Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com
Summary of Brenda’s November 23, 2017, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: Perhaps because of our messages or those of other channels, you jettisoned your 3D lives. Instead, welcome them to your being as building blocks for new you. You are now strong enough to accept those 3D segments assisting you in your new you role and ignoring those that don’t. Your new totality includes past, present, and future segments of you – all playing together.
“Creation Limbo” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for LifeTapestryCreations.com.
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
The new energies swirling about and within you are reducing the number of secrets you keep from yourself. These energies are not a punishment from the Universes, but instead a gift from yourselves. For you wish to clear as much as possible within before assuming your 5D or beyond role of rebuilding your world.
Some of you are certain you know how your world should be rebuilt. Even though you have images of love and peace, you believe there is not sufficient evidence that others feel as do you. So you are in a quandary as to how you can both rebuild earth philosophies and redirect others to your thought processes.
A concept that is little different from what you experienced for eons – one group of humans dictating how the other group or groups should function. So it is you wish to dig deeper within yourselves both in terms of your transition skillset and how you manipulated or were manipulated in 3D.
Many of your memories, of lives in Atlantis and other test programs that did not fulfill your original designs, are coming to the surface for you to acknowledge and either repeat, reveal, or revamp.
So it is many of you are feeling listless, angry, sad, or morose for you are remembering in both your wake and sleep states images and actions you do not wish to enhance or continue. And of course, you are feeling angry about having to do so – a bit like when you had to complete chores as a youngster.
“Why do I have to do this? Why do I have to feel this again?” sensations are likely cursing through your being. But such pity parties will not change the result of what you decided to do at this time en masse. Anymore than whining to your parents negated your need to pick up your toys before being rewarded with whatever was important to you.
This clearing is not a punishment, but an enhancement. For as you peel layer after 3D layer, you are discovering who you truly are and new means of living within a diverse and seemingly non-cohesive grouping that somehow works for everyone.
No more will you need to declare that everyone should live within one form of government, religion or belief pattern. This gift of Universal energy you are now processing within yourselves is the answer to reformulating the beliefs and patterns of fear and hate.
Many of you question this for you cannot sense how it is possible to unify the earth without a cohesive unity plan such as has been promoted by various leaders and governments since earth time began. We request that you just allow yourself to be as you slog through these pieces of discordant behavior that detract from you creating a new whole that has nothing to do with what you are now familiar.
Even though non-forerunners are being bombarded with the same energies, they interpret these energies differently than you. The non-forerunners are opening themselves up to the possibilities as you begin to create those possibilities.
Your function is to create anew in whatever area interests you. The role of the non-forerunners is to open themselves to new choices.
Not that you will dictate what happens next on earth, but instead that your creations will open possibilities so that all can live in harmony despite religious, racial, sexual preference, gender, political, or economic differences.
You are creators broadening the sphere of possibilities. Those following will help formulate those possibilities and those following them will further enhance and accept the best models within the possibilities.
For those of you who have been plying your clearing, creative skills for decades, such a statement appears as if you will not be of the earth in this lifetime to experience that flexible and loving environment. We beg to differ.
Unlike other earth creations, these phases will happen more rapidly than you now envision. For you have created the path to personal freedom – the most difficult part. Those following merely have to address the paths you created within their beings instead of creating new paths. So it will continue within weeks, months and possibly years, but most certainly not decades.
You courageous forerunners started this wave of creation despite all odds and negativity from those who did not believe it possible. Your light, love, and joy are forever inked in the Akashic, Universal, and earth records. You heroic beings dared to deny fear. So it is you will be rewarded by living to see the results, just as you have wished for the past few years.
Part of that reward is the concrete act of rewarding yourself in ways that fulfill your dreams. For those who follow are less likely to be enamored of new structures if doing so only brings minimal joy. Joy is your keyword. And you cannot be joyful if you are in fear financially, emotionally, or spiritually.
So your first creations will reward you. The rest will follow accordingly. Allow that to be. Just as allow yourself emotions you might not appreciate or enjoy now, but you will once you understand that you cleared those pieces so your creation skills would be even more fruitful than you thought possible just months ago. So be it. Amen.
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