
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Andy Bojarski ~ How to Heal Yourself

PictureHi Everyone.  Here is a video that I just made on how you can heal yourself.  Everyone can heal themselves.
If you clean and energize you etheric body, you can heal your physical body.  I hope you like the video.  I am sending all of you lots of love and many blessings..


  1. Hey there Andy,wonderful video!Great moments there with the visualization and the Light doing its miracles!The sound of your voice and words are very comforting and so effective!Thank you!What a awesome way to start my day :) Keep it that way!Namaste __/\__ :)

  2. Thank you for your beautiful gift of healing. Nothing more needed to make it better. The rhythm of your healing voice as you take us through the healing leaves nothing wanting. Namaste dear Andy
