Blog of Méline Lafont where you can find my own Divine Channelings of Light combined with enlighten work of fellow Lightworkers and friends ♥
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Méline Portia Lafont ~ Love for Belgium my country
Dear hearts,
My thoughts and Love goes out to my fellow citizens of our country Belgium whom have been striked by this event. Prayers of peace and balance are the main focus as compassion and Love for each other flows forth from this event.
Karmic patters have been released for our country, which is a welcomed gift for further evolution and shifts. Love is the only thing and way we can take with us anyway so this triggers further the deepening towards Love embodiment.
Let us not fear but care, love and be there for each other: uniting and releasing fears.
All my love and compassion, care and support in this Now.
I AM here, now with Love and Peaceful thoughts in your prayer.
Love is our Truth! We share this with all as we return to One.