Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Re-opening readingrequests starting from the 15th of Januari 2013

Readings NEW update

Re-opening the readingrequests starting from the 15th of Januari 2013 ♥♥

To my dearest readers and faithful followers of this blog. Since I get many requests for readings and checking for personal issues and personal information, I decided to go further herein and to be at your service completely . I answer your e-mails always with pleasure and insert it with love in my time, all out of pure love and light for fellow brothers and sisters in order to help where I can. I used to have very often the same questions and it was hard to find my own truth and found the answers myself but also often through a reading from Anrita Melchizedek, which always gave me a positive feeling and which put me on my current path. Now I have the fortune of the ability to do it myself, so why not go into this more and help others where I can? Think of it as a boost of Love, finally we have to make it true all ourselves and discover the truth within ourselves. I work the following way: if you have a question about something you like to know, then send it to my personal email: pleiadedolphin82@hotmail.be. 
I need to have your full name and date of birth and -place,  sending pictures is favorable too if it is a personal question, but is not a must if you do not feel comfortable with this. I then Connect  with my team in a quiet environment after a meditation and cleansing of myself and room with the violet Flame, so that I can pass as pure as possible and give you the result by email. I do use crystals while meditating and while doing the reading and always build a protection shield around me under the guidance and protection of AA Michael.  I always work with AA Michael and through AA Michael, so that he protects me and guides me through the reading and meditation.  That way I am secured that only the Highest Light of Christ office are comming through to give the reading.
* My team consists of those I channel, but for readings I will be mainly connected with the energies of Melchizedek, Saint Germain and Lady Portia. The Archangels are also included. I watch which specific energy comes through for that particular person that I Connect, then the most appropriate and related personal attendance of Light for you, will come forward to me to give the reading, that can also be energies and beings of the Highest Light of Christ Consiousness whom are not part of my team. This can be one of the Ascended Masters, all three of my team and the Archangels or Dolphins. I always mention from whom I receive this energy and I always check the reading afterwards with my Roze Quartz pendulum and TAUK board. NEW: I will use oracle cards also as an addition to the reading, which can be from 1 or more of the Cards I have: * cards of the Ascended Masters, of the Mermaids and Dolphins, cards of the Archangels, healing cards of Archangel Raphael, inspiration cards of the arcturians (for this I will scan the card because it consists of a special image and geometric code which you have to look at and let sink in), and at least chakra cards.
 I'm not charging a price for this, I do this purely from my heart and with pleasure. But since I am putting a lot of time in this work and I also have a family and go to work, I decided that I gave the choice up to you to let my services be compensate through a donation. The choice is completely up to you all if you donate something for this and how much. These are free choises, and are taken at heart no matter what.  I work with paypal. You can simply click the "Donation" button from above on this main page.
I give readings in Dutch and English.

Lots of Love and blessings, Méline

1 comment:

  1. That is fantastic Méline I might take you up on that I can use a 'little help from my friends'..thank you all the best wishes for you and your team, let us look forward to a new earth full of harmony and peace and love....
    thank you Wilma Ouwerkerk - Netherlands
