♡ Good morning to all of my wonderful readers! I’m writing the post from the road-or more specifically, from the lobby of a hotel in South Carolina. I’m making my way up the East Coast along with my son and two dogs. It’s a crisp and beautiful sunshiney day, marred only by the TV here in the breakfast room blaring all the latest tragedies and propaganda to my fellow travelers. Not quite the best way for the enraptured preschoolers at the next table to start their day! But such is life on a transitioning planet…
♡ We chose to take the backroads for a good portion of this trip. My teenage son is a gifted photographer, and he’s been snapping pictures from the passenger seat as we’ve gone along. Many images portray the majestic beauty of this wonderful country I live in; other images, not so much. We’ve seen so much poverty and hopelessness, entire towns boarded up and dying due the devastation of the recession. And as so many of my international readers can attest, this kind of scenario is by no means exclusive to the United States.
♡ How fitting that the card I happened to draw is “Mother Mary; Expect A Miracle.” We are so in need of miracles, and our beloved Blessed Mother possesses more than enough to go around. Her heart is so wide open and receptive, her love and compassion overflowing, her drive to protect us inexhaustible. Hers is the sparkling, pale-pink energy. It’s crystalline and of the highest God-frequency, and it’s here for the taking, whenever our spirits are low and we crave so desperately a Mother’s warmth. These are confusing times. We’re sitting in the midst of of a rapidly changing paradigm, and by the looks of things, events are only going to be speeding up. Out with the old and in with the new. As my Team so often tells me, “You can’t build a palace on a pile of rubbish.” It looks to me like they are firing up the bulldozers right now.
♡ This card reminds us that it is we ourselves who are driving those bulldozers, and it’s the Divine feminine energy of the heart which is the fuel that drives us. Listen to your inner guidance, and make every attempt to tune out the darker messages and imagery that seems to be assaulting our senses at every turn. Live by Mary’s example, and practice patience and kindness. Choose to solve your problems as a 5th dimensional Being, rather than using the old methodology you’ve been conditioned to fall back on. And most importantly, surrender all of your deepest fears and concerns to Mary. She loves us so much. Know always that you are loved unconditionally. Know that you are never alone.
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