This is not a channel I usually post, however, when you read
this with open heart and mind, it all makes sense. The only way change
can happen is with alot of cleansing…stay open to it or stay in 3D. It’s
that simple. I know some have left, but they agreed to and the time for
letting go is now!
Read this and allow your third eye to SEE…as it will show itself if you allow it to.
October Surprise in Process a Message from Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, October 30, 2012
Greetings. This is Lord Sananda. A very large storm on the East Coast
of the United States with anticipation of changes and Inner Knowing all
combined are causing a lot of Light Workers emotional turmoil. Cries of
What is HAPPENING!?! Is being heard from near and far.
I would like to explain what exactly is happening and that requires
setting aside disbelief about our advanced technology and how it is
used. It will also require many of you to drop your programming that the
cabal technology is greater than ours and interfering in your lives.
For those who still buy into that notion, this explanation will not make
sense to you and will cause further turmoil, disbelief and anger.
Breathe. You are right, a lot is going on. This messenger has seen it
with her own eyes and is willing to share what she has seen to those
with eyes that see and ears that hear. The others will come behind
seeing the truth, quickly or slowly, as they desire, but eventually the
truth shall be apparent to each as they are ready to receive truth.
Our Galactic Federation Ships used technology with wind currents and
the sea, as each cell a sentient Member of Earth Ascension having heard
the clarion call for change and caused the eye of the storm to hover for
a much longer period than it would have on its own. This is nothing to
fear. There have been very few deaths and a lot of disruption.
Disruption which has multiple purposes.
We set the targets for power outages. There are many obvious advantages and others which often go unseen.
To begin let us review the interface which will happen at changeover when Earth goes to Zero Point.
Earth has an energy grid in place. Inside Earth is a diamond
tetrahedron crystal core and this supports Inner Earthʻs blue Sun which
emit the Aurora rings of colored light from the North and South Poles.
The diamond crystal core also supports the Atlantean Crystals now rising
again which are in caves around the globe. This crystal core, the
Silica Shafts in caves in Mexico and the Arkansas crystals of different
types, called the Master Crystals are the wiring system as it were to
the electromagnetic crystalline grid which surrounds Earth inside and
out and also keeps Earth in space connected to the other globes of this
Universe. Earth also has an elaborate switching system as it were
attached to the wiring system which regulates energy flow in and out of
the electromagnetic crystalline grid. This switching system, or in other
words, this which regulates the ebb and flow of energy in and around
Earth includes her sacred sites, portals, Inner Earth tunnels,
StarGates, Ziggurats, Obelisks, and Pyramids with the Zero Point
Modulators. Most Planets in this Solar System operate with similar
systems in place and the diamond crystal tetrahedrons have been
determined by scientists to occur on the Planets at 19 degree parallels.
These Planets all have inner Suns and these have been repeatedly shown
on NASA images with Jupiter being our next Planet to evolve into a Sun.
It has the brightest inner core because it is functioning from the 12th
Dimension at this time. If you search infrared images this will be
clear. This is the point at which One must suspend all disbelief. It is
important to the Mission that as many people as possible open their
hearts to unknown potentials to help lift the vibration. Simply remind
your ego that it has been reading false flags – stories which are not
true and have no basis. Remind your ego the true story is so so so much
more love than could have been imagined at this moment.
Sandy, the hurricane is named for the Sand Man. The dream, the
illusion is being stirred up and changed. This operation was put into
play to initiate October Surprise. You helped bring this about whether
you recall your cooperation or not. This is a joint effort in Oneness.
October Surprise is commenced and underway. There are several more days
and surprises wrapped inside as will unfold over the next week as we
come to 72 hours past the full Taurus moon. This is a time for
Conquering, Dissolving, Burning to Ash and Forging New Deals. Meditate!
We have reviewed the interface which will happen at changeover now
let us review your role. Your Mission, your ONLY MISSION is to bring
Earth up in her Ascension past the 5th Dimension. All of the changes you
desire happen only above the 5th Dimension of No Time. The 4th
Dimension is Time. The 5th Dimension is No Time. In Hinduism it is
called Kali or Time – the Kali Yug – We are ending the Era or Yug of
Kali – we are entering NO TIME. Wrap your mind around that. Now imagine
you are standing at the Godhead. From there your lifestream streams down
and descends into your body on Earth. The energy stream – that spark
from Source or the Central Sun – holds on the stream all of your lives
happening in the past, present and future in this now moment. Look up
from your vantage point on Earth all the way back to Source and you will
see all your parallel and multidimensional Avatar lives happening this
NOW. Changeover has already happened and you are standing here as
witness. See it from a loving place of detachment. Hold the love light
in your heart facilitating the changes as Source On Earth.
