
Sunday, September 1, 2013


 Yes actually I did and it was so wonderful! Tis was a sharing I posted on my Facebook wall and Laura blogged it because she got a message from his crew just 1 day before that they would begin to interact more with some whom are ready.  I was not aware of her message as I am so busy lately and thus had not the chance to read it, but my conscious interaction with Salusa, defenitly alligned with that! 
Méline Lafont:
I had a conscious interaction with Galactics last night: in particullary with SaLuSa.. this was an interesting unfoldment to say the least. I was speaking to a man with a tulband on his head who appeared as a shaman to me and he wore a big clear quartz crystal around his neck in the form of a huge pendulum with the point downwards. He was explaining to me how much he could feel my energy from a distance and he was sharing the feeling with me as he had a hard time to find the right words to describe it.. All of a sudden, I began to really see him for who he was and his whole face changed into an Galactic face with long, dark curly hair and I screamed at him: but you are Salusa!! how could I not have seen this before?! And at that time where I saw and realised this, my brain shifted into a fear state that made my whole body parallized and made him dissapear.. I immediatly felt that my brain was putting me into fear as initially I had no fear of Salusa but actually was so happy to finally see him on a conscious way. Still that part of my brian created the fear as it had no understanding of this all, and so everything shifted and was gone. Interesting how our brain still try to manage this and it is so clear now as to why they take their time to interact consciously: even though we want it so bad and are ready for it.. Well thank you dear Salusa, AA Metatron and Saint Germain for being with me during this visit. 
Méline Lafont Pleiade Dolphin

I want to add that his energies were truly so powerful and big!  That is what was causing my physical body to react too.  I cannot describe the feeling but from the moment he changed into his Galactic energetic Presence, a kind of state and STRONG energetic vibration took over me and was felt in my fields! You have no idea how strong this was!! It is like an instant reaction of the body and/or brain going into a state of feeling paralized; not able to move.  He looked so tall and a radiating blueish white light and he had a true impact on me for sure!  
I truly understand as to why they take steps and why it takes a longer time for connecting consciously! I have been interacting with them for a while now and no matter how ready we are and really wanting this; it still is really important to have no fear at all and still their Presence have a very strong impact on our fields, minds and bodies. I always most of the time connected with their energy without seeing a form or face, at least not conscioulsy as when I usually wake up I only remember the feeling of them and knowing who, who was due to that energetic blueprint. Sometimes I am allowed to remember how they look like.  I understand their care for us as we still are formed in a physcical body with a limited brain.  I feel we are really getting to this for sure and they are preparing us for contact and giving us the time to addapt and be able to cope with their energetic fields and Presences.  And this can only be achieved by growth; so it takes times and steps.
Much Love, Méline ♥


  1. Thank you for sharing this With us, now i am aware of it, and will not get so confused when it happens to me, because i have it the same way as you do... and even if i feel SO ready, and have had these contacts since i was a child, i still think my physical body and brain will react With some kind of fear or awe that makes it all so frigthening big... so thank you for making me aware of that.. Lisa from North of norway <3
