
About me

Méline Lafont is a lightworker living in Belgium, Europe. She is a full time single mom of 3 children, Channeler, gatekeeper and Ascension guide that functions through the violet Ray along with Saint Germain, to assist fellow travelers of Light in this community of Oneness and Love. Méline is very in tune with Saint Germain and the dolphin collective as well as with the Ascended Master realms and the Pleiadians, as these are an intrinsic part of her journey, service work and being. Méline provides messages, activations and service work that aligns you with your Self and this is done by offering a key to inner work and re-awakening, which is YOU. With a little "push" she guides you to where you need to be at this time in a most loving way. Méline is a Star seeded one of the Pleiades and central sun Alcyone, that is birthed through the Violet Ray as Master Saint Germain's Twin Flame, Lady Portia under the sing of Aquarius.


I welcome you all dearly to my Blog. I created this personal website to spread my messages and that of others to offer guidance and assistance through many services available to you.  As we all know this Golden Age is the most Important time of our NOW presence and for that, no information is needless.

My own personal page, where I share my personal work can be find here:

I am birthed through the Violet Ray as Lady Portia and I am reincarnated to assist Mother Earth and humankind by sharing my knowledge and those of others from the Higher realms of Light, our Family of the Light.  I have been incarnated during the times of Atlantis and Lemuria being a High Priest working with crystals and dolphins. As a child, I knew that life was more than it was “visuable” presenting itself. Where little children would play and entertain themselves, I was founding myself around animals, and nature thinking about life and it’s mystical secrets to unfold. I started to look for companions which I have found in horses and spiritual beings.  Meditating was one of my interests as a child and so was the helping of others and certainly helping and loving animals.

I can see auras and energy, and Lightbeings since I was a small child; my third eye is strongly activated as well as my intuition. I am clairvoyant, claircognizant, clairsentient and clairaudient. From my early years I was looking at the stars, with a strong feeling that they were my home and Earth was only a place to stay to explore and learn. I was telling everyone at a young age that earth would be a school to learn and to play games, never knew how right this was until many years later.

Encounters have I made with Mother Gaia and Saint Germain in my early childhood, where in that facet of my life meditation and seeing auras were a normal standard to me. This huge violet flame was standing next to my bed when I was 11 years old, from then on Saint Germain was conscious in my life and communicating with me through so many ways and signs. He would always visit me every day making his Presence known through his violet flame and violet orbs, as I could not yet communicate telepathically when I was a child. He has been with me since my existence on Earth and beyond this Earthly life.

As I grew up, I started to practice a job as a nurse for elder and sick people with Alzheimer and Parkinson. I had a huge fear of death due to past lives being, burned, killed, beheaded, being drowned, buried alive and all the kinds of deaths we went through being a Lightworker in the early ancient years, as this was not accepted back then. I had to learn through this job to work with death and guide souls through their death process. That was a huge challenge and lesson for me as I was really terrified of dead bodies and I ended up with doing this all with the most love and pleasure after 13 years of career as a nurse. My fears have definitely been reduced due to this job and it became the part of my job I loved the most: guiding souls through their transit to the other world. I have seen so much beauty in this process; the care of family members and how they would be brought closer to each other, but I have seen fights during the process as well which were not very pleasant to witness. All in all its a very complicated but true process that can be a very peaceful transit depending on how much the soul has to learn and let go.

I have taken care of my own Grandmother when she had Alzheimer as she has taken care of me when I was a child too when my mom had to go and work hard to be able and give us a home to live in. So I was a very independent girl from early age and I am still very grateful for this experience as this has made me to who I am now; a strong and independent woman. When my grandmother died, I was with her during this process and saw her soul leaving her body: a golden Light flash at her crown. That was really beautiful! She left our lives and I was immediately after her transit gifted with the pregnancy of my twins. She now still is in my life as a guide.

My pregnancy of my twins have Definitely changed my life in the most challenging and grand way. Connections with the Galactics were being made and a deeper interest in the Spiritual realms. I was a single mom then, as I was on my own since the very beginning of my pregnancy which was at 8 weeks pregnancy. Their father chose not to be in theirs or my life, which was a very huge karmic lesson for me to deal with. This all has helped me to understand unconditional Love and forgiveness in the most deepest ways! I thank my transformation to this part of my life and the rebirthed me!

