

Méline Lafont, Channeler and administrator of this Blog.



  1. Hi Meline
    Greetings I honer your presence with love and gratitude, my name is Ans Livingstone.Fristly I would like to thank you so much for your bravery and caution with the AnAnnIki I loved the information they shared and totally agree that everyone deserves a second chance as humanity should also hope we earn ours. I would love to hear more from you sharing their messages and look forward to their shared knowledge. With unconditional love and immense gratitude I thank and welcome the light of the AnAnnUki and their return passage with.Once again thank you so much for sharing this with us and for finding the strength to be discerning and open. Loving blessings, Namaste
    Ana Livingstone

  2. Hi Ana! I remember you as one of my friends on FB!!! :-) Welcome and thank you so much for your honesty and sweet comment. I Love you! Blessings, Méline♥

  3. Hi Meline, like you I have been serving the Light for Aeons and during this lifetime I bring my truth and service wherever I can. I have known for the last 17 years that the Annunaki have evolved back to the Light and are now known as the AnAnnUki. They are my ancestors as they are of all of humanity. They have seeded us as the Pleidians, the Sirians, the Orianis, among other seed species have and it is this mixture that is making us all more powerful in our Being. This final flyby of Nibiru within the safety of our own Sun is a culmination of our joint karmic connection and a loving closure on both our parts. As we are evolving, so did they also evolve into loving co-creators of Light. We all make our mistakes. It is during this time that we are to release and forgive all wrongdoings by others and to ourselves. The Supreme Creator for-gives to us all, why can we not? The Intergalactic White Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light have been making the necessary changes with our own Sun/Helios/Vesta so that Nibiru's magnetic effect will not cause the destructive shifts it created in the past. Ashtar and our space brothers and sisters are in direct communication with us, the ground crew, to prepare for this Great Alignment that is soon to occur. let us all BE in love, forgiveness, surrender to what is our destinies and fate will not have to step in with other agendas. With much love and light I am your sister in Light. I remain anonymous as this is my shield of protection our Divine Father gave me during this lifetime.

  4. Thank you so much for these beautiful words and sharings on your information received.. I could not agree with you more as I feel this way too. Namaste and many blessings ♥ Méline ♥

  5. I just realized that your blog was not on my blogroll. I apologize dear friend. It is now.

    1. No worries dear Ron! I appreciate you and your work and I truly Love you and your work a lot! Thank you for this and for being you, I feel you are a pure channeler and I read all of your channelings every single time. Thank you for adding me to your Blogroll, much appreciated. Hopefully we will meet each other soon now, Love ♥

  6. thank you so much for your courage for channeling the anannuki. thank you for opening my eyes and my heart. i'm forever greatfull

    1. I am gratedful too, to have given it a chance ♥♥ It was a changeover fpr me personal too, in letting go and forgive. You are most welcome! Love Méline ♥

  7. when I got into the site this is what I got

    The link you are visiting:
    Facebook thinks this site may be unsafe. If you're not familiar with it, please provide feedback by marking it as spam (you'll be brought back to Facebook).
    they want me to click SPAM or not spam... just a heads up

    1. oh my, attack :) gues they don't like the posts of Light that I am bringing out! Thanks for the heads up, Much Love

  8. Awesome to be here - love and agree with all I read from all... Love & Blessings Kirastar

    1. Thank you dear Kira Star ♥♥ Much Love and blessings xxx

  9. o letto il messaggio delle eclissi lunica cosa che posso dire e che sto aspettando con ansia l'arrivo dei nostri fratelli di luce pleiadiani spero vivamente che questo sbarco di massa avvenga il più presto possibile ciao a tutti e un abraccio di luce pleiadiana.

