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Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Natalie Glasson ~ Responsibility: Your Gateway to Ascension by Saint Germain
Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - July 27, 2018
The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this opportunity to speak with you again.
On this day of a rare Full Moon / Blood Moon / total Lunar Eclipse, we greet you and note the new beings you are becoming in the midst of these powerful and empowering energies.
We will say, that at this time you may not feel very powerful.
Old emotions, challenges, shocks, and traumas may be surfacing, from this and other lives you have lived, to be released into the ethers, as you draw from them only that which your higher self requires for your soul growth and well-being.
Friday, July 27, 2018
Thursday, July 26, 2018
Méline Portia Lafont ~ Blood Moon Eclipse July 27, 2018
A Bloody Mary type of version.... A lot of real deals and strong deals are served to us during this passage and it is quite intense.
Remember the last partial Solar Eclipse on July 12 – July 13, 2018? That has been proven to be a very emotional and intense one for many... The emotions have been hitting the charts during that passage for many on plenty of levels. Well, we have another one in store for us that will continue this journey but on a deeper level and with more power than the previous one. This because this time it is our Moon that will eclipse. (Moon = emotions)
Let me explain you why – as seen from an energetic perspective, I am not an astrologer but a channel for energy forecasts..
Blood Moon
This Lunar Eclipse will turn the Moon into a red-orange color because the moon will pass by in the Earth's shadow. This can turn the moon into a reddish color.
The Blood Moon energies stir emotions, deep emotions, buried feelings and sensitivity. A rush of things will pass your radar all over again, so it seems. (emotions)
Natalie Glasson ~ The Dimensions of Mother Earth by Mother Earth
Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - July 20, 2018
The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this opportunity to speak with you again.
This week, we wish to answer a question from a Lightworker who wrote us regarding the timing of NESARA’s announcement—something about which there is great speculation!
I read a lot of predictions about when NESARA will be implemented on the physical plane. I’ve never believed the “today, tomorrow, next week” predictions that have been floating around for years.
While I do not believe all the predictions I read regarding timing, I would believe information from the Collective regarding timelines. I know "soon" is Archangel Michael's favorite response to the question "when.”
Likely meaning, any time in the next 10 years. And I understand that Ascended Masters, Angels, and other loving spirits do not deal in linear time.
It seems that with the current group of folks running this country, allowing the physical plane implementation of NESARA will not be "soon" at all.
Must we wait until the shift to the New Earth is significantly more manifest?
You are correct, dear one, in noting that “soon” is not an exact timeframe, and one not entirely applicable to your world and to Time as you know it.
What it means, when used by those who are oriented more to the higher realms than to Earth, is that NESARA is on the horizon—that Earth is moving into that reality in steps, not one sudden jolt.
by Patricia Cota-Robles
On Thursday, July 26th, I will be the Guest Speaker on You Awakening, which is a wonderful tele summit dedicated to supporting our evolution, hosted by Jacklyn Johnston.
Please join Jacklyn and myself Online for a powerful Activity of Light. At this moment, we are being held in the embrace of a rare Triple Eclipse Series that is assisting Humanity and Mother Earth through the final steps of preparation prior to the activation of the consciousness codes within the DNA of the Millennials and the children. Please join us for this critical facet of our Father-Mother God's newly initiated Divine Plan.
This program will air Online THURSDAY, JULY 26TH, at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time (Los Angeles) or 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time (New York).
Please join Jacklyn and myself Online for a powerful Activity of Light. At this moment, we are being held in the embrace of a rare Triple Eclipse Series that is assisting Humanity and Mother Earth through the final steps of preparation prior to the activation of the consciousness codes within the DNA of the Millennials and the children. Please join us for this critical facet of our Father-Mother God's newly initiated Divine Plan.
This program will air Online THURSDAY, JULY 26TH, at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time (Los Angeles) or 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time (New York).
Kara ~ In the Midst of Eclipses - 24-Jul-2018
More Light downloads?! Yep! This Light influx goes deep into Gaia; into Her heart actually; and this affects all living within Her, including ourselves of course. With more Light, there is more Awareness of old patterns to let go of as well as a heightened version of who we are. Drama intensifies as it is loosening its grip. You see, when something is about to transform, it gets really strong and in your face. Wave good-bye and don't engage in the drama, lest you activate it more. Stay strong!
july 2018,
Sandra Walter ~ Solaris Alignment, Lyran Activation & Gateway Details
This sequence of events which migrates realities to the higher timelines, the New Earth experience, continues to unfold with increasing intensity. As the Divine forces hit the cosmic accelerator, we release, release, and release all of the disharmony connected to the old Self and lower timelines.