My second pregnancy of my third, brought me to channeling as the first connection was made through channeling the old ways: the Lightbeing entering the body! I had the honor of having Lady Nada entering my body and giving me the message of being pregnant of a daughter. I was not aware of being pregnant at all when she came in, and after doing a pregnancy test 1 week later; it seemed to be the case! My daughter even looked the exact same as the image I have received from Lady Nada! How could this all not be true than?! My confidence has only but grown since than! I AM eternal grateful!

I had the luck of having a great mother, whom I love so much, that was spiritual awakened as this gave me the support and guidance during my younger years to evolve my spiritual re-awakening. I evolved myself during my younger ages through my guides: Horses; the lovely Earthly Angels and My Beloved Family : The Dolphins. Further down the road I started to practice channeling, where contact is being made by letting the Enlightened Ones entering my physical vessel.  Since I was not so comfortable with this, I started to practice TAUK (Pendulum with letter board), by Suzanne Spooner, and then everything went in full speed. More contacts have been made this way, where my guides and Twin Flame Saint Germain came forward and taught me to use my skills. Visual contacts and telepathic communications were being activated and so my channeling ability was fact.  I am thus a mother of 3 beautiful children. I must say that my pregnancies have helped me to transform myself in who I am now, every time that I was expecting; a huge evolution in the spiritual way was fact and more awakening and skills have grown; this is what my children have brought me and I Love them so deeply.

I work closely with the Violet Ray and the Ascended Masters. I am here to assist during this Ascension process and to bring my abilities and guidance, as well as helping and leading souls through the portal of their Ascension. So that makes me at service to all of you, which I provide through readings, channeling and healing , anchoring my Light, energy and Love.  I Love to do this and to bring this all, as I have a huge open and loving heart for everyone. I Love you all and I love my task and connection with you all, I so enjoy doing this :)

I have been asked by Saint Germain and Melchizedek to channel for them, which I do with much Joy! I also pass on messages from the Dolphin Collective, El Morya, Magatha from Agartha Inner Earth and Lady Portia (my higher Self and Self), as well as the Pleiadians, Arcturians and sometimes the Archangels. It is my wish to pass through messages I have received from the Enlightened ones to open hearts and bring the changes into the Light. We are Love, We are Light, We are the universe, we are one! LOVE, FORGIVE and RELEASE. Trust and Shine you bright stars!!I am also a Certified healer of Quantum Touch, Pranic healing (base) and Kundalini Reiki + Kundalini Reiki Boosters + Gold Reiki.

My personal guides are AA Uriel, Lord Metatron, Master Melchizedek, Saint Germain and Lady Nada. I have a very strong and close connection with Saint Germain being my Twin Flame, also have a good connection with the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, AA Michael, AA Zadkiel and Melchizedek, the Dolphins.I want to thank all of you my precious hearts, to visit our Blog and to show interest to our work. I am very thankful for this and I truly appreciate all of your nice words and motivations. Love to you ♥


  1. Merci Mélanie pour tous les messages que tu fais passer.


    1. Merci bien Claude pour venir ici et pour votre message.... Ca me fait beaucoup du plaisir. J'espère que vous savez comprendre les messages, parce que c'est en Anglais et Flamande. Je vous envoi beacoup d'amour!

    2. Hello dear Méline,
      Thank you for your channeled messages, they are much needed for everyone right now.
      I was quite young and since my grandmother moved to a golden Lightworld, and since then I channeled this dimension for a long time. Just now, only a few days ago, I was also introduced to , as they call them, the Higher Masters, the first is Metatron, to guide me so it is said and to give me the strength to do all the things that are needed to be done in this time of ascension.
      i am so exited , so grateful and so full of joy, just want to share this with you!
      Love to you Méline

    3. ♥♥♥ thank you sweet Celeste ♥ Love to you

  2. You beautiful, beautiful soul! Thank you so much for the channeling work that you do - especially the latest ones from Saint Germaine and the Arcturians. I feel so much hope and excitement about Disclosure!

    1. Thank you so much and I am delighted to share and do my work for Humankind and mother Earth from a Divine call. Much blessings to you dear one! x

  3. I have been following your work for some time, but this is the first time I am at your site.
    Now to see such a picture at the bottom of your story . . . it is enough to melt the heart completely.
    You posts are wrapped in gorgeous light. There can be no resistance. I am grateful.
    We are blessed.