  10. Dearest Meline- great gratitude for your personal sharing today. It is uncanny how many similar experiences I have had. The heart almost convulses & at times I wonder if it is beating. I also have this sensation with breathing- like I can't get air into my lungs & like I am breathing on a level other than the physical. When I was taken off planet to an architectural world near Saturn and given a medicinal herb salad, I also remember galactics & celestials wearing white clothes with the full sleeves like You saw on Salusa. I described them looking like the white clothes the band Abba used to wear. Ha ha!
    I have also had the deep soul sorrow. In my case, it was for my brothers and sisters who are suffering on this planet at the hands of others. Man's inhumanity to man sometimes makes me want to check out of this world. Oddly enough, I also had the car crash scenario come to mind. I dispelled it at once with the thoughts "you are not going out in an accident, you are meant to be here at this time."
    The time thing is a challenge since I work 13 hr shifts in an Emergency Room. Also, I am a laboratory scientist running tests with timers and patient care is dependant on my accuracy. Yet if I stay in that "sweet spot" of the now moment living my life with purpose, then it feels as though time is transcended despite the many demands of my unnatural environment of modern medicine with timers buzzing, machines humming, clocks ticking, and phones ringing. It is important to ground and balance by getting out in nature. Walking barefoot in the grass so connects me to Mother Earth. Lately I must also connect gallactically & look at the stars almost every night.
    My telepathy is expanding as I hear people's thoughts & know what they are going to say. Bringing spirit into waking consciousness for sure. Thanks again for validating my experiences. I concur: remember the gift of the strong soul. Blessings to you dear sister Meline.
    Love & light,

    1. Hi sweet SAgeStar, thank you so much for your precious words and energy shared to me and with me. I so appreciate this and you! I know how you feel, working at medical services, been a nurse for 13 years and its not the energy we are supporting anymore or feel comfortbale with.. Guess we are placed there to bring in Light.

      Much love to you and thank you for being YOU ♥

  11. Help me !!!! How do I get someone out of my heart when I know he's supposed to be the one but it's not time for us to be together. We both feel the same and it's stronger than both of us like our connection is guided by a higher power. We feel like we have been lovers in a past life or we could be each others Twinflames.
    I'm reaching out for any guidance or advice if you can please. I feel this eating away at my soul :(

    1. When there is a heart connection its usual tough to close that connection as the attraction makes it hard, certainly when its meant to be. you can Master yourself and this by knowing it will come on divine time, where you are the creator of this together. You can both focus on following this path and be together and let things unfold or you can focus on not being together and cut the cords in the heart but that can heart. you can also create another timeline for this! Never forget that you are god creators and you really can de-create and create connections, timelines and manifestations, even the hardest ones are not impossible to overcome. Feel what it is that you desire and create that. If you keep a focus on that and ask for unfoldings that serve the highest best of all parties involved, than that shall be started by you and through you with the assistance of the Light company of heaven.

      good luck and be love ♥

  12. Hello Meline

    Greetings to you. I got your inbox info from( Have sent you a mail and then noticed this comment section.

    I wonder whether, its possible for you to provide the info seeking for.

    Warm wishes

    Amitabh Choudhury

  13. could you contact the ancient ones to help me overcome the abduction of the evil ones, who ruthless torment me every day.Hail to Agartha, for they will help me overcome the demented ones.

  14. I have knowledge of astrology use it, as the other methods in divination, from 18d telepathic contact with my twin (astral, fiery, spiritual) very'm looking for information and not find the answer what my twin, MY Denmark 12,1,1971g 18 , 5h city sofia Biserka Vassileva kodzhagyaurova, its Denmark 15,7,1972g 00,5ch Larnaca -kipar Panagiotis neukleous I have precognitive dreams of 3godishna age that use them, go to another dimension during sleep, I met him (my twin) before 4d his attitude towards me was unbearable, I do not vaspriema not true now and spiritually, I have prophetic dreams izhivyavyam happenings and events of people my astral travels me confused and events that are happening

  15. I have been initiated into the family of light, Since age of thirteen I have been given instructions and ways to find the path and two months ago during the shift of seasons from winter to spring I was called upon a journey at which I was given specific instructions to follow and of these instructions are carried by a romantic omega manner not alpha and straight. So Since then I have been astral travelling as well as that I have been initiated into the family of light or at least it seems so. I have constant contact with the pleiadians and the various beings of light. They have given me the title: The protector of light, in many ways I have become a warrior with each journey I am becoming more complete, in the status of my powers and they bestow upon me different variations of dealing with darkness(absence of light). I have been called forth to be the at the edge of protection amongst others. There is no sense being better or worse only that they have spoken to me of my power to be able to control myself both in darkness and light and so they have given me the title of the protector. I seem to be channeling much of my heart chakra consistently to mother earth from the cosmos and at times the pleiadians help with the energy source of light. Please let me know if you have any information or you can expand upon my horizon as I am a child within my true manifestation.
