Within the spheres of the atom lies a certain vibration that keeps one bounded. It is that vibration that keeps the grid of unity steady and helps to shape new forms of life. What we see as life is often but a glimpse of the real thing, which allows for one to question further and to see beyond that which is known. What is formatted is therefore helped to set free so that new understandings can be gained. It is so that even atoms can have a way of handling a reset while still remaining whole as a bounded/connected magnetic field.
It does not die, its application remains for what it stands for but begins anew with a whole other formatted frequency.
When we take a look at the Cosmic Avatar of Unity, we see the same. Just like the atom is this current type of body field going to delete many formats and start anew... just like a reset. But while doing so, our body field stays alive, it does not die. The only thing that happens is a change within which is actually a reset of some kind as to where we are formatting all of our stored information and setting it free to be born anew as a complete blank space.
This allows for us to expand expansively so that we may gain new understandings about life, therefore new and bigger glimpses of the bigger and greater picture. And albeit that in fact all the parts that we come to see are purely unique definitions of the whole, we each see these in a different way or from a different point of view.

The Cosmic Avatar of Unity is a body field that has managed to reach onto our soils. It has been descending more than a past generation to come down here in these spheres, and while doing so we have to collectively cash in some large amounts of change to come to this point. It is everything about “to reside more within “ so that it can come without: something we are still in the process of doing at present.
What this type of Body field requires is a large part of deliberation about many things and parts of you as this life. Will you ever want to come out of the mainstream thatthis duality delivers you, than you shall have to seek within first and contemplate about what you are in life and what you are not in life, to connect the within to the without and to see that all is eternal in the mind of Source.
This month of May is the activation portal of the Cosmic Avatar of Unity. It remains full open and present throughout the God Template of June. This doesn't mean that it will close afterwards, but it simply signifies that there is a gate opening and activating through your hearts during this time. It is amplifying the Unity grid which abounds on Earth as well as in the hearts of us all.
It is further actualizing those that are in their hearts which keeps an open door to walk through the gateways of Light bringing you to a deeper understanding of the I AM Avatar on the Universal level. Such profound experiences can be lived during this gateway if you are open enough to receive and retrieve yourself from the old ways.
To those whom are new to this land, an acceleration of the heart awakening may take place which will bring in a lot of movement into the emotional field. A great expansion occurs and a vibrational field reactivates in the higher emotional body.
The Lotus is the symbol of this month as it represents purity of Spirit and Body but also Ascension, rebirth...
We are bringing this Christ Solar level to the Universal level and because of this we can activate the Cosmic Avatar of Unity. Something which is greatly needed these days to be implemented in the hearts: Unity. Everything which I speak of is abiding here in the spheres energetically, and we are to bring this all down through our own Unity consciousness deep within ourself. It is the only way for it is not given in any other way.
To bathe within this momentum and sphere is to greatly appreciate life itself and yourself as a form of life in this lifetime. This deep appreciation brings you to a point of knowing and truth that you are all life. Being all life and knowing that you all live shall help you to reach further than this planetary world as to where you expand your own field and heart to the Cosmic Avatar of Unity.
It is to reach deep within as you breathe and touch upon your soul, to become aware of your Spirit moving through it. It is to look beyond the expected form and thoughts and to see how exceptional each of us are in our uniqueness that forms the grid of Unity and the templates of the Cosmic Avatar of Unity.
This month of May is all about this Unity and Lightworkers are called to collect their precious uniqueness and ground the Unity consciousness through their Solar and their Planetary bodies. It is a strong and a powerful month, one that keeps the guardians on high alert and which forms new patterns and pathways to seed Unity in the collective web. This through each and everyone of you/us.

Remember that you are conduits, that you yourselves are guardians and Divine Tempels and that every intention is a powerful seed: you are the power behind each and every seed you plant.
The Taurus energy is here to empower all of your intentions and focus. The Lotus brings in the rebirth of Divine Perfection and purity. Goddess Isis is for me the energy behind the Lotus as I feel Her presence always coming in with the Lotus.
Other Dimensions and grids are transforming. This due to a blending that is happening. This blending will keep each individual into a “transformation bubble or grid” that is each seeded collectively and individually. They are here to transport you to the next of what is to come. It is inner waved within your personal transformational process as well as that of the Earth. Therefore it can be that you often feel collectively involved while it has been your intention to not become involved and remain silent.
Many of you will experience the call to descend back into the waters, the lands and the many forests your world has to offer. In other words: to become more engaged with this physical world. As many have said before: Spirit is indeed coming back into the body and so will it partake in the realm of this world.
And so are many finding their own way to walk this plane as one now: Spirit into the Body. We tend to waver a lot, but let it be clear that all acrobats have had to learn too. It takes practice, focus, dedication and trust in yourself to do it.
Just find YOUR way of doing it uniquely just the way you are, this in alignment with all of you.
Namaste and many blessings to you,
Méline <3
Tools for balance are available in my webshop: remote healing, One on one skype session and audio tools. Take a look at my webshop what resonates with you and can assist you at this time. Webshop Méline
If you are in need for balance and guidance, book a one on one private session on Skype, which includes guidance and a mp3 recording of this. If you want to know more, take a look at my webshop and the description of such session. These are offered in Dutch and English. One on one session through skype
Universal created gift 2012-2017. We co-create together and share with Love. All Rights to share, blog and use excerpts are permitted by Universal law provided the content is copied unaltered, is distributed freely, and the author + website is mentioned. Méline Portia Lafont www.melinelafont.com
Mhm ... "wavering", to "remain silent" ;-)
ReplyDelete... wavering to remain as ... Pure ... Spacious ... Silent ... Awareness
(with an empty mind/thoughts field)