  4. THHANK YOU SO MUCH! I am blessed and gratefull to be surounded by so magnificent souls and friends and my team. I do this with my entire heart and love, so if a fellow lightworker and human compliments me like you just did, it gives me the love to continue and understand that my work is appreciated. Thank my team too, it is them giving me the messages, i am here to serve as the messenger ;-) Thank you so much, truly apreciated and accepted in my heart. It is a gift to be on this planet in this Golden age, for all of us. Much Dolphin love to you dear one ♥ and welcome! Méline

  5. Love, inner peace & Blessings in all you do beautiful Sister ~ Namaste~*

    1. Much LOVE to you from me with tons of blessings and Light hugs ♥♥

  6. Thank you so much Meline Namaste, Love you

    1. so welcome and lots of Love to you!! ♥ Méline ♥

  7. hello I find myself on your site through a series of synchronicities...I received an email today with a picture of a dog riding on the back of a dolphin. I responded to the email that Sirius (the dog star) was riding on Pleaides (the dolphin). I thought at the time, "how do I know that the dolphins are from the Pleaides?" I then saw another email that mentioned Agartha. I read a book many years ago called Agartha by Meredith Young Sauers. It was a book about channeling. I then did a web search for Agartha and came upon your blog. I don't even know why I am here and why I am writing this???? Something greater than myself is guiding me.
    Is there anything I am saying here touching you? Are we to connect or is it just that I am to write down these synchronicities? I was so deeply moved to see the picture of the dolphin with the heart shaped bubble. Now the floodgates open and I remember a dream about dolphins swimming thru the air...thank you for giving me this space to share...<3

    1. Hi thank you for sharing this all and I welcome you dearly on my site. There is always a reason that you are brought to a person or special messages or even a site.. It can mean a lot and that you will find out soon enough :) Dolphins are not from the Pleiadies but actually from Sirius B. This is a water world like our oceans are. You seem to be guided to me or this site due to your connection with dolphins and Agartha, which I am channeling and connected to both. So welcome again and thank you for sharing ♥ Much Love Méline ♥

  8. I come from a background of being so sick to the point I was contemplating leaving life here. I then attracted the Teachings of Abraham/Hicks. I felt I knew them, studied and applied their teaching and literally healed myself with my thoughts and releasing so much resistance. Then went through awakening, etc. I feel guided as I go through all this. So I ended up on info about Pleiadians..and kept questioning if I was. I had a dream of a dolphin coming out of a big cloud into the water. I had no idea what that meant. I just keep following where I feel guided and end up here. Prior to all this I had zero knowledge in any of this or just didn't remember. I have a lot more going on but my question would be can you give me any insight on why I am here and the vision or dream of the dolphin coming out of a cloud? I would so appreciate it and look forward to checking out all of your website. Much appreciation ♥

  9. Hi Ribbon, If you are guided to a certain energy, which is clearly pleiadian energy and even dolphins, you can be sure that you are part of it or strongly connected to it. It is you feeling it and your Higher Self guiding you to it and showing you the answers by images, messages and daily life. If you are lead here to this site or my energy, then it means something. Maybe you find things that you need here, or maybe you are brought to me for other reasons, being a Pleiadian star family. I am from The pleidians being a Galactic form and work close with the dolphins as they are my close guides and family too. Seems they are important for you too and wish to speak to you or show you something. There is a connection here :)
    Always welcome to e-mail me for further questions dear! :) Much Love Méline ♥

  10. Goedemorgen Meline,

    Onverwachts kwam je op mijn pad een poosje terug, het was de energie van jou zelf en of de boodschappen die je hier deelt met ons en dus laat ik je even weten dat ik me hier bij jou thuis voel.
    En helemaal fijn dat het ook in het Nederlands vertaald wordt.
    Dank Meline voor je Zijn.

    1. Hoi dineke!! Hartelijk dank voor je lieve woorden en complimenten :) Altijd leuk te horen dat mijn site als een thuis aanvoelt :) Ik doe mijn best om er steeds een portie Liefde en Licht rondom te plaatsen (deze blog) en doe het met veel Liefde en plezier! ♥ De channelings doe ik in het nederlands en worden nadien steeds vertaald in het engels, zo hebben onze landgenoten er ook wat aan :)

      Liefs Méline

  11. Goedemorgen Méline.

    Ook ik ken pas twee dagen je site, maar ben diep ontroerd. Eerst wilde ik je van alles vragen, maar ik besef dat we zelf onze weg mogen bewandelen. Met mijn 60 jaar heb ik een redelijk bewogfen leven achter me, maar ik ben nog nooit zo leend geweest als de laatste jaren. Ik "voel" de liefdevolle kosmische wezens, al praten ze niet met me, maar ik leer elke dag meer over Liefde en Licht en hoe zelf een multidimensionaal mens te zijn die vanuit het hart en vanuit Liefde leeft. Jouw site helpt mensen, waar dan ook ze zelf op hun pad zijn, en dat ontroert me. Dus vraag ik niets, en hoop toch in mijn ziel de antwoorden te voelen.
    Ik ga je site nog vaak bezoeken, je staat bij mijn favorieren.
    Lierfs, Eleonora.

