
Saturday, May 28, 2016

5 26 16 Bill Ballard ~ Money VS True Currency Ascension ~ Coming out of ...


  1. Greetings Bill!
    First time I've 'met' you; but have to send you some loving support. I have been struggling with the same funk you're experiencing. But finally figured out that was my work to allow it, love it, watch it - and not attach to it. So I'm just sending you an energetic hug, encouraging you to not pay any attention to what 'they' are doing, and only stay focused on your own mastery. Hard to do sometimes, I know. And when I'm feeling so 'low', it's hard to watch and not believe it's real - but then again, isn't that the work to dispelling our own illusions. So abide with yourselves, the parts that are still integrating. Take time to love them, talk with them, embrace them and in so doing, mastering our own 'currency'. By the way - I really appreciated your big picture of currency. It is really all that matters, how we are vibrating, our Presence. And you're not alone in this ascension, you know! Lots and lots of help physical and non. Rest. Relax into All is Well as much as you can find it within; keep making that bigger and blessing whatever appears. It's all Good. Take a break. Play. xo

  2. The next thing that came into my awareness was a channeled message from AA Michael via Ronna Herman (I channel I trust completely). Maybe this message from 'Home' will help.
