Thursday, June 6, 2013

Karen Doonan ~ Dissolving of boundaries within the new earth


Many of you at this moment may be in chaos as you try to fathom out the next phase of this your human life experience and many of you may be trying to re-anchor patterns that have appeared in your human life and that you may have attempted to dissolve but feel it is too much to allow them to fully dissolve. The old earth paradigms are now breaking down and with the breaking down is a sense of expansion, depending on how contained you have allowed yourself to become this expansion may feel a little like standing in a huge field and not being able to see the fence or even the pathways, just endless space. As the space will not be populated as such it may feel very overwhelming. This is part of the unfolding of the new and may be challenging to begin with. It is to be remembered that it is not immediately obvious how containing and suppressing the old earth was until you begin to break down and dissolve the boundaries that you have been taught to put in place. It may be even more of a challenge when those around you APPEAR to be living their lives as they always did.

We put APPEAR in capitals and highlight for perception may work against you, as you cannot live their life in the way in which they are living you cannot experience it so the human logical brain begins to make up assumptions that may be well off target but are anchored if you allow this. This gives the impression that it is only YOU who are going through this process and the world is somehow having an in-joke that you are not part of. This is but a smoke and mirror of the old world for it will try at all times to persuade you to re-anchor the boundaries, playing on your sense of safety, to try to persuade you it is safer to stay in the self limiting vibrations of the old earth.

The challenge to many in human form at this time is to allow the unfolding of the new earth within their personal life experience and to go with the flow. In my own personal life experience I appear to be dissolving ALL routine so any time I find some sort of sanctuary in a routine, whether it be drinking the same drink for a couple of days or eating food, the universe will try to dissolve it for me. Once I began to realise what was happening then I began to take a step back and begin to note how my human form attempted to cling on to the routine in an attempt at setting once more a pattern, all patterns are containing in their nature so once more it would be dissolved as I then struggled to exert my will over the process. Whilst this may be entertaining in some ways with something as relatively minor as eating and drinking this applies to all facets of the human life experience. At the moment I am under extreme pressure from my family, nothing has been said it is the lack of communication that is speaking volumes. The pressure always to “give up the weirdness” and go back to a “normal” existence. This is challenging in many ways not least because there is no way to talk in way that they understand, any explanations from me about how I FEEL result in the quizzical looks and the eye rolling that many of you can resonate with. I have no human words to explain my life to them and actually I owe them no explanation despite their protests that I should.

This of course brings up further teachings for at some level I am still enduring the isolation of the old earth. Living in an isolated community has its pluses and its minuses in my human logical mind. In TRUTH it JUST IS and that is the point that I am trying to reach, that is the point of balance that my SOUL searches for and sometimes, just sometimes I reach this point before sliding to the plus or the minus once more. It is an ongoing dissolving and one that changes moment to moment. The same questions arising within me about how I can operate in a world of people who are no longer even on the same page let alone the same vibration as myself in my immediate location. Travelling out with where I live has challenges for me in other ways for I have to re balance my energies as I walk in large groups of people. I am aware that many are still in the isolation part of the process and this is the reason for this blog.

There is a reason for this apparent isolation, away from the influence of the mainstream and the masses as it were you are able to stabilise your energy signature much more rapidly than if you are around lots of people for frequency will try to resonate with frequency, if you are surrounded by those of a lower frequency then you may feel your energy be lowered, then you have to work to heighten it once more. With the isolation comes the balance and the ability to see beyond the smoke and the mirrors of the old earth and see behind the routines for they are but a smoke screen.
Many people would say they are free but what does real freedom look like and more importantly FEEL like. Are you free within your daily waking life? can you make a decision and TRUST SELF or do you wonder what others will think of you for that decision? These are the starting questions for the freedom we have been taught is not freedom in TRUTH. To be free you should FEEL fully supported, never judged and in balance. Much of the human race believes they are free whilst being bound tightly to the rules and the regulations of the old earth.

