“This Universal Law states that the Law of Action Must be employed in order for us to manifest things on earth. We must engage in actions that supports our thoughts dreams, emotions and words.”
A Divine Light Language Message from Master Paul the Venetian. A Channeled Transmission by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden
Master Paul the Venetian is the Chohan for the Third Ray of Creative and Active Intelligence within the Pink Flame. This is the ray in which true manifestation is created by accessing Divine Love within the Heart Center of allowing the synchronistic elements to come into focus. It is when the Initiate is fully accepting the Feminine Divine to work within the Masculine Divine energies. Master Paul the Venetian is our spokes-being for the Law of Action and will be presenting his teaching through Walking Terra Christa on Saturday, April 2nd, 2016 (see below for the link to more details).
Thank you for inviting me to be part of this amazing class series on the Law of Action. I am Master Paul the Venetian ready to serve each of you.
What I would like to convey in reference to the teaching I will be bringing forth is learning how to prepare yourself for the journey.
I am not talking about the journey of your pathway, I am talking about the journey of allowing the Action to be present in your life. If you do not know how to prepare for what you desire to receive, then the results of the intentions are going to be very confusing to your physical self. It is important that you as the Initiate, constantly are aware of what you are creating in each moment. I think you have learned this process through the Laws of Oneness and Vibration, but now it becomes a concrete element that needs to be addressed in your consciousness and then within your physical self.
Let’s talk about consciousness for a moment. That word can be used in many different contexts but the most important one is to understand within your thoughts what you are trying to achieve. Everything you think and feel is part of your consciousness; you can have a lower consciousness or a higher consciousness. The important element to realize is how you hold that consciousness within your physical self.
You can meditate and you will receive a higher consciousness. You can float through the Universes, you can go to healing temples and ashrams, or you can just feel yourself fully connected to your Divine Self. Then, what do you do with the consciousness you have created? Does it blend within your physical mind? Are you allowing yourself to integrate the energies of the higher realm you experienced into your physical mental consciousness?
These are all important elements to consider, as they truly will be the reason why you experience life in a certain way either good or bad.
What many initiates do not understand that they have chosen to walk the pathway of being an integrated soul within the physical body. This takes great effort not to stay up in the higher realms of consciousness and walk through your day like you are on a cloud. To be in a not so physical state is not what I am saying at all.
I truly want to help each of you to understand that your full consciousness, whether you are in the higher realms or living upon the physical earth doing mundane tasks, can be the same consciousness. This process takes great effort and concentration within the Initiate, but that is why there are many sublevels to planetary ascension.
It is important to understand the higher part of your consciousness must help the lower part to comprehend what is occurring within the process. When you meditate, you should have a focus of what you want to achieve just like any other task that you would perform. It is when there is a lack of focus that it can become very confusing. So the act of relaxing works very well, but then what do you do with that energy. It is then channeled into something that you are trying to achieve within your physical consciousness.
Let’s talk a little about the subconscious thoughts. They are very important as they will give you a roadmap of where you need to go in any given thought or creation. Without understanding why you do something then you will continue to perform that action in the same way. When you start to delve deeper into your thoughts and emotions, pull out the ones that are creating problems for you, and accepting the ones that are positive in your reaction, then you will have a plan for where you need to go in any given moment.
The Law of Action gives you, as the initiate, the potential to learn more of what needs to be addressed in order to create Right Action within your world. If you learn to delve deeper into your subconscious thoughts, then you allow yourself to go through a training process of what works for you and what is working against you.
Until you learn how to go through this process, then your life will be the same.
You must understand how your physical mind is creating the thought process within your life. That is why it is important to acknowledge the higher thoughts to help remove the lower thoughts but the important journey is to weed them out of your subconscious so that you are no longer bothered by them. Until you learn to do this, then you will n ot to be able to create the Action in your life that is the resulting energy from the previous steps.
