The Pleiadians
The first contacts with us become ever more real
and truthful due to the way you are evolving now. Gigantic leaps have been
taken by the collective, partly thanks to the numerous lightworkers who never
gave up hope remaining in their power and who continued passionately creating a
strong basis for cooperation. We say to you : thank you, all those ones who
have kept working so profoundly deep and who persevered with their missions. It
will really all be worth your while, this is generally understood and known.
There are several ways of contacting us, some of
you already have been able to establish a direct contact with us such as for
instance through telepathic connection and even through direct visual contacts
in their own reality. However, most forms of contact pass by unconsciously but
that is now changing gradually into a more conscious contact, such as the
contacts that are made in the dreamstate.
Many collective hearts still choose this way of
communication as it feels comfortable to them. We are in agreement over this
and we proceed not only with what is expected from us from the Cosmic Order but
also with the actual contacts with you and the merging with us. We call this
merging with us your “vindication”, where you come to a point in which you return to your true Self. We are
your higher aspect and your future Self in the real time that you call the
“future”; we have stated this fact in many previous messages.
We are approaching “full contact” and are working
tirelessly on the possible effects that they will have in your collective
world. We explicitly take everyone of you into account, we also take the
collective of humanity, still holding dormant souls, into account. Rest assured
that the time does not stand still and this applies also to our actions and the
energies we all invest in this TOGETHER with all of you.
A consensus has already been reached on the scope
of our language and of ourselves towards you and what we shall bring and offer
to your world. The first thing we gladly would bring is an offer of Love and
peace all over the world. This applies to everyone and everything on your
planet and it is our greatest conviction that the hearts of humanity will be
most grateful for this and really wouldn’t want anything else on this planet.
Nevertheless, this is our biggest concern and
requires lots of energy as still up to this day there are too many disputes
over power and ego, over separation. Ominous warmongering is still on the table
and that is totally unacceptable, it can no longer be tolerated in your current
and higher world. It has to do with the very last dormant souls who still dwell
in their delusion but who will be shaken up quite boisterously.
Be thankful for who you are and for what you have
already experienced, seen and felt so far. Be grateful for knowing and helping
one another, for cherishing each other and for cooperating together. There is
nothing as wondrous as what is now taking place on this beloved Gaia. Behold
the blessing and the opportunity in everything as it is an extremely blessed
and special process. Admittedly, this global Ascension and reformation of your
world is a rather difficult and harsh school of learning, but it will all be
worth it in the end.
You are truly the pioneers of Ascension, you are
the new world leaders, all of you as One! You are now a more pure and clear collective
unit with all your aspects and your Being. You bring renovations to this world,
you bring this world out of duality, so go ahead and wait no longer. Get out of
your lazy chairs on which you have adopted a waiting pose and see the world as
it is. Declare your own freedom, embody your true Self once again and step
forward into the world of manifestation and of multidimensional Being. Do not
delay any longer, as we can only wait for you to be ready pushing yourselves
into full consciousness and into your higher reality.
We are present with you and for you! Together we
will work and build on the manifestation of a new world. This is what you are
currently doing and the time is right. Let us tear down the last vestiges of
duality, wait no longer but take action! Do not wait for the messages nor for
the messengers to do it for you; be realistic and look from your heart to find
out how far things have evolved. Help where necessary, use your
talents and enrichments and avail yourselves of your wonderful energy and Light
to assist all this and guiding it to a blissful and perfect outcome for the
entire collective of humanity.
You are so close and we are near to all of you:
this is a fact and not a fiction! It only pertains to understanding and viewing
things from a different stance : from your heart and your inner core, not from
the outer world nor from scenes playing out there. It is from within that we
attune and adjust, it is from within that we extract all our knowledge and
where we duly find ourselves. Be brave and excell in your tasks at hand for
they are very significant and they play an important part. We supervise your
safety and that of Gaia, but we also keep on working with hope in our hearts on
our first real contacts with all of you! Ultimately this all is in your hands,
do not let us down, but especially do not let yourselves down.
We love you with all of our hearts and we hope and
know that we shall see you soon and that you will be able to see us in your
reality. For several years we are already amongst you. Many of you are us while
others are different "species" of Light and are Galactic brothers and
sisters. We all form one entirety, representing the entire Cosmos and we all
are part of the Cosmos.
Remain now the hopeful and joyful souls that you
essentially are and enjoy everything that you do, that you bring and that you
think. Be kind and happy and lift yourselves out of the rut and the depressing
emotions of duality! See yourself radiating again and see how your tintillating
energies reach out and share their bliss with every heart on Earth. Godspeed,
our beloveds. Be blessed and beautiful for that is what you are, each and
everyone of you!
© by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and
distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety
and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are
included. for Blogger and as Homepage
Lovely message! I wish I could remember my contacts. Peace, flow.
ReplyDeleteMichael Stardolphin.
Thank you Michael :) Much Love sweet dolphin brother
DeleteGreat message, totally get it. We are to fulfill our higher purpose here, that's what I see. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure, they all Love us so!!! Much blessings, Méline ♥
DeleteMercie. Re-blogged at