Pleiadian Archangelic Realm. ~ The Beauty Of The ‘Now Moment.’ ~ By, Bella Capozzi. September 25, 2012.
❤ The Now is all there is. The embrace of a child, the taste of food upon your tongue, the wind in your hair, the rain upon your skin, the split second of eye contact with your brother-that moment in which you are suddenly awestruck and aware that you and he are one. You sense you are one with all people and with the Earthly elements, joined together in unity of thought and expression. Being in the moment is to be in a state of continuous gratitude and connection with The Divine. You are creating your reality as you go along, and thereby manifesting what appears on the outside, from this holy state of being. To adhere to that which you consider the past is to cling to what does not in truth have any meaning for you now. You are holding onto an illusion, a version of the self you were at a prior stage of enlightenment. You know better than this, Beloveds. Honor that which presents itself into your awareness now, and clear from your Sacred Space all that is no longer in resonance. Drama and discord, that which eats away at your self-esteem and lowers your vibration must surely be released and sent away from you. Say thank you to Creator for what you have learned. Say thank you to each of these persons, places and things. Bless them all heartily, as from your struggles came a renewed realization of your power, and intense learning. Also, do give thanks to Gaia, for it is upon her self that you were able to complete your tasks. And it is by her fine benevolence that you are housed and fed and clothed. Send love and receive love. This is your purpose in the now moment, and there is little else that really matters in the greater scheme of things. If you are ever conscious of this, you cannot go wrong. Be secure in that love, dispense generously of it. Little else is expected of you. That, and to be joyful and God-conscious at every moment of every day. We bless you.
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