Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Méline Lafont ~ Healing for animals

NEW AVAILABLE assistance and service from Méline:
healing for animals on remote or in person.
These Energy healings on remote sessions are divided into 3 sessions of a duration around 20 minutes and is done on remote. This because animals are less complicated in their mind and thoughts than humans are and therefore is the energy working in more rapidely. This healing can also be done in person! NDL and ENG

We focus on the aura, the physical body, the main channel and the chakras as we remove impurities with the Violet Flame. Here we focus mainly on what is going on innerly in your animal companion, what is most important to work on: that can be a need for balance, a removal of blockages, a cleansing.. You receive each time a small report to let you know how it went and what we have done. This along with email follow up and communication.

These 3 sessions (20 min) includes the following: 
* cleansing aura, chakras, main channel and physical body
* Focussing on energy blockages, inner processes, healthissues, balancing chakras...
* 1 hour energy healing session on remote (in total)

What is the added value of this type of healing session?
* this can be done at any time and day
* follow up and communication during and inbetween sessions
* Short feedback given after the healing through email

Sessions are done in English and Dutch.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, like your Blog I too,love animals and am awakening too
