Saturday, May 18, 2013

Bewitched, Bothered, Bewildered…and Brilliant – 18 May 2013, by Elizabeth



Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered… and Brilliant!

Some of my readers may have noticed that I have been missing in action for the past month and a half. I have been involved in a most unusual relationship that has been well outside my purview and experience. And it is one that I am about to leave behind.

A good friend and soul brother once wrote to me: “We’re here, in part, to learn what love is not.”
It is a statement that is not met with much understanding by most persons who identify with the 3D concept of love being an emotion or even a feeling. Love is so much more than that and as we continue to open up to the fullness of our multi-dimensionality we discover along the way that we are Love. Certainly there are people who can phrase what love is and isn’t better than myself, but I have learned for certain that love is within, as a fiery sense of freedom that urges you on to be who and what you are even in the face of apparent adversity. Even in the face of apparent worldly abundance, which is really quite empty when you glimpse behind the façade.

I have truly been tempted to leave my quiet life and assume the role of wife of a wealthy man. All my issues with money, having it and not having it, have surfaced over the last 45 days or so. It has been an extraordinary opportunity to sort through my own character chaff and to see just how I would act out the fantasy. Not only that, but there was a part of me that demanded caution, that I not make the announcement generally to the world in which I have my daily existence, so only a few knew what was going on, and certainly not all the turmoil into which I had stumbled, quite willingly.

What bothered me about the whole affair was that I have not actually met this person who was telling me via phone and email that he considered himself my husband. Even in my limited experience with relationships in this particular lifetime, this didn’t feel right. How can anyone get to really know a person without being in their space, sharing their moments, both up and down, allowing for growth and change?

This nameless personage was demanding that I step out of my simple life and into their rather complex, strange life of international business. For days and weeks, I could not concentrate long enough to even assess how or if I was feeling anything other than a deep numbness. Perhaps I was in a profound state of shock that someone would select me out and offer me all his worldly goods, his family, his status, to have what I have never had in this lifetime, material wealth. It was pure, unadulterated temptation in its most basic form. Unwittingly at first and then with greater clarity, I began to realize that the world being offered to me doesn’t exist. It certainly doesn’t exist outside the limited structures of 3D, which most of us who are wayshowers now know, has been cast down by Metatron and the Creator Gods. I was being asked to remain behind in a world that I am not a part of now.

While I would love to meet up with a partner who is at a similar frequency level as myself and who is self-aware, going back into the 3D is most certainly not an option for me. It would be turning my back on what I AM, a living spark of the Creator, now seeking consciously to regain that connection to Mother / Father God and the Creator. I just cannot go into a marriage that would be the antithesis of all that I have come to do here, in acting as wayshower and light worker. These past weeks have shown to me what is more important to me than material wealth or even companionship… my mission, the mission of the light workers, to bring heaven to earth, through the process of making my own connections with my soul, my monad or soul family, with Mother / Father God and ultimately, with Creator itself.

So what do I feel for this gentleman? Bewildered and astonished that he would choose me, a plain, middle-aged woman. Bothered by his demands of loyalty and support when I had hardly the slightest notion of his values and how he conducted himself in daily activities. Bewitched by his promises of financial support and not having to work, by the promise of a big house and material goods… at least until common sense set in and wondered what I would do with the lot while traveling and acting as companion to a husband working half-way around the world. It was all too much piled on top of a teetering, almost non-existent foundation, not the way to approach a marriage.

So, after a long walk yesterday spent in the green hills near by my home, I have decided it would be best to break off this strange relationship and to enter, again, into pursuing my path, the mission that I came here to do. How this gentleman is affected by my departure is entirely his responsibility, his opportunity for growth. It has been too strange, too outlandish for me to stomach any further.

So, if there is any marriage in the offing, dear readers, it is the marriage or reunion of myself with my soul and monad, not a physical marriage. This process of returning Home is enough of an adventure for anyone and it is the one adventure that will enable others to follow in my wake, even this dear man who for a time managed to bewitch me with fool’s gold.

My dear English friend brought up a point in regards to the word, “wife” as it was once expressed in the English language. “Wife” was actually spelled “wise”, with the “f” being an elongated “s” as can be seen in texts written in old English. Husbands were actually managers for their partners. This was a time when women inherited property and their husbands managed it for them. It is a folk memory that has been all but expunged from living memory by the actions of those who would control us. However, those with eyes to see can rediscover the threads of this memory and past history that has been purposefully hidden from our modern eyes until now.

I am a member of the “Wise”, a light worker, a multi-dimensional Being who has slipped a bit of its essence into the fragile body of a human for this short lifetime. I am in the process of rediscovering and opening up to the fullness of my being. I invite you to come with me on the journey that will carry those who choose ascension into the fifth dimensional frequencies, as the planet herself ascends back into her natural state as a sacred planet.

What is the brilliant part of my title? Me, as a color-filled Hue-man, with my aura filled with sparkling colors of the rainbow and the secret rays of Creation, as I stand before the Creator and report on the progress of my human self upon her journey.

We are all sparks of the Creator, making our way through self-appointed missions. Some of us are becoming more aware of what these missions entail, while others are still opening up to possibilities. And some of us become momentarily side-tracked, as I have been, only to re-emerge, stronger and brighter than before.

Blessings to all wherever your journey carries you!
I AM Elizabeth, your sister in light and love.

Copyright © 2013 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.


  1. Dear Elizabeth,

    I was very deeply touched by your honest report about what has happened in your private life during the last weeks. I have also found a partner, but it was 10 month ago, who seemed to be extraordinary wealthy and this story also made me dream of an easier life. But it didn´t turn out like that. A lot of very severe problems have come up until today. And just today I was talking to my angels about the sense in that relationship and I also came to the point, that in life it is not about money and material wealth, our happiness depends more on our spiritual way, where everything is running more than fine!!! :-))

    So, your honest report really helped me today to understand my experience more deeply and what I should learn from it. So thank you a lot for your authentic story...

    All the best to your and your spiritual path!


  2. H Elizabeth

    Several times in my life i turned my back on the offer of riches and a jetset life , to follow my heart. It didn't work, when i commited to men who had nothing, but gave me my spiritual freedom to follow my path connected to the higher realms ,it still eneded in diaster. Very often it is a double edged sword.

    I have very wealthy friends whom are very spiritual it allows them to travel the world and help others.

    Is there an solution? being true to ourselves whether it be right or wrong is the best we can do at the time it appears in our life. We are but human after all.


  3. THank you for sharing this Meline. Beautifully said. Agree wit hit 100%. I will continue to keep feeding those ducks young lady ;)
