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Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Ron Head ~ The Council – Miraculous You
on The Council – Miraculous You
The Council – Miraculous You
We wish to give you a different perspective on some of the earlier information that we have stressed in the past few years. We have talked with you about energy. We have spoken about frequency. We have told you repeatedly that everything is made up, in its essence, of energy and frequency become matter. And we have stressed that the meaning of this is that you are energy beings, electro-magnetic energy beings. You are frequency embedded in what is THE energy field. And you have an energy frequency that is, in its ever-changing being, unique in all of creation.
Many of you are beginning to understand this sort of talk now. But today we want to shed a bit of light on how that applies to a certain type of teaching. You have always been asked not to judge others around you. You have been told that they are also exactly like you in their divine nature. And this is, of course, true. But you sometimes, often-times, find it difficult to act consistently on that information. This is because what you observe seems to threaten you or your beliefs in some way.
Kara Schallock ~ Moving Beyond - 20-Feb-2018
We continuously bring forth higher and higher frequencies; non-stop. We may feel them more strongly during eclipses and Moon cycles and yet, they continuously flow into us to help us rise in consciousness, which affects every area of our life. It is not for us to go to the higher places of high dimensional Light Codes; it is for us to have them descend into us; into all our cells, bodies, electrical system and DNA so we may truly rise to be who we truly are. There are no timelines; only beliefs and patterns that must transform so that we may integrate this Light.
There are many illusions we have believed in and these are deeply rooted within us. One is that we believe we get old and die, as well as creating a terrible disease with death following. Remember, all is our choice...whether that choice is conscious or unconscious. We need not get sick and we don't have to “die.” There is no death. We choose to be on Earth at this time. We choose when we leave our physical forms or we choose to stay in body, as well as choosing to step away from continual reincarnation. Many may disagree, so entrenched are we in these worldwide beliefs. Many will choose to decide that this is false information and I can see where this belief is strong within myself. It is not for me to tell you what to feel or think, so just be still and feel through all that I share, as you take what resonates and discard what does not. In time, you may resonate with what I am guided to share or not. That is not for me to say.
february 2018,
Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ Being Grateful for Where You Are
April Bender ~ The Presence of Stillness
Since the passing of my beloved grandmother this past fall, I've had many opportunities to further explore the vast nature of Stillness. Subtle and mysterious, unfolding and enfolding, centering and spacious, encircling and spiraling away. . .choosing to dance with the presence of Stillness offers us passage through the many gates of inner and outer awareness.
On a superficial level, we've come to understand stillness as simply a place or state of quiet. Which in and of itself has been proven to provide many benefits to our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. However, limiting Stillness to this most basic definition, limits the power or potential that this presence (or spirit) can unleash within you. Stillness is one of the greatest allies a spiritual aspirant can have. It's no wonder that all esoteric teachings in the world consider stillness to be key to spiritual development.
In order to explore these distinctions, let us consider the nature of Stillness in a bit more detail:
In order to explore these distinctions, let us consider the nature of Stillness in a bit more detail:
Marilyn Raffaele ~ The Arcturian Group ~ FEBRUARY 25, 2018
We of the Arcturian Group honor you who have chosen to assist Gaia and her people during these times of change and awakening. Thanks to you, many are beginning to see for he first time which is adding more light to world consciousness.
Many young ones on earth at this time have incarnated for the sole purpose of assisting the ascension process through their Light and awareness. They carry with them no karma to balance, no lessons to learn, and no energy to awaken, but rather chose to incarnate out of love, for the sole purpose of assisting in the awakening of a world still held in, but ready to graduate beyond the third dimension.
Many of these evolved children and teens have been categorized as "problems" simply because they do not fit into the accepted third dimensional "belief box". They are out of sync with many concepts and beliefs regarding body and mind simply because they do not resonate with that energy.
The commonly accepted use of prescription drugs to "cure" them has caused many of them to lose sight of why they came and who they are. Drugs must be used with great discretion and with the awareness that they effect the energy of an individual.
