Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ The planet Earth is a living breathing school of opposites

Whenever you wish for anything, person, place or thing, with your very first thought of want or need you push it away from you. The universe seems to distribute those funds elsewhere into miscellaneous needs and wants.  Polarity is a two-way street, a coming and going, a receiving and rebuffing, a have and have not. While you are on earth, every thought has a counterpart, all light creates shadow.  With each thought of manifestation, we are immediately drawn into an internal/external conversation with lack.  Everything within us, as well as our outside world reflects mirrors and magnifies all the reasons that this manifestation cannot, will not, should not happen.

We wrestle the alligator of our primal earth needs to the ground every day in our mind and choices.  Feeling successful just long enough for us to birth what we feel we need at that moment. Earth is like a holographic three-ring circus and in one of those rings the gator gets loose.

The planet Earth is a living breathing school of opposites and divisions.  Plenty goes hand in hand with not enough. Rich dances with poor.  Happy embraces sad.  Truth sits side by side with lies. Earth and her shadows play out amongst the populace. Mankind honors and sentries the polarity gods.  These polarity gods ride shotgun in the front seat of dreams and fears.  Everything holds equal parts of the opposite as oneness is sought. 

Earth is a school for gods in training, a spiritual boot camp, and a master's haven.  While you are on earth the foundations of humanness are stripped away to reveal all layers of time  Everything that happens to you is a master level learning, a gift that is considered to be priceless by universal standards. 

Learning to manifest what the god within one wants and desires is a spiritual conundrum.  To truly manifest and hold that manifestation in physical form you must come into union with the big God within.  It is only from this original point of light, can you create at all.  All else is a magic trick, a slight of hand, an illusion of sorts seeking a white screen to land upon.

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