
Friday, June 14, 2013

Lucas – The Way No More – The New Direction – The Light Toned Back Till All Can See – 13 June 2013 some it is not easy to see that things have changed and old patterns and dogmas or even routines are no more applicable or to be used.  I still see people teaching the 3D/4D  way of what is and how to do.  They have not grasped that maybe some ways they still teach are not for this 5D paradigm anymore. I tried to explain that to some but it is as it is. They have to realize the what and how themselves. Also know that what often has been written or spoken is also a mirror to those doing so as well as the listeners and readers.  It is just a process for everybody (also me) and no one is exempt from that.

What is applicable is what you feel to be in your process to suit you at the moment in time. Things will touch, or come on your path and or will find you to let you progress in your process.  So even the hardest nuts are going to be cracked to progress as the wall you hit your head into again and again will eventually bring you the message. It even can appear in other forms to you.  We all are in this period not only on our own paths but we help as light tone teachers our other fellow travelers on our mutual journey.

Know to be balance and not getting back in the trap of going again in extreme polarities.  Light and Dark need to be finding each other in the middle. But by changing within you will shift also that outside of you.  Find your neutral tones. Whatever levels of consciousness you experience we all are already in a dormant state of 5D. We just can  not complete or mission to ascend all including our mother earth and make it from the dormant 5D state  to the manifested and forming 5D state in our reality of 5D.

Some may already experience 5D realities in some way but the whole paradigm picture can only evolve when all are shifted into that 5D state of being: called ascension. Those working on the energies of the earth and others need to be remembering balance is needed in light and dark. Therefore we need no extreme lightwork being put into the field as this will get things out of balance again.  The point of no return for the old levels of existence 3D and 4D are over. All the work is just you shifting and doing your work to get there. The illusions are created still by you and hold onto by you, remember.

A new way of 5D is all around us. A lot of us are already in the flow of source. This will bring on your path or your way that what you need and ask for. This manifestation sometimes comes in strange and mysterious ways or not as wished for but even better.  Just know it is in all its abundance for all of you available.  It is total trust in source and trust source to manifest it for you in the moment you need it.

The unification of polarities into a neutral state or a state that cancels polarity extremes is now going on. All that is played out now in extremes  is  to let go and integrated by yourself. In bringing polarity into one it is you seeing the unification that will happen in you and around you.  We have  been bringing  in our shifts from last year via the different portals enough people into the highest vibrational frequency levels to make this shift regardless what is played out now happening for all of us.  So everybody will have the change to shift and come.

The time to despair is over even as things seem on the  viewed reality sight for lots still harsh. The change is coming fast in all forms behind and in front of the scenes. The unfolding of the new is shown in the unravelling of all the old structures of power and finance.  We will hear and see soon a breakthrough that will make a start in forming things the new way.  Transition into the new paradigm ways  in even this dormant state of 5D for most is coming.  It is about transition from old obsolete structures.

This all is not the same as the shift.  But it will bring in transitioning more peace and understanding amongst people. This will bring new opportunity for more people to really work on themselves and shift as a lot of pain, suffering and debt will be over.  Know there is always help! But that does not  mean you are not the one that needs to do the work.  Let us go within and see the heart-source connection. Your brain center was from birth first your heart. It has still 40.000 neural path cells that transmit to the brain. But about all of that you can read in enough published research and articles on the net.

If you shift towards your heart and feel instead of think it will become clear. Does this mean you have no brain function than anymore in shifting? No. Does it say you are no longer you as individual after shifting? No.  All will become clear to you when you find your way there. It is up to you how you shift into that space.  There is enough said and explained over the time to get there.

Let us find the new direction into this space and make it happen. If all have shifted we can start our journey together as One in the new paradigm we physically also will see and manifest 5D. Give love and compassion a chance on your journey.  There is no wrong only coming closer together in seeing less wrong and less right.  Humor and laughter will help also to bring things back into a more loving space. We will see  the  light will become toned back till all can see what is the neutrality space and Oneness of us all.

Love and Light in a new tone,

donate_heartP.S.  Do not forget this blog, free for all, is still kept alive by your donations.  So if your planning to get on a vacation please also think this blog will go on 24/7 . Know energy is not only put in but is also something you give in a way back in appreciation and the needed buck  or euro if you can miss it. So if you can support please do it before you leave for your holiday or well-earned rest. Also remember to donate if you profited from the traffic on the blog commercially.

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(c) 2013 –  Copyright of Lucas, all writings of Lucas maybe published, re-blogged and posted only in full without altering anything with  the  link  mentioned in the article with name of the author Lucas.

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