Brenda Hoffman ~ Your Crowd-Pleasing Days are Over

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s February 24, 2018, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at For eons, you’ve learned you must work hard to achieve what you want. In 5D, ease is a keyword. A word counterintuitive for most, given the beliefs 3D society that ease translates to lazy, failure, etc. This first test of your recent skills boost is about drawing things to you instead of pushing to achieve.
“Angry, Fearful, Petulant? All is Well” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
We are amazed at your tenacity and yes, strength. For throughout your 3D eons of earth lives, you forced yourself to follow society rules instead of daring to be you. So it is that you did physical, emotional, and spiritual harm to your being to be part of the group.
Now that you are of 5D, you are beginning to proclaim your individuality. Something not necessarily easy. Not because it is wrong, but because it is so foreign to the 3D society with which you are familiar.
Summary of Brenda’s February 24, 2018, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at For eons, you’ve learned you must work hard to achieve what you want. In 5D, ease is a keyword. A word counterintuitive for most, given the beliefs 3D society that ease translates to lazy, failure, etc. This first test of your recent skills boost is about drawing things to you instead of pushing to achieve.
“Angry, Fearful, Petulant? All is Well” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
We are amazed at your tenacity and yes, strength. For throughout your 3D eons of earth lives, you forced yourself to follow society rules instead of daring to be you. So it is that you did physical, emotional, and spiritual harm to your being to be part of the group.
Now that you are of 5D, you are beginning to proclaim your individuality. Something not necessarily easy. Not because it is wrong, but because it is so foreign to the 3D society with which you are familiar.
Mahala ~ Planet Alert March 2018
How has your weather been for the past couple of weeks? We have had cold weather and some snow in Seattle and a lot of snow in the mountains. Snow in the lowlands is very unusual for this time of year. February is usually a very nice month with the Daffodil bulbs starting to sprout and buds on other plants and trees. I hope they all survive the cold weather. I’m ready for some warm spring weather.
It has also been a very challenging time period with a lot of Mars energy floating around all over the world. Mars rules fires, violence, and anger on the lower frequency Earth. Vesta, the asteroid of great power has been conjunct Mars since February 14 when the shooting happened in Parkland, Florida. The Mars/Vesta energy has been in Sagittarius, and that sign rules schools. The opposite sign is Gemini which rules students.
Sandra Walter ~ March Amplifications: Solar Flashes and the Ascended Lightbody
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~
When we activate our Solar Heart Center, our connection to the Solar presence becomes stronger. We witness the increasing pulses and flashing activity coming from the SUN, which has been occurring over the last year.
You may see this flashing activity when meditating with a Solar heart focus. It is very vibrant, unmistakable, and you don’t have to be gazing at the SUN in order to see it. It does come directly from the Solar Beingness, when you intentionally connect with the SUN. Please do not confuse it with flashing activity in your personal fields. This is Solar-connection-specific, and the flickering flashes grow brighter, stronger and more activating.
I AM grateful this kind of Solar activity does not appear on the linear charts – yet. Your heart consciousness is the 5D charts! Remember the pulses/flashing is information; FEEL the Love Light intelligence. It feels exquisite.
march 2018,
Sandra Walter,
Linda Robinson ~ AA Zadkiel ~ A time for maintaining balance
Greetings Beloved Ones,
This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Archeia Holy Lady Amethyst, and we greet you in Love and Light. Today we wish to discuss the importance of maintaining balance.
You are making great strides on your ascension path. You have maintained a center of balance as you have mastered many challenges and risen above obstacles on your journey. Your Light is radiating throughout the dimensions.
Your body is a field of vibrating energy. You are a beautiful shining Being of Light, and you exist within a larger field of universal energy. When the layers of your energetic field are in harmony and you are at peace with your surroundings, your aura glows brightly.
You have assimilated the current pattern of energy, and all is well.
