
Sunday, July 12, 2015


Just Judith 099
We on this planet never were entities on our own – in reality we form part of a much greater confederation of galaxies, star systems, etc. under the Great Central Suns.
Therefore when cosmic changes occur on a very grand scale in and macrocosm, this will affect life on this planet in all microcosms in existence – whether this is human life, or any other living organism and life form.
What is above reflects below.  What is ordained in the Greater Cosmos is relevant on Earth and this has always been so.

In that last years since the Second World War, life on planet Earth has steadily been transform as massive paradigm shifts started happening.  Nowhere has this been more orchestrated cosmically as for the influx of highly evolved volunteer souls from the Centrals Suns galaxies, who came in to assist with this massive change, and to truly bring their inherent genius, the knowledge, technology, etc. to planet earth.
As these souls were briefed what to expect on their sojourn here (some had been here before) they knew that the danger would always be to fall into the sleep of forgetfulness and forget who they in truth are, and more than this, to never wake up to their own inherent genius and what they came in do to.
The greater Galactic Federation knew that this would happen, and therefore have always carefully monitored the situation and have seen to it that certain souls with important missions would be woken up at certain stages in their lives, so that they could be activated for Higher Service and then render such.
In the process of these years, then since 1949, steadily the DNA and the Cell structure of human beings have been carefully changed, in that those who are in charge of the greater life and life forms in this galaxy, have been steadily working towards developing a new prototype of human being, who will be able to withstand the immense upheavals coming towards us now, and would be able to sustain the greater shifts in consciousness, but also, at the same time, would be the FUTURE HUMAN RACE.
In that various prototypes were developed and then fine-tuned, it was found that the first volunteers had to cope against tremendous odds.  They were the baby boomers of the fifties and then those of the Sixties, seventies.
The next prototype which followed were those of the late seventies, eighties, nineties and then in different modifications, as their bodies were already more crystalline in structure and formation that those of the first.
The next prototypes, even more fine tuned and modified, genetically, etc. were those born from 2004 onwards until about 2010/11.   They form part of a new generation of Children who have never incarnated onto this planet before and are new souls.  These souls were created to be able to span dimensional states, and therefore will be the new human prototype living in the fifth dimension.
However because of the density of the earth, and the fact that human beings themselves, seem to not be able to understand the basic principle that they have to adjust their sciences in order to adopt higher and more advanced medical and technological advanced systems to help these children to cope with life on planet earth, and also to assist to immediately nurture and develop the genius – they are the SPECIALISTS, in other words, they have been born with the knowledge, wisdom and technology to build a highly advanced new Earth, with technology we cannot even dream of now.  So, they have the ability to create the new Earth, with their inherent genius.
In that is was found that the parents, teachers, the medical profession still were using primitive and outdated methods of treatments, of understanding the basic education needs of these children, and even more interesting, the innate inability of human beings to understand that new prototypes of the human race will not fit into old paradigms, old systems, and more than this old medical practices, and teaching methods.
In that then the next few months and ten years, will bring in an even more advanced prototype which is the ADAM and EVE creation and therefore those of the fifth and seventh to eight dimensional state.
They will have genius far beyond anything we can even understand right now and will be unlike any of the other prototypes as far as intelligence goes.   In this they will be much taller as the old master races are making their genetic codes felt at this time.
I have been alerted to these new Prototypes for the last few months, and all I can say is that these are true CENTRAL SUN children.  They are radiant.  They glow as if they have an inner Sun, and in truth they have.
What truly struck me about them is that they appear to have a longer skull and larger eyes, and with it a type of more advanced body, which purely crystalline.  It is of a much higher frequency than ours and even the children born in 2010 and they vibrate thus at higher frequencies and have more chakras or energy systems in their bodies activated.  They also have more strands of DNA and they carry within them a more advanced and newly programmed Master Cell system which is inherent their own.
These children will slowly but surely incarnate and some will be conceived in the next few months.  However they will seek out only those parents who can assist their higher life passage and development – thus high frequency parents, who have a high consciousness level and who are on track with their missions and also sensitive and empowered enough to help these children to adapt to live on planet earth.
That means that most children conceived will still be the older prototypes, as these new prototypes will be gradually introduced as the development of the forerunners as carefully monitored.
During this time the older children will become more and more unreachable and also treatable with old educational systems which simply do not work anymore, and medical practices which are totally outdated.  They will cause human beings to scientifically advance into the much higher consciousness level where science and spirituality meet on so many levels that it will transform into a new way of life on this planet.
This truly is then the New Earth emerging now, and I am so inspired by this, that I stand in awe and wonder.
To be able to bring in these children, to truly be able to work with them and to nurture their inherent genius is a PRIVILEDGE.
Let us serve these children with open hearts, minds and immense love.
Let us help them to adjust to life on this planet and truly change ourselves, so that the old can now leave us and the new emerge into being.
(Judith Kusel)
Just Judith 197

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