
Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Vanguard Visionaries - Méline Lafont spiritual guide


I am A. RaSOL, and these video presentations of modern-day Visionaries, those fellow Awakened HUmans who have been making significant energetic ripples in the Collective Consciousness – some very publicly, others more privately – is focused on the behind-the-scenes personal tales of struggle and splendor as they initiated and expanded their Service Work for Humanity.
NOTE: Due to a Mercury Retrograde glitch at that moment in space-time, the sound fell away from 54.39 till 55.26. It picks back up fine, though Méline's voice is at a relatively low volume for a while. Please bear with us as we do our best to navigate these wild Change Times!!
In this installment of the Vanguard Visionaries series, I am overjoyed to present to you the magnificent, radiant, loving Soul known as Méline Lafont, a truly exceptional human being in Service to Humanity during Terra-Gaia's Planetary Ascension. I am proud and humbled to call this classy lady a true friend. Meline and I ‘met’ on line around 2012, and she was gracious enough to allow me to post some 'Big Picture/Cosmic Perspective' material on the blog site she was publishing in at the time (, separately from my own more 'down-to-earth' Cosmic Surfer-style blog I was writing at the time ( I was privileged to receive copious amounts of authentic loving support from Méline during those deeply challenging periods of my life. She has recently gotten back into helping other Starseeds and Awakening Ones navigate these Change Times full-time, and her new website is included in the information below.
As we both are still living on shoestring budgets with families to support, please consider taking advantage of our Spiritual Services so you too can more smoothly be guided by experienced fellow Ascending Ones into our blossoming New Earth Vibrations, Consciousness, and Ways of BEing. We would both appreciate it very much :-) Méline Lafont's new website, with blog and Professional Online Healing Services:
My 2020 website: My Blog site (2010-2015): A. Rasol's page for Professional Guidance/Healing Services:

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