Natalie Glasson ~ Your Ecstatic Nature by the Celestial White Beings
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 23rd February 2018 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
A download of energy is preparing to flow through your being as requested by your soul and higher aspects. White pearlescent energy will channel through your being vibrating at a quick speed as it moves through you. As the white pearlescent light touches the energy of Mother Earth, it expands outwards from below your feet creating the most beautiful waves of colour as if a blanket of flowers has manifested. The multicoloured light moves at high-speed interweaving creating beautiful impressions of glorious light. This process is continuous, with the white pearlescent light strengthening in presence flowing through the core of your being and the multicoloured light constantly swelling and oscillating in beautiful patterns.
Méline Portia Lafont ~ Maestro (dominando la maestría)

Translation by Gloria Mühlebach <3
Cuando inicié esta trayectoria del despertar en el 2011 a través de mis habilidades para canalizar estaba entusiasmada y excitada acerca del descubrimiento de este mundo nuevo que yo llamé Espiritualidad. Me he encontrado con muchos Espíritus, Ángeles, energías, Maestros, Galácticos y Seres a niveles múltiples. Cada nivel fue una manera diferente de entender para mí. La canalización es meramente un mundo mental. Este mundo mental fue experimentado a través del cuerpo mental, y me ha permitido comunicarme con los Seres Maestros a través de tonos, palabras, luz y sentimientos.
Experimenté una trayectoria sorprendente, con encuentros muy especiales y fuera de este mundo. ¡Nunca los olvidaré! Estoy escribiendo acerca de este tema. Estoy agradecida de ser capaz de experimentar todo esto en vida. Estaba completamente envuelta en una burbuja de energía llena de Luz, Amor y vibraciones elevadas. Me sentí excelente y contenta viviendo sola por cerca de 3 años. Todo ese mundo resonaba con la belleza, la diversión y el amor. Pero yo no podía participar bien en el mundo mundano. Se me dificultaba disfrutar estar en la Tierra en la forma física. No podía soortar las energías de la gente que me rodeaba. Las festividades y los conciertos ya no eran una forma entretenida de diversión; se volvieron una carga. Yo, por naturaleza social, me volví solitaria, viviendo casi en soledad.
Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - February 26, 2018
The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, powerful co-Creators!
We are very pleased to have this chance to speak with you today.
Our writer has a question she would like to ask, which she will share now with all of us:
COR: My friends, I spoke with you about six weeks ago (in the January 8 “Message to Lightworkers”) about how so many people are feeling devastated right now, not only for themselves, but for the state of the world.
Some have lost their income at a time in life when rebuilding and re-presenting themselves to the work world feels to be a very great task.
Others have faced natural or humanmade disasters such as flood, fire, earthquake, or violence.
Saturday, February 17, 2018
Méline Portia Lafont ~ Master(ing)

When I started this journey of awakening in 2011 through my channeling abilities, I was thrilled and excited about discovering this new world which I called Spirituality. I have met many Spirits, Angels, energies, Masters, Galactics and Beings on multiple levels. Each level was a new way of understanding for me. Channeling is merely a mental world. This mental world was experienced through the mental body and it allowed me to communicate with Master Beings. This through tones, words, light and feeling.
I experienced an amazing journey with very special and out of this world encounters. I will never forget these! I am writing a book about this subject. I am truly grateful to be able and experience this all in life. I was completely enveloped in a bubble of energy filled with Light, Love and high vibes. I felt excellent and happy on my own for about 3 years. All of that world resonated with beauty, fun and love. But I could not participate well in the mundane world. I found it hard to enjoy being on Earth in a physical form, I could not stand the energies of the people that surrounded me. Festivities and concerts were no longer a fun form of entertainment, it became a burden. I, by nature socially enclined, became a loner living almost in solitude.
february 2018,
Méline Lafont,
Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - February 12, 2018
The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, Emperors of Light!
We greet you with real joy and words of encouragement, as you have recently traveled through (and are still integrating with) powerful astrological occurrences and internal shifts in both your consciousness and cellular makeup.
These energy waves have commanded forth a significant remaking and re-creating of human life, reshaping even how energy flows and functions in the human form.
