This month has been thick and heavy like the gravitational pull in this dimension weighs us down a little more each day. We feel like an egg on a Texas sidewalk, cooked over-hard! Life demands that we get out and celebrate but the she-crab in all of us says ‘no thank you’, I would rather stay in my shell, a place of safety. The world is turned upside down and we all pray for peace, and kind of peace, but the dove of comfort comes not.
Life has become primordial oozing like the Florida gulf sludge that was birthed out of the ancient seabed by mechanical probing and digging. Everything comes to the surface and most of it seems toxic in the form words, actions and promises. We look at our species and wonder what went wrong. We look at our lives and wonder the same thing. All that we were taught does not hold up in the light of this new day. truths are hung out to dry in a wind created by political lips flapping. We get on bended knee and pray this is the’ comedy zone dimension’ and not our final home. We change channels and dreams more than we change our sheets. People are afraid the root chakra is blocked and they have all put tinfoil all over their windows afraid to look out afraid to feel afraid to love. Everything hurts and the wounds can be seen in the heart and eyes of those around you.
Everything screams for justice but it seems the goddess of justice has left the outcome in our hands and not divine creation. The light and the dark within everything fights with itself, from ancient DNA to cell towers pinging, the outcome is uninviting as humanity begins to lose its compassion for itself.
In this month of Cancerian she-crab energies none of us wants to feel. we are all in liquid overload in a tidal pool planet. Truths are ripped from us faster than a speeding bullet as the big reveal becomes our inner truth. we all don shield-maiden gear trying not to sink into the San Andres fault or LA tar pit of despair. Every emotion from past beyond time, we do not even remember, sticks to us like an electrical charge and winter dust particles. emotional tar and feathers has a way of sticking to you until you are ready to let go. Most times it is all about self and not another.
During this time of cleaning and purification we are all stripped down to our emotional birthday suit trying to catch a cool breeze. The feeling of drowning is seems real as we learn to swim in deeper waters. The dross is consumed by the summer phoenix star alignment as it flies thru the fires over and over again.
Hold tight to whatever is your blessing, as it will keep you a float until the tides are clear. Distraction and pending disaster keeps everyone busy. Running about and amuck like the mad hatter we leave the tea party, seeking the many rabbit holes of possibly. Meeting your mark is not necessarily a date with destiny, for what you marked thru out history is as varied as apples in a cherry orchard. the water level changes as the world swims into the month of liquid learnings from see to shining sea
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