
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Elizabeth Ayres ~ Journal Entry 2.09.2014

Journal Entry 2.09.2014 – “Digging Out”
Well, we received another four inches of snow last night and as I write, the snow started up, again. And tomorrow, we’re supposed to have rain. Should be an interesting transition…
Speaking of transitions, are you enjoying yours? In watching Bill Ballard’s latest video (02.09.2014) I was reminded of the teachings in the 2nd level of Mastering Alchemy… thoughts are electric and emotions are magnetic. Put the two together and you create a thought-form. As the frequency of the planet goes higher, these thought-forms will come into manifestation at a much higher rate than previously felt in 3D. Why? That’s the way it works, folks. And why it’s so important to master your thoughts and emotions.
I’m just as much immersed in this work of the ages as any one on the street, only I can “see” a little more about the dynamics. Others, like Bill and Sandra Walter, are even farther along, yet, they too are still working on their stuff. We all are. We’re just proceeding at different rates and paces.

The last couple of days were difficult ones. In part, I feel that I was processing the effects of getting my timelines cleared. As an aside, even if your timelines are cleared, you CAN re-create them; that’s how powerful you ARE.
We’re all in the midst of a huge endeavor, clearing and digging out of centuries, perhaps thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of years of creations, clearing out individually AND at a collective level. What one does for themselves affects the WHOLE.
Working in the environment that I do (a prison) I am daily confronted, at various levels, with a lot of dualistic energy. It manifests in the activities and belief systems of both staff and offenders and is interesting to watch play out. However, since I work there, I am also engaged, at times, or rather people attempt to engage me within their own dramas, whatever is going on at the time. Outrage, judgment, criticism, gossip, victimization… and I’m talking staff here. And then the offenders, paranoia, fear, arrogance, distrust, manipulation, and occasionally thoughtful introspection and hope for redemption. The entire drama of humankind is being played out daily within a microcosm of the world and I get to play in it, to some degree.
It is a challenge to maintain balance and detachment. I don’t always succeed, but am aware when I go out of alignment. Sometimes it takes a while to come down to being grounded and centered, again.
Anyway, on top of the daily challenges I face along with the rest of the crew, the energies keep intensifying. And I found myself in kind of a void. I could barely think; it was like my “mind” was turned off. I rather think getting out and playing in the snow did me a world of good as I stomped around and took photos yesterday at the local park.
This morning I felt better physically, more relaxed, slept through the entire night (a rarity) with cats curled around me. No headache, although the body is still a bit stiff and awkward feeling. The higher energies of my Higher Self are beginning to anchor more deeply into my body so it feels a bit crowded. We will adjust…
H.S. Indeed we will, beloved. I AM you and you are me, just at a different frequency and perspective. Soon enough we will “see” and experience the world as ONE being, whole and complete. Keep on working, clearing and allowing your heart to open. Let go of the desire to protect others, your warrior energy, and integrate that masculine energy along with your divine feminine into your body. As we are reunited in your heart space, you will see your world change. Yes, there will remain challenges as this is what you took on by coming to GAIA. You love challenges and you loved the idea of assisting a world to rise in frequency.
Yes, the agenda of Ascension has changed. Instead of a few, the collective of humanity decided to all be part of the party, to all work together. Open your hearts, beloved, starting with the one who you look at in the mirror and feel the love for self, for the Higher Self and for all humanity. You cannot force love with your mind, it must flow like a river, but once the dam around your heart is broken, the flood will be unleashed and will wash away all sorrow, all worries and all fear.
Breathe in the blue flame of Archangel Michael and acknowledge and accept your strength and power. And feel the pink flame of Divine Love rise within your heart center. See these two flames wrap about each other in a sacred dance. Together they become the Violet Flame of transmutation, burning away the dross of miscreation and old thought-forms that no longer serve. And together they unite to create and anchor Illumination, the Golden Flame of Lord Buddha, as the sacred child, the Christ Consciousness. Thus is born the Sacred Family which consists of the unified parts of yourself. You are the Sacred Family, and carry within the potential to come into complete Unity with the All That Is. In truth, you are already one with everything that you see and experience because it is you who creates it. You are GOD and GOD lives within. Accept this, know this and know that you are loved, even as you struggle and seemingly suffer through your changes.
We are ever with you, beloved, as we are part of you, part of your Multidimensional Self. Even as our scribe is a part of Archangel Michael, you are a part of us. We are multidimensional beings and exist on many planes and in many places. We are within you and a heart beat away. Call on us and talk to us (inside) whenever you feel a need to share and connect. We are available 24/7.
And now we go, yet never leave. Paradoxes abound in the higher dimensions. In opening your heart and connecting to sacred flame within, you will understand this, for your heart is the connection that binds us as One.
Well, that was interesting. Goes to show that we are becoming more than just “human”. Open up to the possibilities and embrace your Self moment by moment.
Hugs and kisses,
All Rights Reserved, Elizabeth Ayres Escher,

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