I transmit into and upon your path way of love grace and peace, the sacred and powerful vibrationsof the twelve rays of light. I have been guided to come forward to share with you techniques to assistand support your greater experience with the twelve rays of light in order to support all that your soulis achieving upon the Earth. I am the Chohan or overseer of the seventh rays of light of a violet colourfocused upon transformation, magic, miracles, the dawning and experience of a new age. The violetray of light is also connected to the violet flame of transmutation; both can be experienced within the 7th Ray ashram upon the inner planes.
I am aware that many of you have different and diverse understandings of the twelve rays of lightespecially when it comes to their colours, qualities and chohans. I wish to state at this stage, do youchoose separation or integration when you connect with the Creator? It is important sometimes toentertain the experience or understanding of separation in order to discover the values of an energymore fully but it can also lead to confusion as souls will express and experience the energies indiverse ways. For example, if I was to share a story to a group and then ask the members of thegroup to retell the story to other people, it is most likely that the stories will be similar but notidentical; this is because of your own perspective and focus. In truth it is important to gain therealisation that you perceive, acknowledge, understand and see what you wish to. A reality, a storyor facts may be presented to you but you will only take on board that which is connected to orconfirms your current understanding and perspective. You are after all the creator of your own reality,you create and manifest a fast array of situations and experiences for yourself but you experienceand connect with only that which confirms your current perspective. You may create beautifulexperiences for yourself but if your perspective at that moment is of a negative vibration then you willcollect energies and experiences that back up and confirm your current perspective. This means thateven through your creations you have the ability to choose the way in which you wish to connect witheach experience, you have the power to confirm whatever you wish or recognise within your being.
This is why we ask you to focus upon the Creator, your soul, healing, anchoring light, sharingoneness because with this focus you will choose to recognise the same in your experiences andyour creation within your reality, thus allowing you to realise more of the Creator with each and every moment.
When you believe in separation you perceive and experience separation, when you focus upon integration you have a fuller experience of the Creator, with this in mind I wish to encourage your connection at this present time with all twelve rays of light simultaneously. Of course it is appropriate to work with individual rays of light as guided but I wish to encourage your experience of the integrated twelve rays of light. There are more than twelve rays of light in the Creator’s universe but the twelve rays of light offer to all a unique tool of accessing and bathing in the Creator’s light and qualities. Each ray of light denotes qualities that can assist further exploration of the Creator, yourself and yourself as the Creator. When you allow all twelve rays of light to pour into your being you allow a complete aspect of the Creator to merge with your being allowing for the same qualities to be activated within. It is my belief that the integrated twelve rays of light can allow deep healing in this present vibration of reality while also creating a unique foundation of truly feeling provided for, secure, supported while creating an enhanced experience of your power.
Twelve Rays of Light Infusion
I first wish to encourage you to experience the twelve rays of light.
‘I invoke the presence of Master El Morya, Master Joshua, Master Serapis Bey, Master Paul the Venetian, Master Hilarion, Master Lanto, Lady Portia, Lady Nada, Mother Mary, Lady Vessa Andromeda, Lady Quan Yin and Pallas Athena to surround me in a circle of light. In your energetic hands I ask that you hold an energetic crystal charged with the ray of light that you oversee. I allow myself to breathe in the energy that you transmit to me with ease to aid further integration. I ask that you assist in purifying my entire being with your light as I breathe deeply.
(Allow time to experience)
I now ask to receive and I am prepared to accept a download and transmission of the integrated twelve rays of light energy of the most appropriate energy vibration through my being to aid a purer infusion and activation of the qualities of the Creator within my being.
Support me in embodying the appropriate and integrated vibration of the twelve rays of light, let this heal and sustain the light present within me and empower the Creator’s vibrations already present. Through this process of infusion I allow myself to receive all that is provided to me from the Creator while increasing the quotient and strength of my inner power. Let this infusion for the highest divine plan for me now begin. Thank you.’
It is important to imagine, sense or acknowledge the multi-coloured light of the twelve rays flow over and through your being. Allow yourself to perceive how it flows, do you experience one colour then another, or do they flow as a united current into and through your being? Allow yourself to resonate with the energy of abundance, completeness and wholeness that the twelve rays of light share with you.
You may wish to ask yourself as the united twelve rays of light flow what qualities do they predominately wish to enhance within your being or provide you with?
Dissolving Lack and Creating Abundance
The twelve rays of light can assist in dissolving lack within your being, consciousness and perspective activating within your being a greater resonance with the abundance of the Creator.
Before you begin you may wish to ask yourself if you feel a resonance and a familiarity with the abundance vibration of the Creator? If not, why not? You have a divine right to experience a resonance with the abundance vibration of the Creator; in fact it is a natural aspect of your being that has always resided within your energy essence.
‘I call upon the integrated and united twelve rays of light to pour over and through my being, with the powerful vibrations and qualities of the Creator that you hold, please erase or bring to the surface for release the vibrations and consciousness of lack, especially connected to lack of the Creator. I am now freed of the consciousness of lack realising that abundance has always been a powerful vibration within me which I can eternally use to fuel my creations.
(Allow time to experience the consciousness of lack being washed away)
With the power of the united multi coloured twelve rays of light let me now experience the abundance of the Creator. Boost the abundance of the Creator that I am, anchor the abundance of the Creator that is available to me and assist me in energetically experiencing abundance pulsating through my being now and eternally. Thank you.’ Boosting Your Immune System, Nervous System and Cell Renewal
The integrated and united twelve rays of light hold powerful vibrations which can act as boosts to your light body. As the radiance of your light body is enhanced so this naturally integrates with your physical body, sending waves of high vibrational energy into your body which particularly enhances the working patterns of your immune system, nervous system and cell renewal. Light influences your entire being but partially your immune system, nervous system and cell renewal, therefore merging with the twelve rays of light can act as a source of rejuvenation of your entire being.
‘May the united and integrated multi coloured light of the twelve rays of light flow through my entire being with the purpose of boosting the intensity, brightness, clarity, purity and consciousness of my light body. Feed my light body with the most appropriate vibrations of the united twelve rays of light.
(Allow time to experience)
I ask that my light body assist this process by emanating waves of key vibrations and light into my physical body to generally boost the vitality of my entire physical body with focus upon my immune system, nervous system and cell renewal. My body is a temple of light that houses my sacred soul; this is my divine experience upon the Earth. Thank you.’
(Allow time to experience)
Replenishing and Balancing the Heart Chakra
As each soul upon the Earth works with the new vibrations of this phase of ascension especially focusing upon the creation and experience of love their heart chakra can experience many transitions, awakening, realisations and healing. With such mammoth work being achieved within the heart chakra of your being there is a need to replenish and balance the heart chakra regularly so that it may continue to make the necessary transitions while remaining in a state of harmony.
‘Bless my heart chakra and let it be saturated with light from the united and integrated twelve rays of light. I open my heart chakra and give consent for the twelve rays of light and its chohans to replenish and balance my heart chakra boosting all that is of love within my heart vibration. Encourage me to recognise my heart in its divine and sacred manifestation and form.’
Imagine the multi coloured twelve rays of light as a single vibration flowing into your heart chakra, swirling as a spiralling light into the very depth of your heart chakra creating a replenishing and balancing healing.
I hope that my encouragement of connecting and experiencing the united energy of the twelve rays of light not only allows you to discover yourself and the Creator more fully but permits a deeper healing and awakening process within your being.
I am present with you,
I am Lady Portia
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