When you have go through a challenge, you should be able to remove the aspect that was stopping you from a better experience, and the resulting moment would be to allow the essence of the flow to be within you and receive what you desired to have in your life.
This is exactly what I am talking about. The Law of Action requires that all elements come into alignment to allow for the continuation of the flow of energies to support the beginning thought process. When the synchronistic movement is achieved, then the reward is accepted. This then creates the flow of the energies to move outside of yourself through the Universe to be received and transmitted in a variety of ways.
So what happens when you have a moment when this process works for you, and then it feels like it falls apart in the next moment?
What you have to understand that the Law of Action is not a stand-alone act; it flows into the next creative process of the thoughts and emotions.
So if you have a moment in which you received a positive outcome, this energy moves into the next stages of your sub-consciousness thoughts. The sub-conscious is a vast array of many energies composed of your Etheric, Emotional, and Mental Bodies with many thoughts that have been lodged within your experiences as a soul.So what happens in this case is that the positive reaction you had within yourself will travel into the next level that you need to acknowledge within your Mental Mind through the sub-conscious mind. If those thoughts take you into a deeper part of yourself, sometimes there can be elements of debris that need to be acknowledged, yet again. So the process continues in a cycle of rebirth continuing the journey of allowing the Super-Conscious to be the ruling energy.
So while you are trying to achieve these changes, you are being affected in the other parts of your four-body system. Imbalances can occur within each of the four bodies so they can be healed. The physical body can be affected quite heavily through the process.
I want to explain these elements as the Law of Action does not just represent one thought or emotion; it correlates with the full body system and how you allow the energies to blend within your three minds (Conscious, Sub-Conscious, Super-Conscious) so they can be One, representing the Higher Self.
This is why in one moment you can feel very synchronous and in another very fragmented. There is nothing that you are doing wrong; it’s just that the energy is allowing you to heal in a deeper process than you were experiencing previously.
The Law of Action can be complicated to understand once you delve into it and pull out the elements that do not fit that Action you are trying to create. Sometimes it may feel like it is opening up Pandora’s Box. The process can be long and sometimes challenging to face, but it is a necessary element in order to achieve Oneness within the Self.
So that is why we suggest utilizing your tools of higher consciousness to help you feel better.
Take the thoughts you are having and put them into a higher state of conditioning. Look at the opposite characterization that you are feeling. For example, if you are feeling unappreciated, unloved, and insecure, utilize the higher aspect of those feelings. Call upon your Higher Self, to bring forth the higher energy into your sub-conscious. Allow security to be your guide, to find the peace to move through the lower aspect.
We are all here to help you, but you must allow us to assist. After you are in the Higher Consciousness, then bring those energies down into those lower thoughts. Write about them, allow them to be healed, try to understand why you feel as you do, and then take those experiences and bring the Pink Flame into your existence. Change them ~ but you must understand them first. Utilizing the flame first will only sugar-coat the problem. It is important to fully go into the depth to allow the Action you want to create to be concrete.
This is how you are going to change the way that you react to elements and how to change the way you live. This is pure manifestation of your own destiny upon the Earth.
It is my pleasure to walk with each of you.
I Am Master Paul the Venetian
Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee
Note: If you are interested in learning to understand more about raising your vibration to better incorporate the frequencies of the Law of Action, join Walking Terra Christa this weekend as Master Paul the Venetian gives a more in-depth teaching on Saturday, April 2nd, 2016 at 12:30 p.m. Pacific. This class can also be accessed as an MP3 AUDIO self-study course. For more details, please see our page THE LAW OF ACTION: APPLYING VIBRATIONAL MOVEMENT. (We also invite you to our Saturday, 10:00 a.m. ABUNDANCE OF LIGHT PROSPERITY GATHERING which is a public manifestation ceremony and blessing. Please click here for the conference access details).
© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery.WalkingTerraChrista.com by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and THIS IMPORTANT LINK:
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