A fellow lightworker has asked me to channel the answer to his question “There are myriads of worlds and myriads of teachings. All just concepts for certain experiences, none are reflecting the PRIME TRUTH of WHOLENESS and COMPLETENESS, as there are NO experiences at that state of PRIME CONSCIOUSNESS. As long as you can experience something, there are concepts and you have not ascended ALL the WAY up to PRIME CREATOR. With this realization, how can I choose NOW a different hologram/concept, which uses joy and laughter on it’s way up to PRIME CREATOR ? What shall I “do” to experience the LIGHT & LOVE & TRUTH that I AM ?”
Dearest Child of the stars, the moon and the sun. You have got it all wrong, for you are not understanding the true meaning of the holographic experience, this we say onto you the guardians of the highest order of light, which expands its horizons into each and every corner of the universe. The consciousness of the highest I am presence, and the consciousness of the forefather of the conscious experience which you have all created in a holographic studio of the creator, the drawing room of the creator.
And so, we say onto you , seeing everything from above and from below, seeing everything as is and in the now moment of time, we say onto you that there is no polarity and no duality, and there absolutely is polarity and duality, for all exists in unison, molded into one conscious – I AM presence.
And so, were you looking to experience the non polarity of joy and laugher without the pain, but that cannot be so, for everything exists together in unison in one motion in one beautiful wave of light.
Which brings us to the answer of your question of THE HOW… each of you is creating his or her own now moment, and are thereby interlacing with the creator into one magnificent AHA moment. Yes indeed it is true that you are interlacing with the creator of this universe for there are many upon many such universes and one universal SOURCE, and so you are interlacing your NOW moments with the creators NOW moment into a beautiful melody of the universe.
Which brings us to the answer of your question of THE HOW… each of you is creating his or her own now moment, and are thereby interlacing with the creator into one magnificent AHA moment. Yes indeed it is true that you are interlacing with the creator of this universe for there are many upon many such universes and one universal SOURCE, and so you are interlacing your NOW moments with the creators NOW moment into a beautiful melody of the universe.
The “how” should not then be the question, for the “how” exists in your mind’s eye, the how is laying dormant therein, and all you need to do is unlock the mystery of your creation and you shall be able to tap into your own “mother board” and change the moment of time, and change your holographic experience.
You see dear child of the sun, the moon and the stars.. You see the child of the universal truth.. it is quite simple indeed, for you need only to think of the life that you wish to experience, and so, shall you wish to experience joy, you shall….pain.. you shall .
What we are trying to say to you at this very moment of time is that there is no such possibility to exist in this universe without the experience of both polarities. You cannot experience joy without experiencing pain, as there simply will not be the contrasts necessary for your mind to comprehend the experience of your NOW moment.
What we are trying to say to you at this very moment of time is that there is no such possibility to exist in this universe without the experience of both polarities. You cannot experience joy without experiencing pain, as there simply will not be the contrasts necessary for your mind to comprehend the experience of your NOW moment.
Therefore the answer to your question cannot be given, for it does not exist in the universe that you presently occupy, and we do not mean your earth, we mean your universe. Should you chose to experience the non polarity and none duality of the creator, it is not going to be possible, for the creator does indeed experience both polarities, for the creator’s experiences are those of your own, you are part of the creator and thus the creator experiences everything that you experience, for there is no such state that does not allow one to experience anything, for even the NON experience is an experience all onto itself, and therefore, what you seek should not be sought, for as you seek you are seeking that which does not exist, for even in the stillness of the mind, the mind experiences stillness.. for even in silence, silence is experienced and thus, to achieve the state of the Prime creator one MUST experience polarity and duality and accept both fully and completely integrating both into the core of ones being.
For as you are aware dear one, you must have a positive and a negative, for even the atom which is the building block of all matter, contains within the positive (proton) and negative (electron), for should one seize to exist there shall then not be another, should you seize to be brought before an experience of pain, you will never comprehend the experience of joy, that is not to say that you must experience pain if you do not choose to do so, that is to say that you will be brought before pain and it will be your choice to experience such state of being or not. Nevertheless pain does not seize to exist for then joy seizes to exist.
And so, the answer to your question as to how to create a new holographic experience whereby you shall experience joy and laughter on your way to the creator, which you already are, would then be for you to WELCOME ALL EXPERIENCES for what you perceive to be a negative experience, is but a golden opportunity for you to experience BEING THE CREATOR of YOUR JOURNEY… shy not away from such a blissful experience for in the midst of pain it is up to you to find the joy you are looking for.
And so, joy and love and peace is simply one step away from pain, hatred and war, for once you realize that all the other aspects of this creation you call life, are to be present, and you are there to either to go with the flow of currently existing conditions on the planet GAIA, or to CHANGE YOUR OWN ENERGY FLOW to such a degree that it is YOUR ENERGY that is going to affect ALL that is brought before you.
Have we answered your question? NO? The channeler is asking us to elaborate further on this topic and so we shall comply with this request.
Very well, let us give you another example so that it would be easier for your human mind to comprehend that which we speak of. Were you to walk down the street and see a dog approach you, while you in the very core of your being are completely petrified of such a creature, would you then see this dog as a friendly companion to walk besides you on your path, or would your EGO then condemn that this is an enemy standing before you? And once you were to do so the “enemy” would pick up the energy that you are carrying within your core and attack you, only to reflect what you ALREADY are projecting onto it.
We say the latter, but should you have had the ability to CHANGE your understanding of the magnificent creature approaching your holographic self, you would then be able to change the energy that you would direct to the dog at hand. At once, your body would react to the thought in your mind and CREATE a new experience, whereby the same “enemy” would then be perceived as a “friend” sending out a wave of love, light and understanding. BUT such a feeling would need to truly be felt by your entire being, having not an ounce of doubt whereby even a small % of your brain/energy wave is occupied with the thought that this dog may attack you, for should you still carry, even an insignificant part of this energy in your field, that which is standing before you would have a CHOICE to either attack or not. And so, completely removing even a partial idea of “negativity” you would thereby be creating “positivity”, thereby taking what already exists and experiencing that which you wish, without “deleting” that which you wish not to happen, or in other terms shifting into a different timeline of your own CREATION, thereby experiencing JOY, LOVE, LAUGHTER, all the way understanding that their “negative” polarities still exist, and are necessary for such an experience.
And so, we leave you with a final thought: Seek not that which you wish, for you already found it, look into your heart and realize that you are the prime creator of your own universe, the universe that lays within the sphere of your heart, look within and you shall create that which you wish to experience, look within and change the matrix of your environment, by looking within and understanding thy self, by looking within and understanding the creation that is standing before you and experiences that are unfolding before your very eyes, it is then that you will be able to understand and be able to control the outcome of such experiences, by completely uniting the heart center of your being with the PRIME creator, you will begin to understand that you are already living within the codexes of the prime creator, all that remains is for you to step into the direction that you wish to ascend to whether it be “positive” polarity or a “negative” one.
We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.
AA Metaton Channeled by Anna Merkaba – Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/
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