The energies of the last linear 24 hours or so have increased, expanded and deepened beyond anything anyone has ever experienced in this their human form. On a personal level I have gone through many emotions from the heightening and expansion of my energy signature, realising on many levels all that is now playing out and the context of it to the deepest depths of emotions that have lain hidden within me. Balance is the key at this time and at this time I am trying to find balance in a world that is shaking to its very core.
For those of you who know me personally you will understand that the “old” me gave, I would continually give out my energy for others with no thought to me and my own energy. That is no longer the case and this is triggering many at this time. For many connect with me and instantly expect me to solve their lives for them, that is not my role nor would I wish it to be. I am here to experience life on this planet and shine LIGHT upon and within this planet, at no point in my “job description” did it state “wear yourself out”. I am not stating this in a client context but in a PERSONAL relationship context. For there are many around me who are attempting to keep me in a world that I can no longer resonate with.