Let me give you an example, in my own personal life I stated clearly to my family what my intention was with regard to the next unfolding of my life. I didnt have to state this to them and I noted my desire to do this, this in itself was containing for if i was truly free at this point I would have just gone ahead without the phone call to state what I was about to do. Here is where human language can be seen for the containment it is in TRUTH. When asked by a friend why I had made the phone call I replied “to keep her in the loop”. Now this phrase means many things on many levels. On one level it keeps the person concerned on the same page, able to understand what it is I am doing, on another level it keeps her energy signature tied to mine, as her energy signature is a lower one (she works from 3D reality) then that would see my energy be affected by her energies. The old earth veneer of keeping in touch with family then takes on a whole new meaning. For many of you are sitting within families that no longer resonate to your vibration, many of you deliberately incarnated into these families to show TRUTH. So keeping your family “in the loop”, keeps you further contained but you may not see this as the teachings will blind you to this.

The role of human family is now being exploited by the old earth energies for those who sought to contain and suppress the human race knew that this point of human evolution would be reached and so they left the triggers hidden in plain view. Human family are not here to support you in your role in the new earth unless they are also SOUL family. SOUL family incarnated onto this planet precisely for this moment in your human life experience. These are the people who you have a deep bond with, people who you do not need to explain yourself to for they understand to you very deep levels, they sit in full support of you and do not judge you. The confusion arises when you begin to look at the old earth and the new earth as two separate worlds, they are ONE world, you are on ONE world but it exists in many, many different dimensional timelines. As you dissolve the karmic dimensional timelines then you align more fully with SOUL family and as you begin to dissolve the boundaries you allow SELF to connect more fully to your SOUL and the bigger picture then emerges.

If you hold on tightly the rules and the boundaries of the old earth in relation to human family you will not be able to make that connection to your SOUL for that is not the role of the human family.
I recently watched a film called Evan Almighty in which god asks the main character to build an ARK. The main character tries at all times to go against this and to exert his will over what is happening. Once he builds the ark and the bigger picture unfolds he speaks with God and tells him that he was right and he should have listened. At one point the main character tells god he was aware of how he fought him all the way. God had the bigger picture at all times, the main character could only see what was around him and did not have all the information that would have shown him the bigger picture until after he had created the ark. In many ways the human race is going through the same thing, your SOUL has the bigger picture and is directing you to keep you in balance and always safe, loved and protected but as you do not have all the information at any one point you may not listen to your SOUL, you may allow human ego and those around you to persuade you that you are wrong.

As you go through the harmonisation process and then move into the ascension process the connection with your SOUL strengthens, that is where you get the information about this human life experience, for your SOUL is eternal, it sees the bigger picture and the miracles that can unfold if you follow your own guidance. The challenge for all of us in this our human form is to listen to that inner voice and TRUST. Others may have their views and their opinions but they are not YOU and they are not being guided by your SOUL, if they are listening carefully they will be guided by their own SOUL.

Those who sought to contain and suppress the human race tried to hide this gift from you, it was placed within your heart space and it has always been there. As the new earth energies now flood across and through the planet earth and through your human vehicle they are sweeping away and dissolving all that keeps you from this knowledge and this gift. The heart space is a sacred space for it where the LOVE that IS flow freely, this is a high vibration and the reason that your connection to your SOUL is through the heart is to show you TRUTH. Those who sought to contain and suppress the human race knew they could not dissolve this frequency for it is the very fabric of the universe, so they taught the human race to wrap lower frequencies around this sacred space and to stay out of this sacred space. Now the human race is asked to walk once more in the highest frequency of all, LOVE.
ALL ARE ONE, but ALL play different roles in this your human life experience, the new earth is nothing like the old earth, it is not born from it, it is revealed as the old earth dissolves for the new earth HAS ALWAYS BEEN THERE for it is TRUTH and TRUTH JUST IS. You in your human form are not so much moving to a new earth as revealing that which has been hidden from you behind the smoke and mirrors of those who sought contain and suppress you. You will recognise it for it is TRUTH as YOU are TRUTH, and as you come back into balance at both human and galactic level you will begin to remember for you will have aligned fully with your SOUL.


copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved

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