A grand neutralization of distortion is underway. It feels personal because it is; Self-empowerment is key to the individual experience of Oneness with Source. We are preparing the fractals for reunification with the whole as a conscious, palpable experience. Remember the global purification experience depends on the actions and intentions of the awakened.
july 2018,
Sandra Walter,
Brenda Hoffman ~ Decide

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s July 20, 2018, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at You’ve practiced, cleared, and cleaned for months, years, even decades. The next few days are about receiving and accepting your joy. Just as you refused to fully become a joy beacon until you had cleared beyond what was necessary – as is true for most Olympic stars – you’re now accepting that you’re ready to fully become the beacon for which you have prepared for eons.
“You’re a Beacon, Not a Leader” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
Some of you are adjusting easily to the new energies. Others are frightened, angry, or upset. We address those who are upset.
Mahala ~ Planet Alert August 2018
This is my August article although I am still talking about events that happened in July, and some that are still to happen. The first eclipse was a solar eclipse on July 12/13 depending on where you live. It was on July 12 here in Seattle. That was a very powerful eclipse because the sun and moon were in exact opposition to Pluto, the transformer, or the god of the underworld. Pluto is in Capricorn and that sign rules governments.
Saturn is also in Capricorn and is on 4 degrees of that sign. Pluto is on 20 degrees and the difference between them is 16 degrees. This means the midpoint between those two planets was right over Washington D. C. at that eclipse. This means that Washington, D.C. was the main point of that eclipse. There has been a lot of talk about Trump and his meeting with Putin since then. The sun and moon were also in Cancer (water) which rules the East Coast and there were large storms all along the coast last weekend.
august 2018,
planet alert,
Navigating Volatile Energies Find Your Calm Zone by Selacia
This year we've had so many moments of accelerated volatility and surprises, it may seem like the norm to experience these things. People can become numb to the amount of change unfolding. For you as a divine changemaker, this is not the time to go numb, pretend that what's happening has nothing to do with you, or leave your body to escape reality. Continue reading for tips on how to find your calm zone and make progress despite our current chaos.
Humanity is at a new threshold of change, precipitated in part by powerful planetary cycles. Some are long-term - like Saturn-Pluto that started in 1982 and Jupiter-Saturn that began in 1842. Both cycles are helping to initiate massive shifts in society and how we live together on Earth. It will be 2020 before those cycles begin a new phase.
july 2018,
moon eclipse,
Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ God Exists in All Circumstances
Collective Pulse Report: The Three Waves of Global Transformation by April Bender via Integrated Overself
It's been awhile since our last channeled forecast (Embracing Shadow: The Rise of the Collective Unconscious) but today I wish to update you on the current energetics and primary forces at play upon your world in the hopes that this information generates deeper understanding and insight within those consciously participating with the ongoing ascension and/or re-enchantment process here on Earth. Energetics by and large within the collective, as well as the individual (as above/so below), continue to converge in three major waves of transformation: 1) revelation; 2) reclamation and; 3) healing and integration. . . all leading to greater heights of awareness, wholeness, and upliftment. Ultimately changing the very fabric of reality, the overall experience of Earth, and humanity's place within it. |
Walking Terra Christa ~ “REAFFIRM THE WARRIOR OF LIGHT WITHIN” – July Earth Assistance Ascend Earth Project – Audio Recording
With high energies of light coming in to assist Earth’s consciousness raise out of the 3rd dimensional level of awareness (upheaval, war, crime, control and many lower frequencies), we connected with the Galactic Federation of Light of the Christed Extraterrestrials to feel the highest vibrational energies and receive the Divine Language Network Light Codessm from Rev. Meleriessee. Please use the below link to hear the audio transmission of these energies.
JULY 14, 2018 ~ EARTH ASSISTANCE GATHERING with LORD ASHTAR, LORD SANANDA AND THE WHALE DOLPHIN COMMUNITY – “Reaffirm The Warrior of Light Within” ~ Lord Ashtar reminds us that at this time upon the planet we must hold extra diligence to our spiritual cleansing and spiritual protection especially building the Ascension Column Pillars of Light and recharging them often. As a group consciousness we then connect together to feel and experience these higher frequencies to greatly heal and bless our earth through ourselves.
Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ Letting Go into the Power of Light
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ The Mayan New Year begins July 26, 2018
Red Cosmic Moon:
I endure in order to purify
Transcending flow
I seal the process of universal water
With the cosmic tone of presence
I am guided by the power of space
Transcending flow
I seal the process of universal water
With the cosmic tone of presence
I am guided by the power of space
Red Moon is your Conscious Self - who you are and who you are becoming.
Red Moon is the cosmic seed of awakened awareness. Consume it like a fruit, and let it blossom within you. You are on the quest of self-remembrance, of Godseed. If you work with the energy of Red Moon with clear awareness and attention, an awakened state of remembrance will naturally blossom within you. Remembrance means having direct access to your expanded presence through an intrinsic perception of unity. Remembrance is your recognition of the larger pattern and your connection to it, often facilitated through dreams, art, music, colors and creative pursuits. With focused attention, meditate on Red Moon and you will receive help with self-remembrance.
Friday, July 13, 2018
Sandra Walter ~ Living the Metaphor of Resurrection: Eclipse Season Shifts in July
Eclipse Season is upon us.
This article describes the factors involved in this current passage and what many of us are beginning to experience as this realignment begins. There are no sufficient words to describe the true return of the Christed state, or the sensation of pure Source amplifying within the heart.
This article describes the factors involved in this current passage and what many of us are beginning to experience as this realignment begins. There are no sufficient words to describe the true return of the Christed state, or the sensation of pure Source amplifying within the heart.
Follow the metaphor of Self-as-Cosmos; the realignment happening with the SUN and Solar system is directly connected to our experiences of resurrection in this Now. Let this guide us in our sacred work over the next few weeks.
Living the Metaphor of Resurrection
As we consciously merge with the ultimate unity of Divine Oneness, we self-realize the infinite within. Not as sacred study or dogmatic concept, but true knowing and feeling the expression of Source in all of creation and intricately being part of it all.
This is freedom from separation and distortion. It activates the harmonics of the heart, which serves as a frequency generator for Source to purify the realities around us.
july 2018,
Sandra Walter,
Natalie Glasson ~ The Art of Witnessing and Creating by the Unicorn Kingdom
Thursday, July 12, 2018
Méline Portia Lafont ~ Solar Eclipse in Cancer

Solar eclipse in Cancer - very deep emotions possibly will be unleashed from very profound parts within you. If so, release and let it pass through you. On their way out: breathe, remain in peace, calm and grounded. wait before expressing the intensity of your emotions as these will be quiet intense and so regretting your expressions during this passage is most likely.
🙊 ( as seen afterwards)

Gillian Mac-Beth Louthan ~ A Holy intersection of Time and text
This evolutionary month of July offers us an opportunity to see with the eyes of a honeybee looking at 1000 different perspectives and patterns, seeing in-between time and circumstance from a multidimensional view. We are asked to go below the sea level of emotions into the underlying reefs that are labeled fragile and in need of our care. We try so hard not to feel, to block what hurts, we buffer it anyway we can. Eventually it all comes full circle and one comes face to face with that which you ran away from. The she- crab carries her shell hither and fro, shielding herself from life, and yet every 6 hours the tides changes everything.
As the clock strikes midnight on 7/7/ 2018 we come to a holy intersection of time and text. A great stellar pulse comes forth from our sun straight into the heart of all that matter. July starts the first pulse of power as we slowly move step, by step forward into the power days of summer. Many will be sidestepping as many issues as possible, stuffing the emotions with sweetness you are not finding in life.
Marilyn Raffaele ~ The Arcturian Group ~ July 1, 2018
Dear readers, it is with a great deal of love and respect that we once again speak about the present and increasing energies of Light that Gaia and all forms of life upon her are experiencing.
Try not to slip into fear, but rather understand that great change is taking place both within and without. Every day more and more individuals awaken and realize that the "Me first" world that they are so familiar with, no longer feels right. As a result, many who have been fully three dimensional in their thinking are now finding themselves to be no longer in agreement with much of the status quo. Although most are not aware of why they are having these feelings, it represents their first step toward a higher state of consciousness.