    1. Wees van Harte welkom lieve Eleonora!! Ze zijn zo dichtbij ons en dit is zo een prachtige tijd, ook al wordt het niet steeds zo gevoeld of gezien, ons hartje weet het wel en ik ben erg dankbaar om jou en vele anderen te mogen ontmoeten en met te connecteren in deze wonderlijke tijd van ascentie! Ik ben ervan overtuigd dat je voeling wel het goede zal doorgeven voor wat voor jou het beste is op dit moment. "Embrace who you are!" :) Heel veel liefde en dankbaarheid, Méline ♥

  12. Hallo lieve Méline, dank voor al je gechannelde boodschappen, ze zijn zo welkom nu op Aarde !
    Al lange tijd ( sinds mijn twintigste ongeveer)krijg ook ik veel boodschappen, heel snel geschreven, uit een gouden Lichtwereld.Sinds mijn grootmoeder-gids daarheen 'verhuisde'...
    Sinds kort ben ik, via haar, in contact gebracht met , zoals zij het noemen de hogere Meesters en de eerste is Aartsengel Metatron.
    Hij zegt: '...het gaat om de mensen op aarde die je kunt helpen lieve ..., je kunt het je bent er klaar voor en wij staan om jou heen
    je zal veel kracht ontvangen van ons in aardse tijd
    dat gaat alles volgens plan en ik ben jouw gids .... heb dank en wees verheugd...wij houden van jou en zien dat alles goed is...'
    Ik wilde dit even met jou delen lieve Méline, ik ben inderdaad zo verheugd en dankbaar en vol Liefde, het is onze mooie spannende tijd van transformatie, van Ascension, NU !!
    Liefs voor jou,

    1. Hoi Celeste, ik heb al je reacties goed ontvangen hoor, ze moesten gewoon eerst gemodereerd worden :) Dank je voor de lieve complimenten en lieve woorden. Wat een zegen om met Metatron in connectie te zijn. hij is een erg goede leraar en gids die erg liefdevol en krachtig is. Hij staat voor de transformatie en helpt bij grote transformatie processen met zijn energie en cube. Geniet van deze zeer speciale tijd want het is waar; ze zijn bij ons en staan ons allen van zeer nabij bij. Liefs en hartelijk dank voor je reactie. Liefs, Méline

    2. Liefs terug, dank, <3 <3 <3


  13. Merci Méline pour la transcription des messages (vus sur Lucas2012) grâce à la traduction automatique de Google !
    Je ne suis pas fort en langues !
    Bonne continuation !
    La lumière arrive !

    1. Merci Filibert! C'est domage que les messages ne sont pas traduits on francais... Parce que les messages traduire avec google na pas le meme message ou activation que la vrais traduction. J'espère que ca changera bientot! Beacoup d'amour a vous! Méline Lafont

  14. Thank you so much Meline, Love you..!

  15. :) Always a pleasure!! Much Love sweet friend ♥

  16. I am wishes love and hope to all my brother and sisters, may we be as one in heart and soul with earth and each other. Harmony and peace for all. Thank you Meline my love is with you always.

    1. Gratutude for this love filled comment! My heart and blessings are with you, much Love ♥ Méline

  17. Meline, let me to say...nice to meet you...and thank you for all you do for us :-) <3

    1. Nice to meet you too Martina! all is done by heart and much pleasure! thank you! ♥

  18. Found you on Twitter and I am glad. I have been reading about St. Germain and the Violet Flame for 30 years. Thanks for your important work you do.

    1. Be the most welcome and keep on working with the Almighty Violet Flame! glad to hear this ♥ much love

  19. Thanks Meline for your noble work. Deeply moved by your life-story.

  20. Muchas gracias Meline:
    Recién te encuentro navegando y me alegra saber que estas en plena labor en Gaia y que estas en contacto con el Maestro Saint Germain y Lady Nada, dos maestros que son mi inspiración para el uso de la LLama Violeta en estos momentos tan expectantes y gozosos de ascensión.

