
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Alternatives to the Monetary System ~ The Pleiadians through Ishante

24th of September 2013

Good morning Ishante, it is wonderful to connect with you. Today we wish to discuss with you the concept of money in your society and some of the changes which are taking place.

Money is something that is greatly misunderstood, particularly in your western society. It is an arbitrary system based on paper and coins, and although they feel very real in your hands this is just an illusion. Money, like all of your physical manifestations is simply an energy exchange, and although many are beginning to grasp the concept of manifestation now, there is still some confusion and blockages when it comes to money.

Collectively the past paradigm was one of control through money. Money was, and still is to some degree, used as a way to enslave your thinking and freedom. Please understand this was not something that was done TO you, it was done with and by your agreement. You simply forgot how powerful you really are, and as a result a power over structure formed on your planet as an outward manifestation of your own internal processes.

As a result, many beliefs systems became embedded deep within the psyche of man, belief systems such as “you have to work hard to get anywhere in life” “money doesn’t grow on trees” “it takes money to make money” and other such beliefs. You built the system up around you in such a way that your very survival depended on it, or so you thought.

Because of the separation you felt from your own god-self you reflected this back to yourself in your own creations. Meet the Joneses, the “haves” and the “have nots.” Somehow you convinced yourself that there wasn’t enough to go around.

We are here to remind you that you can have absolutely anything you want in your life and more, the important thing is to just let go and trust.

Eventually as humanity shifts more fully into 5D, arbitrary systems such as money will simply fall away and be replaced by systems and processes that are much more aligned with the living bionetwork on your planet. These new systems will be less destructive, more inclusive and will ensure that absolutely everyone is provided for without exception.

Many wonder how on earth this is possible when the current monetary system seems so entrenched in your societies. Yet, we can assure that you would be absolutely amazed at the number of humans courageously exploring a range of alternative options across a multitude of timelines with the unwavering support of various ascended masters. Some are unaware of this support on a conscious level at this time. To them it seems as if their inspired ideas, and in some instances inventions, have originated as part of their own thought processes. Still others have awoken (or incarnated) and are in full conscious awareness of their divine mission and the support they are receiving.

When the time is right, and the old systems fall away, these new systems will be there to lead humanity forward.

We understand that you are eager to know when this might happen, but this is entirely up to you and your collective. Linear time as you currently understand it is collapsing, and with each now moment your evolution is expanding and accelerating at such an incredible rate that from where we stand it is nothing short of miraculous!

As such, there are so many possible parallel realities that are presenting themselves to you now that we watch in complete awe and wonder as to what will happen next. Like teenagers at an exciting movie show, we cannot wait to see how this will all unfold.

As we read the energy now, you are but a fraction away (in cosmic terms) from shifting frequencies to match Gaia’s alternative expression in 5D. It is a truly remarkable thing to behold, so please don’t restrict yourself into thinking in linear terms at this time. You are quite literally changing your individual and collective reality from moment to moment each and every one of you.
Although this can be frustrating when processed through the filters of the mind that would like nothing more than a set date and time, reach for the answers with your heart and you will see and feel exactly what we are trying to convey.

Energetically you can support those whose mission it is to explore these alternative systems by sending them your love and gratitude. They will feel and receive this very strongly whether they are consciously aware of it or not.

You can also show your alignment by making small changes within your own life streams. Be mindful of what you purchase and support ethical, earth friendly businesses and local economies. It will help more than you know. Many small drops of water make an ocean, and together you are ALL that one ocean figuratively speaking.

It is with great love that we are here for you at this time, and we feel honoured to be witnessing this miracle of evolution unfolding. You truly are masters of limitation and your mastery will assist so many others in free will zones who have chosen to explore their evolution through limitation as well.

Until next time, many blessings sweet Ishante.

Please pass this transmission onto Meline Lafont, and do not be afraid to stand in your own personal power. It is time to look within for your own answers to what you already know deep within your heart. You do not need others to validate you or the information you are receiving. Those who will benefit from reading these words will read them. Trust Michelle / Ishante, just trust... that is all that you have to do. We love and thank you for being a conduit at this time.
Who are you??

Who we are does not matter as we are all one and have many expressions of ourselves, some humanoid, some not, that are existing simultaneously across a multitude of dimensions. However we understand that many humans still likes to identify with labels, so in reading the energies of our group collective at this time we are most closely aligned to the star system of the Pleiades.
Meline is an aspect of our group energy incarnated on the earth at this time to help humanity with their accession, and we are delighted that you have connected.

Until next time, much love to you dear one.

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