
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Karen Doonan ~ Creating with the New Earth energies
For many of you your outer waking reality is beginning to shift, perhaps it is shifting rapidly or perhaps it is taking what you perceive as some linear time to shift but it IS shifting. The miracles that are TRUTH will now begin to birth through you for they are WITHIN you.  As you begin to dissolve the walls that you were taught to create under the old 3d earth reality paradigms you will begin to feel the FORCE of the New Earth  to flow through you. For those who work with energy and are in what is termed at a human level “healing” this will see you able to connect with and allow more universal energy to flow through you and into your clients. For those who do not work with energy in this way it may see you FEEL a huge surge of energy but be unaware of why or how.
Many of you may trigger with the new surges of energy, you may FEEL as “something” is about to happen and the logical human mind may prepare you for the old 3d earth teaching of “flight or fight”. Personally this happened to me upon waking this morning. A huge surge of energy had me trying to work out what to do with my day, then guidance reminded me that I no longer “do” for I AM.  Anchoring the energy surges and anchoring the energies fully within my human vehicle saw me balanced and grounded once more. I cannot underline the need for grounding REGULARLY throughout the day at this time. For the energies upon and within planet earth are increasing dramatically.

This is needed to support other lifeforms that are now preparing to step onto and within planet earth. The old 3d earth teaching that the human race is the only race that exist upon the planet earth. This is not TRUTH and there is much evidence to support this amongst the peoples of the world.  Many were trapped here after the distortion frequencies were implanted within the energy signature of Mother Earth, unable to leave the high vibration areas that then became as a prison for them.  These are the life forms that are now preparing to walk the planet freely alongside the human race for in TRUTH they never left, they were unable to leave.
For our brothers and sisters who are off planet at this time, the planets surface is being prepared at an energetic level to host their forms in the physical. Again this is filtered out by the old 3d earth teachings that are trying to teach even now that the planet is to be “invaded”. Many who follow this teaching filter out that the human race is one of the youngest races in the universe, if another planetary system wanted to destroy the earth it would have happened already.  There is no agenda to destroy for in TRUTH the human race was created to allow ALL to explore the miracle that is Mother Earth, the intervention of those who sought to contain and suppress MOTHER EARTH intefering with this and altering the human race to the point we see it today.
ALL that is not TRUTH will now dissolve for it cannot manifest within the energetic signature of Mother Earth nor the human race. Human evolution is now progressing rapidly and the point of this blog is to draw your attention to the frequency of energy that youhave available to you in this your human form. For energy JUST IS and energy can be used in a multitude of ways. The human race taught to use energy in a very containing and suppressing way. Energy never dies it just changes its form, so my question at this time to you would be which form do you wish to change your energy into?  what do you wish to create around you from the energies that are now flowing WITHIN YOU?  for the choice is ALWAYS yours.  Just because the old 3d earth prevented you from seeing the choice does not negate the choice that is there.
Under the New Earth that choice is there visually for all to see.  At all times you can create whatever you wish to create and the speed of acceleration of Mother Earth’s energetic signature will begin to show you this in TRUTH NOW upon the planet earth.  Many of you are becoming more aware at human conscious level that what is often termed “synchronicity” is now speeding up, this is in direct relation to the new energetic signature of the planet. As this increases and you come more fully into balance and begin to dissolve the old 3d earth freqencies from within the cellular structure of your human vehicle you will begin to manifest more and more rapidly.
This is the process that many of you are now playing with, in preparation to birth your dreams upon the planet that you incarnated upon precisely to show this to SELF at human conscious waking mind level. Miracles can only birth when you let go of the teachings that teach there is no such thing.  LIFE is a miracle, YOU are a miracle and at this time you are asked merely to BE, from this ALL else flows, for ALL else is in the divine flow of the universe. It has been so long since the human race allowed the FLOW of this divine energy that at first it may seem unfamiliar but as you work to come back into balance there will be a gentle KNOWing that will remind you that YOU ARE.
(c) Karen Doonan, all rights reserved

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