
Monday, September 30, 2013

Méline Lafont ~ Personal change, will be out for a little while ~

Hi my sweet friends,

After a long period of change in my personal life, I am finally able to continue my path and start a new chapter in so many ways.  As you all know, I have been going through a separation in my relationship for months now and was in the search for a new home. During all of that, it was a great challenge for me to go through this and to stay balanced at the same time while releasing the old (my relationship), doing my services and channellings, supporting my children, finding a new house while struggling through the still old systems and then the intense energies that were coming in.  BUT finally light has been reached at the end of this birth canal and an opportunity and open space has been brought onto my path where I was able to find a house that is in resonance with me and my kids.. Let me tell you the funny part; when I entered the house,  I saw that all the walls were painted violet, included the Master bedroom :-)  Yes, perfect indeed for me and again a sign from my beloved Twin Flame Saint Germain ;-)  Love those synchronicities!

Anyway, this means I will be moving out tomorrow and as this demands some work, energy and time I will not be able to do some reading and channeling work untill further notice.  For those I need to reschedule their readings; thank you for understanding!  This new chapter will definitely benefit my spiritual services and growth as from now on there will be no more blocking in my way to expansion and growth as this relationship seemed to be the case.  The freedom feels so nice and I can’t wait to start over again in so many new ways.

As a token of my appreciation I really want to thank all of you for the wonderful support and Love I have been receiving from you all! I feel the Love and friendship and I just Love the connections with each and everyone of you.  I love you all and feel unstoppable now, so thank you for bringing that to me! A big hug and Mauch to you all from the heart ♥  It is so wonderful to see how many are being brought together through our blogs, channellings, readings, communities and this all has brought me the most wonderful connections with my Star family and soul family, soul mates.  I feel so much gratitude for these most wonderful unfoldings and connections.

If you find yourself in a position where your relationship is ending, do not panic and always feel with your heart, follow that and ask for an outcome that serves the highest best for everyone involved.  You will get through it, but it takes time to let it all unfold in the best ways.  I know how hard it is for BOTH parties involved, but you will work your way through it eventually as all is always Divinely guided and perfect.  There are lessons in this situation, always for both sides and it helps you to grow and release so much of the old.  My god, how much have I been releasing these past months!?! Its tons of tons of trash and unfortunate energies.  But now, I feel so LIGHT!  I promise you; you will get through it and so will your partner as time heals and insights, lessons are providing a space of growth and freedom.  You are all transcending these old realities and world and that means you might let go of people in your life as well as situations and places..  All in the purpose of growth and transcending borders, limitations, rules. Energy is free and so are we, if you allow yourself to be this freedom.

I Will be back soon, will probably keep on blogging but that will be all until further notice.  Until than: MUCH LOVE to you all and thank you for being YOU! Shine on and be Love ♥  Méline Lafont


  1. Good luck with the move and all that.

  2. Lots of Love to you from my heart!!! Welcome to your new Home!!! :) Shanti

  3. Oh Meline! I am sorry you have to go through this! Even when it is for the best, it still hurts...and I admire you for your courage and commitment to the Light. I've been divorced twice, and share custody. It isn't easy, but looking back I understand how it could not have been any other way. As you say, it honestly was for the Highest Good. That being said, I will send you a free distance Reiki healing to support you in your transition if you are interested. It is the least I can do for you; after all, you have done so much for us!!! Love and Light and great big hugs of support! Namaste.

  4. Blessings on your new home, dear Meline! Great ease & grace to you for your move & re-settling. ~You are a great & glorious gift to me & to us all. My & our deep gratitude to you inspires our prayers for you with enormous love-power ~all blessings upon you & your family in this time of re-adjustment, & in the greater expansion of love which inspires & accompanies it. *•.¸¸☼ me ke aloha nui, Ka'imi

  5. Blessings be! Know that all is well.
    Love and Light, Sheila

  6. Thank you for sharing Sweet Sistar Meline. Wishing you the Highest Love & Light on your new path. I love the way you go through life. I AM. Om Shanti .OM Namaste

  7. Very happy for you Meline Love, for this new starburst of liberation! Be blessed in every moment of this Newness, Love, and Freedom! xxoo's from Jewels

  8. Hi Meline,
    love and light
    I loved your video message with the dancing orbs.
    How do you know when its time to leave a relationship??

  9. Been to your site a few times in the past couple of days. It is quite thrilling to see you work with great energies for common good. May you be happy and peaceful, compensating for all the hazards in the past. - R.