Natalie Glasson ~ The Abundance of Your Inner Clarity by Master Sananda
Channeled Through Natalie Glasson - 16th February 2018 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Loving blessings extend from my being as I come forth emitting the inner most vibrations of clarity of my being. Clarity is the truth of the Creator in action. Each soul can access and has the ability to deliver forth the clarity of the Creator. Each soul can embody the clarity of the Creator because it is the essence of your being, there is simply a need to understand and connect with this sacred energy that describes the truth of the Creator. When you access the Creator’s clarity within your being, so you become the truth of the Creator in action. Clarity is seeing, sensing and acknowledging an inspirational pathway which brings forth enlightenment and illumination that encourages you to feel you can easily take the most appropriate action that is required. The presence of clarity is soothing, cleansing and activating to your physical body and energy bodies, thus dissolving blockages and stagnant energy that may be hindering you in any way. Clarity awakens your entire being, refreshes your systems and allows you to realise the truth within your being. You begin to explore all that you are, recognise the guidance flowing through your being and access the courage to take the necessary steps to be love and the divine in action.
Lisa Renee ~ Bio-Spiritual Harvesting
As we pull back the curtain we are examining a few ways that the NAA hide the practice of soul and energy harvesting in plain sight. The manipulation of collective consciousness and the cost to the human soul when abandoning the natural laws, so that many human beings cannot even recognize when they are being violated. We look into the practice of organ transplantation as an example, both the black market harvesting of organs and the practice of blending soul blueprints enmeshed in tissue, when body parts are traded. We look at how the physical body and the soul-spirit body are connected, and how living in alignment to natural law supports health and consciousness expansion. When this knowledge is suppressed the anti-life agenda can take hold more easily. We will take a look into the suppression of the astrological sciences with special attention placed on medical astrology, the influence of planets and constellations on our health, and the physiological correlations to the Galactic Zodiac.
In considering the violation of natural laws that humanity has been taught through the social engineering programs of the death culture, this month we look deeper into the ways that the NAA promote these violations, to intentionally fragment the spiritual body and generate a host of spiritual abuses and physical diseases that are ultimately designed for human Bio-Spiritual Harvesting. Many humans carry out these agendas, because they have no idea that they are being used to produce more spiritual harm in the collective consciousness of humanity, or they have been groomed into sociopaths, people that lack remorse and empathy for the pain and suffering of others.
february 2018,
lisa renee,
Sandra Walter ~ Higher Trajectories in this Now: Influxes of 2018
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~
These Divine plasma pulses are delivering very unique light codes which activate the ancient holographic templates of Ascension and unity consciousness. In brief, this is a very amplified moment for higher trajectories and embodiment.
We have unique potentials presenting for higher collective trajectories over the next few weeks. These are triggered by light waves, and this is happening right now. With the stargate phase-lock on Saturday February 3 (thank you to those who assisted when I went up to do this work), a flow of frequencies aimed at ancient activations began. This set off the Solar activity and CME of this week, so Gatekeepers/Gridworkers have been busy.
Ancient Codes: Why your activations are changing
There are several celestial and planetary events coinciding during this time frame that are greatly empowering Earth’s Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love. In turn, this Grid of Love is greatly empowering the Lightwork you and I and myriad people around the world are participating in. When we know about these opportunities on a conscious level, it is much easier for our I AM Presence to project this Light through our Heart Flame. This allows us to assimilate the benefits of the Light bathing the Earth through these events in ways we cannot if we are oblivious to them. Please read this article with an open heart and mind and let this sacred knowledge resonate within the Flame of Truth pulsating in your Heart Flame. Then you will be aware of the incredible Light you are receiving day by day during this Cosmic Moment. |
Selacia ~ Prepare for Breakthroughs
Significant breakthroughs can happen this week due to a combination of the Feb. 15 new moon solar eclipse and the beginning of Chinese Earth Dog Year. Continue reading for some examples of what to pay attention to.
