Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com
Summary of Brenda’s November 17, 2017, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: The difference between the clearings of the past few days and previous clearings is that the recent clearings were your choice. You moved through this piece at your directive instead of a Universal suggestion. If you opt not to clear this piece or pieces, you continue to be of 5D or beyond just in a bit different place as was true for the US pioneers who settled in the middle of the country instead of continuing on to California.
“The War is Over” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for LifeTapestryCreations.com.
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
You are in a rebuilding stage. Even though you might have some plan for the final product, all you are sensing is the upheaval without a concrete idea of what to do next.
You are probably feeling overwhelmed with all that seems to need completion before you breathe a sigh of relief, before you fully sparkle with the joy of knowing a job well done.
In truth, many of you are feeling you are failures in the creation game. You know what you do not want. Yet, you are not certain what you do want. And you have no idea how to create anything – much less a new life or a new world.
So it is you are questioning yourself, this transition, and anything and everything. It appears as if your diligent work is for naught, that you are where you were or perhaps in an even more precarious position.
Your immediate world might not be in shambles, but most certainly your outer world is. How and when does the rebuilding begin? Or is rebuilding a dream that will never come to fruition?
Many of you are now too exhausted to even dream of what could be.
Even though we can tell you that all is well, your immediate and outer world does not display that. Instead, it appears as if this chaos, this fear will last for decades – far longer than you feel you have the energy to circumvent it.
What you have forgotten – and given your circumstances, perhaps rightly so – is that the creative powers of new you are not like those of your previous earth existences.
In the past, you hoped, dreamed, prayed, and meditated to encourage the Universes to create what was best for you in Universal time. You felt you had no control over the timing or even the creation. Some of you moved beyond that point in 3D, but only after completing the steps required according to your belief patterns or those of someone you felt more spiritual than you.
You are now transitioning beyond those 3D belief patterns. You are allowing yourself to remember how to create in Universal terms instead of earth hopes.
You are starting a new lesson plan that you are not yet comfortable with. Similar to what you perhaps felt the first day of geometry class. You are learning, or perhaps a better term, remembering your innate creation skills.
There is a gap between what was and what is. Your obvious question is, “What hoops do I have to jump through to access my Universal creation skills?” None. You have always had them even when you allowed yourself to negate those skills while of the 3D earth.
It is not about finding your creative skills, it is believing that you have innate creation skills.
It is time to believe in yourself as much as you believed in someone outside yourself to gift you with your wishes – whether that be God, angels, Universal beings or someone in your 3D life.
You create your miracles just as you create your life. They are one and the same. Yet, most of you separate the two. You finally believe you create your life, but still cry to the heavens or others when your miracles, your dreams do not appear in the timeframe you wish – or ever.
So it is you are now in creation limbo. Half believing that you create your dreams and half believing that you only do so with the help of the Universes and special incantations of gratitude, forgiveness, and blessings to or from the Universes.
You are your own guru. Not only do you create your life, you also create your miracles, your dreams.
Perhaps you do not believe this truth – you will – just as you once did not believe you create your life. Evolving into new you is a process. And the process segment you are now in is believing that you and only you create your dreams.
For some, that concept is frightening for it is much easier to have someone to yell at and scream to when your creation does not appear. Yet, there is only you.
Perhaps that thought seems mean for those of you who prefer to have someone or something to blame. For if you are your creator – and you are – and you are your magic genie – and you are – who can you blame when your life is not going as you anticipated? More to the point, how frightening is it for those of you starting to believe you are your magic genie but nothing comes out of the magic lamp?
What are you doing wrong? What do you need to do to change your life or your hopes and dreams? Nothing. Allow yourself to flow into your new beliefs instead of forcing yourself into a fear corner. Allow yourself to be, to evolve quietly and peacefully.
Do not fret. You will remember how to create when the time is right. Most certainly before you, “crash and burn,” but not before you stop blaming the heavens, other earthlings, the earth or other entities for your tribulations.
Allow yourself to flow and all will be well. Fight against yourself and all will be well, but you will be battered and bruised unnecessarily in the process.
All is well in your world and in your life – it is time for you to believe that such is so. Just as was true for the first day of that traumatizing geometry class. Of course, you did not understand the geometry concepts the first day of class, but you grasped the rudiments as you completed your assignments.
So it is for you now. Your only assignment is to allow yourself to remember your creative skills in a peaceful, knowing understanding that you are in a class you have never taken before – Universal creation while of the earth.
Complete your assignment, and you will remember. Fight against this assignment, and you will remember – but without the peace that is your right and your Universal joy. So be it. Amen.
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Copyright 2009-2017, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.
Brenda, loved your comments! I've been "seeing" the same message in my dreams lately! The me that I am is right there! I just haven't found the doorway to let the two of me meet each other! ... and become one!