
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Dragonflies and Transmission from Gaia ~ Méline Portia Lafont

As I take you with me during my walk in the woods, let us talk about the fairies and Dragonflies and how syncronicity works as I was experiencing this during my walk.  I also let Gaia come through after the dragonfly for a short while to share a message with you all.  This video is about Gaia, dragonflies and fairies, syncronicity, the rebirth and the merging of realities.  The transmission that I am mentioning can be find here:!The-Fairies-and-the-Unicorns-The-lands-of-Mystery/c112t/C9C541DE-90B7-4DA6-932F-14A78C9CEAE8

With Love, Méline


  1. Meline/Portia, thank you for the beautiful walk together through the woods - peaceful, loving, joyous connection with Gaia, her elements and the human light collective. Thank you Gaia for the love and encouragement to all. Thank you to the human collective for making this now possible with your love and light. Namaste, Dave

    1. You are so welcome sweet Dave! Happy to be able and take you along and be able to share <3 much love