October Suprise began a few nights ago when the Ones being removed from timelines were permanently removed from this Universe.
What is the purpose of Sandy? Multifold. Initially assessing the
damage it will appear like a scene where often it is said “God is
punishing us.” That is silly rhetoric from ego mind. That is
programming. Oneness called this into Being. The greatest thing that is
being called for at this time is COMPASSION. The cabal had ego minds
wrapped up in us vs. them mentality since well before September. A storm
like this refocuses the mass consciousness to their fellow man. Before
this the War in Syria was overshadowed by the lies of us vs. them in
Israel and Iran, Jordan and Iraq, Germany and France, Spain and Greece.
Now those lies have been wiped off mass media and our hearts focused to
COMPASSION. Beautiful. This gives us time to help the mass consciousness
UNGRIP FROM THE LIES. The vast majority of you reading this absolutely
refuse to stop watching, reading and blogging the news. No matter how
many times I have commented on this in the past few months it continues
HAND CUFFS. This storm cuts you off fully from those lies and stories
for a few days and that absolutely changes the energy.
The number of physical deaths from this tremendous storm have been
very small and the property damage large. There will be speedy help
forthcoming setting the physical damage right. When we have changeover
the structures of that part of the world will be changed radically as it
is. There is no reason to cling to the old ways, the old structures,
old technology. We must tear down the old to build the new. REJOICE!
The emotional turmoil caused by Sandy is for a purpose. Only by being
thrown into the fire does one become stronger and prepare for the next
steps better understanding what to do. The emotional turmoil forces
decisions long procrastinated, forces relationship changes and a
re-ordering of priorities. This is a very positive change.
Technology. Period. Unseen Forces of Light are changing over your
energy grids and so why the power is out. This same thing happened to
700 million people in India last summer. Nanite technology and other
advanced technologies are being impregnated into the power structures of
the very large energy grids preparing for Zero Point. While this is
happening the satellites are being re-calibrated to handle the new
technology in areas where there are very large populations. Beside the
energy grids are telephone communications, street level video taping,
maps, computer servers, intelligence, banking records, prison records,
hospital records, military records and much more which are being
uploaded, downloaded, cross matched and simplified. A new system of
keeping this information stored is being implemented. Advanced
technology is being put into place. It does not take Ship computers very
long to make such upgrades so the delay of the power outages creates
the necessary illusion to get all of this done without disruption or
emotional upheaval. The mind calls it a power outage and believes it
creating as little negatively perceived impact as possible. By the time
the changes are garnered and understood then they will be as intentioned
– a great improvement over what was there.
Shift of Focus. In the midwest where the weather is unaffected
advanced military technology is being moved. Amid all the chaos large
rockets and other technology are traveling the back roads as a massive
equipment reshuffling is taking place. Out with the old and in with the
new. On the west coast banking executives as well as air line companies
are restructuring their communication protocols as their east coast
partners are otherwise occupied. That may all sound a bit covert but I
assure you it is all part of the plan. It is going off beautifully.
In the Skies key large Ships are on the move. If you tune in you will
see them. They are effecting changes we have not detailed here. More
information about this will be forthcoming. These are the parts of the
operation kept in secrecy to protect the Ones carrying out the work
assisting to bring it to completion.
We have been saying that the old world had to be dissolved before
announcing the new. What exactly does that mean? Dissolution means an
end to karma. An end to suffering. An end to history. It means wiping
the slate clean and building a foundation of abundance, love, peace and
The thoughts you hold on to at this time can hinder or speed the
Birth of the New. Hold happy thoughts and see through the illusion.
Appreciate the largeness of the changes and anticipate more happiness as
this Op October Surprise continues. We are There. We Are All Going
Home. Namaste. Sat Nam. This is Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin,
October 30, 2012. © All Rights Reserved.© All Rights Reserved.
Love, lots of love.