  21. Hi I would love to contact you to see if you remember me.

    1. Hi sweet Shannon, feel free to e-mail me at

      much love to you

  22. Lieve Meline,
    Dank voor het delen van je mooie levensverhaal & alle prachtige channelings die je haast dagelijks met ons allen deelt. Ik weet dat ze mij & velen enorm helpen "on track" te blijven in dit zo heel bijzondere Ascentieproces. Ik deel ze graag en heb het jarenlang druk gehad alle (online) vrienden hier en daar op de hoogte te houden. Ik voel dat ik nu weer toe ben aan meer aandacht voor het "binnenwerk" en m`n persoonlijke relaties & evt.gidsen toe te laten.
    Veel dank en heel veel liefs van mij.

  23. Lieve schat!! Je bent van HARTE bedankt om zo vele berichten van jezelf en ons allen met zoveel passie te delen en te versturen. Ik neem best aan dat je moe bent! concentreer je VOLLEDIG op jezelf en je innerlijk proces nu, je verdient je eigen liefde en aandacht !!!!!! heel veel liefs! ik apprecieer jou enorm ♥

  24. ` ♥*¨*•.¸¸¸.•*¨*•☆ UNITY is the solution. ☆•*¨*•.¸¸¸.•*¨*♥

    If your not thinking with love and real compassion your a part of the problem

    ` ♥*¨*•.¸¸¸.•*¨*•☆ UNITY is the solution. ☆•*¨*•.¸¸¸.•*¨*♥

  25. Dear Meline,
    Thank you for all the messages and informations and for to be on the earth's surface in the service of the light and the 7 rays. With all my love and light,

    1. Hi sweet Philippe, al by heart my sweet friend. Thank you for being a part of this global co-creation with your uniqueness and being of Love. Shine on my dear friend and many blessings to you <3 Méline

    2. Dear Meline,

      It's a great joy to read your kind message and i receive your blessings in my heart.. I'll be a part of the creation of the new world of love and light. I will be exchange with your about the 7 sacred flames and rays, and espacially the violet ray and flame. Also, we are toghether Celestial and Galactical beings. Can we share some informations in a private mode ?

      Receive all my blessings, light and love,

  26. Hi Méline,
    I don't know why I haven't read your bio sooner? I've followed your work and appreciated you for like, two years! Today was a good day to 'catch up' on your life story. It inspires me, and gives me hope. Thank you for all your service to the Light. And I appreciate your being a single mother more than you will ever know, since I am one too. I was also abandoned in pregnancy. He is a massage therapist, and in the middle of my first pregnancy massage by him, I started seeing angels! They made me laugh and they told me 'everything would be okay'. Well, guess what Méline? The father didn't like it! So he walked out the door and never came back! You are amazing that you have had twins, and one more after, making three! When I had my lessons enough with just one <3 aloha and mahalos, namaste, peace, Reiki Doc Carla Maria xoxoxoxo

    1. Aloha and in lak'esh sweet Carla! just noticed your message now. Many women go through alike situations to empower our Divine Feminine within and stand in our sacred power. We open the doorways and gateways as the Goddess Flames ~ representatives of the One. You are a blessing and I thank you as well for all the work and awareness you put out to the world through your beautiful blog!

      Much love

  27. با سلام من چگونه متوانم با راهنمایی روحی خودم ارتباط بر قرار کنم مرا راهنمایی کنید

  28. Je suis enchanté de faire votre connaissance. That's about all I remember from High school French, but it is true. I know there are no accidents, so here I am drawn to you. I have been searching for a long time, but wish I was much more advanced. I am "different" because I had a Near Death Experience when I was 16, yet spent most of my time in the material world raising a family, helping my husband and working out a lot of karma. My beautiful, beautiful daughter who looked so much like me she even had a dimple in her right cheek passed from alcohol addiction last August 26 at age 32. Needless to say, my grief has taught me much and my spiritual development is almost more than I can physically keep up with. At the moment I am beginning to know and work with the Arcturians. I am a developing medium and do practice Reiki. I have an American friend who speaks French and lives in Belgium. I am a teacher, but will retire next year so that I can better concentrate on what I am being drawn to. Merci beaucoup pour votre travail et votre amour.

    1. Be welcome here sweet Bobbie! Sorry to hear about your loss, this is never easy. I AM delighted to hear you are on your course and adventure of awakening. Enjoy this pathway as it is unique! Thank you for your beautiful presence here.

      Much love

  29. ��I came to you by way of some profound experiences I had in March. In my visions. I kept hearing the word "ascension". Long story quick, this brought me to you. I believe this was my higher self guiding me because I was earnest about learning more! I have had some sublime experiences in the last few months and have been in my own multiple "realities" at once! What an exciting time to be here! Bless you for your being and revealing Light to others