Indeed, this entire week is super charged with transformational energies. Some of these energies may seem to push you from behind, nudging you to step boldly into new territories. Still other energies may bring new people into your circle, expanding your connections and bringing opportunities. A relationship with a partner or colleague could deepen, too, in part because of how the energies catalyze a rethinking of interpersonal dynamics.
Relationships will continue as a dominant theme in 2018. In "Predictions 2018" I describe the importance relationships play this year in your personal and spiritual growth. During energy cycles like we have this week, the spotlight will be on 1-1 relationships and what needs to shift for more balance and happiness. At times it may feel like a relationship is under a magnifying glass - the light shining on dynamics that prevent a full connection. If you experience this, step back for a higher view and invite a knowing of how your interactions can be more loving and kind.
Relationships will continue as a dominant theme in 2018. In "Predictions 2018" I describe the importance relationships play this year in your personal and spiritual growth. During energy cycles like we have this week, the spotlight will be on 1-1 relationships and what needs to shift for more balance and happiness. At times it may feel like a relationship is under a magnifying glass - the light shining on dynamics that prevent a full connection. If you experience this, step back for a higher view and invite a knowing of how your interactions can be more loving and kind.
Brenda Hoffman ~ Relish Differences

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s February 9, 2018, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at Perhaps you feel your life has stagnated. Such will end in a few days once your physical being adjusts internally. Much like puberty, results for individuals occur at somewhat different times, but all will complete this phase. All you need do is flow with your changes knowing the dreams you now have are required for new you.
“When You’re Ready, Select the Easy Button” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
You are likely questioning yourself and those around you. “Who has the correct answer? Is there a correct answer?”
You have the correct answer for you, as is true for all. For there are as many correct answers as the number of beings involved in the solution.
Mahala ~ Planet Alert February 2018
Valentine’s Day is on Wednesday February 14, 2018. I love that holiday and I wish it would be changed to a day of unconditional love. Wouldn’t it be nice to just celebrate the energy of love? It is a nice time of year to celebrate because we are just coming out of a cold damp winter, at least here in the Pacific Northwest, and are ready for some sunshine and spring weather. Today it is sunny and beautiful although it is still cold.
We will have a partial solar eclipse on February 15 at 1:05 PM PST. Venus, the planet of love is in Pisces along with Neptune and Chiron. Mars is in Sagittarius in a 90 degree angle to Venus and Neptune. The asteroid of great power (Vesta) is conjunct Mars on February 15 and this will activate love energy if you tune into it. Maybe we could make Valentine’s Day last for two days this year. The new Chinese Year of the Dog also starts on February 15/16 depending on where you live. I like the Dog year. I relate it to heart energy.
february 2018,
planet alert
Marilyn Raffaele ~ The Arcturian Group ~ February 11, 2018
February 11, 2018
Dear ones, we come with love and support to help you better understand what it means to be spiritual while having human experiences. Know that if you resonate with these messages, you have done the preparatory work over lifetimes and have attained a state of consciousness that is prepared for more.
You have experienced many difficult and short lives as well as long and happy ones in order to experience and learn. You have had every color skin, been both male and female, have been warriors as well as priests, and have done things that you would now find abhorrent. This is because you had to experience all aspects of living in the energy of separation in order to evolve beyond it.
Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ Making Exalted Choices for Life
Kara ~ The Awakened Ones and The Awakening Ones - 09-Feb-2018
Many more are awakening now. Those awakening are more inclined to listen and follow their inner guidance. Those who have already awakened are having the Awareness that their new Blueprint is being activated as they receive not only downloads of high dimensional Light, but the propulsion to make changes of those things that are not aligned with their Soul-Awareness. These changes come with the Willingness to let go of their “comfort zone” and the Willingness to be in that space of discomfort and unfamiliarity of the New with total Trust. This takes letting go of popular beliefs, even those that seem “spiritual.” It is a letting go of hopes and wishes and instead, being grounded in the Now Moment, regardless of what anyone else is doing or saying. You see, each being is on their own trajectory path. To ascend is to not be on someone else's path, for each being is unique and it is important to follow one's own guidance, for no-one else can possibly know what another's path is.
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