Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Gillian MacBeth- Louthan ~ Teaching of Lake Quashita Crystal Lake in Mt Ida Arkansas

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor gillian macbeth louthan

This Lake of many Mysteries and a deep unknown Beauty houses entrances and exits to all the sacred Lakes Through Time. From Lake Titicaca to Loch Ness to the isle of Avalon. For all sacred earth portals, entrances and exits through time and Circumstance are hallowed and will open when One fully Believes fully in their heart and Realm.

All of life responds to your intention, to the pulse of your blood, to the beat of the love that lives in your heart. Whether one walks through the woods, flies through the air or walks Upon a Shore, every living aspect is aligned with each step that you take knowingly and unknowingly.

This Lake that shimmer and Reflects, rippling through time and space, offers you entrance into a sacred doorway that you have not experienced since living in the stars.

like one that is baptized you need but one contact with this sacred lake in order to wear the blessings and codes that are needed for healing. High priestesses and sacred ones of old always knew of these intersecting Realms of magic and mystical undertakings and under tows. You have been beckoned to align with something that is of a truly liquid Holy vibration, a matrix of magic, power and strength

You have been coated with this armor of Truth, which often seems a burden, since birth. The time now Proclaims for you to relinquish the need to keep the Old Mission floating on the surface of the tumultuous seas. the needs and wants of Earth and her inhabitants have changed in their circumference and demands creating a new design. Mankind has surpassed that was foreseen in past prophecy. Many of the Realms and choices will continue to play out and play through the dramas of life and Earth herself. However the very crystalline grid of earth shifts in nature, as what is below, upon and above adjusts their encodings to fill the cup of a new creation.

In upcoming times multiple Threats will come from external sources, both natural and manmade. the inner crystalline structure of earth when fully activated will create a faraday type of effect extending itself around the planet protection network. Taking life both serious and with a deep reverent love is necessary at this intersection of time. Life has been sketchy, glitchy & unpredictable life and is to be honored in all of her colors and choices

The gifts of the Creator are abundant on Earth and are to be seen as such. Everything is precious every thought is a consideration and every heartbeat is important. The ladies of the lake that are magical of appearance and belongings come forth gliding like an avatar from realm to Realm allowing the mists to carry them in an otherworldly way that both protects them and allows them to be seen.

See your light and heart and intention burst into a beautiful light, as they look at each that stands before them. Sisters of old and Sisters of the future are bound together in goodness and light. .Face to face you come with that which seeks to know you and that which you seek to know as well. Holding the higher vibration of a magical understanding allows it to be cemented in the cloud so to speak held in stasis until another wishes to visit the place of magic. The magic of all that is feminine through time and space will issue itself, like a cloak of invisibility or a Shaw of healing it wraps around you issuing a decree of sovereignty through understanding.

When you enter this sacred lake this Sanctuary and Liquid Cosmic Gateway you must enter with a humble heart in a place of giving and receiving simultaneously like a vessel that is empty and filled in the same moment of time. Expectations should always be grand of light, hosting all avenues of possibility, yet humility is needed as what you seek is below ground, below water and below your soles.

A lifting shall occur and like an island that is lifted up by a lost continent all will be seen like magic. The Mother Earth takes from her children with great regret like a teacher disciplining children that have gone astray. Discipline is needed when in uncharted waters, as that which is invisible comes to the surface quickly. Don't judge the landscape or watery terrain by maps of old for the lines of light are living in nature and restructure themselves in accordance with geometries that the earth heart needs to repair herself.

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