Michael We bring you today a new visitor to these conversations. May
I please introduce Master Amsa. Amsa is also known to you as Lao-Tse,
and has had several other lives upon your planet.
Good day, dear friends. If you are reading this, I assure you we
have known each other at one time or another. Michael has asked me to
address you today for two reasons. First, I am always direct and to the
point, and second, I know from experience what it is like to be where
you are today.
You are going through massive changes. In addition to all of the
things which I and others have had to undergo, you are also having to
change your entire physical bodies. This is no small task, yet you are
doing it. Yes, it is true that you are receiving infinite light and
love from our Creator, and you are being sent love and aid from
literally everywhere in the Universe; but it is also true that this
would not be happening but for what you have managed to do for
Now this brings me to the reason for my being here to speak plainly.
It is my purpose to tell you to awaken now to who you are and what you
are. You are each a creation of and a part of the Creator of All That
Is, Source, I Am. You are not, and never have been, beholden to nor
less than any other. You are a creator in your own right. You have the
right to be, to live, and to create whatever your heart desires. You
owe no other any more than your love, compassion, and respect.
If you look inside yourselves at this moment, you will find this
being of whom I speak. It does not take a great deal of deep thought or
meditation. Think with me. What feeling comes rushing to the fore
instantly when you are the subject of offensive behavior? THAT person,
that you, is the one of whom we speak. You know, and have always known,
that your true being is deserving of respect and love.
Now… I am not here to tell you to stand up and demand that from
others. I am here to tell you that the one person you need to receive
that from is yourself. Now, today, find a way to release forever all
thoughts of unworthiness, of being undeserving, of being less than.
Acknowledge to yourself and accept that you are the loved and deserving
creation of the Mother/Father God Creator of All That Is. Banish all
speech and thought from your life that would make you less than or
unworthy of anything.
Do I sound stern? I am trying to. But I love you too much to, I
suppose. As I said, I have been where you stand today. Every ascended
one has had to pass this way. These are not new things. Perhaps that
is why it is so difficult to grasp. So I will say it in one more way
and then leave you in peace. You are not less than. You are one with.
You are not less than. You are one with. Find that within you and
rejoice in its truth.
I hope someday very soon to meet each of you and celebrate with you
what you have accomplished. Until then, go in peace and love. Thank
you for allowing me to speak. Good day.
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link: http://oraclesandhealers.wordpress.com/
I am getting it now, I have thought myself as not as good as others, dumb and stupid. I now know in my heart this is wrong. Thank you