg-zells from them. Whether they did not know or did not want to know that we were humans like themselves did not become quite clear to me. They were not capable of genetic engineering, but simply made us inherit their qualities. My visitors recommended to me the books of Zecharia Sitchin as giving a rather faithful account of their history with us.
    The people who visited me introduced themselves as the woman who taught the Sumers reading and writing and the man who taught them the science of medicine. They told me their age is about 7000 and 9000 years respectively by now. ANU and ANTU are still the same as they were on their first visit to earth. They explained to me that they exist in the 7D – the world of imagination. They can live as long as they imagine themselves to do. Nihursag is still alive, too. Enki, Enlil, Inanna and some others have preferred to imagine themselves somewhere else.
    From our meetings I got the impression that the people of Nibiru can be blunt and patronizing towards us, but that they don’t tell lies. This is why I consented to deliver their message almost the same time you did.
    I think there is no fault in listening in what they have to tell us.
    Love and blessings,
    (also in English)

    1. yes.....anunnaki were aligned with dracos at one time..and split...the problem with them is they keep coming back and interfering with human spiritual growth...they are materialistic and service to self...which is imo, not good..leaving humans alone would have been in our best interests....but they wouldn't do that over the millenia.......i believe there are many service to others hybrids on earth who are battling the dark side in the huge war that is going on....they call it the war of the royals...

  39. Liebe Meline,
    ich habe die Mitteilung mehrmals gelesen und jedesmal eine stärkere, positive Energie gespürt. Auch ich finde, dass sie Vertrauen verdient haben.
    Licht und Liebe Dir und den AnAnnUki,

  40. Feels good to me - no fear - this is our time - go for it!

  41. Dear Mèline! From the first day I heard about Nibiru I have just felt joy for that planet. That goes for AnAnnUki as well. Who is to throw the first stone? Almost everyone of us living on planet Earth today, have lived a previous life being the bad guy. Forgive yourself and you will forgive others.

    I have always felt a greater trust in people who have done mistakes and then realized the foolishness. They have made a choice. Been there, done that, they don't have to go there again.

    Looking forward to read more about Nibiru and AnAnnUki.

    Lot's of Love

  42. Thank You Meline! This feels like a positive message from the AnAnnUki & Nibiru!!! I look forward to reading more...

  43. Thanks for your encounter and sharing it. I had heard that the inhabitants of Nibiru need Gold to power their system and that they come to earth to get as much gold as they can carry. If you could ask them about gold in your next channeling, this would be helpful in better understanding of their needs. And what about Silver and platinum, do they or can they use that for their power system? How does their power system use gold? Could the inhabitants of Nibiru use human females for breeding purposes of their own? If I better understood the gold and the use of humans, it would ease my mind.

    1. Hi sweet Rita,

      Yes, it is so that in the past they needed the gold for their systems and used females to breed new races and mix up DNA's. There was abuse and power, greed and so on. This was so when they too have fellen for the dark, I understand that now a large group of the annunaki have turned to the light and those call themselves now the AnnAnuki. It are these that shared this message through me. IF I allow to do another channeling for them I will ask, but at this time there is no question from them to be channeled by me, nor do I feel compelled to connect. But when the opportunity arises, I will surely do so and ask. Much love and thank you for your question and interest <3

  44. It is now 2016. I look around and wonder what has come of all this?