Change is happening on all levels and it is very easy even for the very evolved, to automatically revert to thinking that something is wrong when new or unusual physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual experiences happen whether they are pleasant or unpleasant.
Michael's Message
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Beloved masters, in the very beginning, each of you were one of the Holy Innocent Ones, a brilliant Spark of the Supreme Creator. When it came your turn to externalize and awaken, you suddenly were aware of your godliness as a fragment of the ALLTHAT IS. Then came a startling awareness of your own conscious I AM Presence as an individualized Facet of the Creator. This awakening of Souls has continued at every level, in every Dimension of Creation, and continues today as Great Beings of Light are brought forth to create new galaxies, solar systems, planets and worlds without end.
In these extraordinary times, to one degree or another, there is a major internal, transformational process occurring within every Soul on Earth. Individually, you are experiencing a clearing and cleansing process as well as modification and expansion in various areas of your physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies; changes which are necessary if you are to hold up under and integrate the ever-increasing vibrational frequencies which are bombarding your Earth at this time.
Sandra Walter ~ Eclipse Launch: SUNday Meditations for Stability and Peace
Blessings Beloveds ~
Our higher trajectory delivers constant Source-encoded plasma for us to receive and integrate. The Solstice Gateway provided strong DNA reconnection, the effects of which continue to ripple through the collective.
As Gaia’s magnetics shift to the New Earth grids, our own magnetics are adjusting. This is a function of the Ascension process; migrating realities to new, purified systems where the Higher Self can express right through the physical. It can make you feel like you are simultaneously coming apart and unifying with your Higher levels at once. Both are occurring. The shifts in realities and Gaia’s energy fields affect every living thing in this planetary realm, including the elementals.
july 2018,
Sandra Walter,
Cycles of Death and Rebirth: The Power of Letting Go by April Bender
Without a doubt, one of the most creative and transformative movements we as human souls are blessed to experience is that of death and rebirth. This is a process that we are invited to engage in many times throughout the course of our lives to varying degree, as it is a process of growth and renewal.
Often these cycles arrive seemingly unannounced, catching us off-guard and thrusting us out of the safety of our well-crafted inner mansions of illusion. No matter the catalyst, they challenge us to examine our core beliefs, assumptions, intentions, expectations and ways of being in the world. This is because on many different levels, they no longer serve us (or the collective) and are inhibiting not only our growth but our experiences of peace, joy, freedom, and authenticity - qualities of our divine birthright.
Kara ~ Massive Energy Wave - 08-Jul-2018
While we have wave after wave of high-impact Light flowing into us, one of the things that is impacting us is our perception. Our perception of ourselves and all things on Earth is shifting. Everything is new and unfamiliar. Observe it all with Compassion and understand what is happening, without the need to cling to the old, familiar way. It's best to not put it in a box for contemplation; let it flow. In your Silence, you know. The chains that bind you to the old are dissolving. Pay attention to when you receive Truth. Each has their own way of doing this...some have goosebumps; some have expansion around the Heart and some vibrate. Only you know the Truth. There is no right or wrong; there are only different choices. Some choices expand you; others limit you. Feel before you choose.
Realize that any perceived obstacles can be seen as opportunities; they can clear you of old and expand you in ways unbeknownst to you. There may be times in which you question the validity of the New. You may experience times in which you don't feel connected to anything or anyone. You arealways connected. When you feel disconnected it may be that you are releasing an old belief of separation. Even when someone seems to have different beliefs from you, you are still connected to them. Be still and listen without judgment. You know who you are; you needn't convince others of a way you resonate with. In fact, when someone shows you how they perceive something that is different from how you feel and you become defensive, you are giving your Power to them!
july 2018,
Brenda Hoffman ~ Naysayers Everywhere

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s July 6, 2018, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at Perhaps you’re exhausted by your seemingly endless efforts to live in joy. What you’ll experience now – if you follow your inner guidance – are quick movements to the joy you’ve longed for. For you’re now strong enough to integrate the powerful Universal energies this month and next.
“Sculpting New You” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
More and more you are being forced – and force is the correct word – to assert your newly claimed power to be. For those around you will greatly test your willingness to accept your powers.
Those of 3D will claim you have no power for they cannot accept that you nor anyone is different from what has been true throughout this earth life and many others. And those just beginning to adjust to their new beings will clamor for you to prove your newly discovered skills for they are frightened of both 3D and 5D.
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