~ Today I’ve drawn a card from the Magical Unicorns deck. It is very simply entitled, “Share.” On this card is a picture of a Unicorn, bedecked in garlands of brilliant red roses. There are two Fairies present – one who rides upon the Unicorn’s back and another who is sharing freely from a basket which is overflowing with flowers! The little Fairy decorates the gentle Unicorn. In the process of doing this she is creating beauty with this act of generosity. The Unicorn looks down at her, his eyes filled with gratitude, appreciation and love. The Fairy atop the Unicorn’s back smiles brightly down at her, offering her more love and happiness in reciprocation.
~ You have the ability to greatly affect the world around you by simply intending that it be so. Imagine your heart is open and envision waves upon waves of glittering pink Light pouring forth and saturating everyone and everything around you. This pretty pink energy is the highly therapeutic and healing in nature. It is the energetic frequency of the Mother, the Divine Feminine, and it is ever so much more powerful than you could imagine!
~ Also, don’t forget that it’s also okay to allow yourself to receive. As you give openly of yourself, wonderful things will naturally come to you. Such is the way of the Universe. And when all is said and done, let your heart sing with gratitude. Then watch the magic happen!
Copyright © Bella Capozzi. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice. https://cupcakesandangels.wordpress.com/2013/09/16/share-the-love-a-mini-reading-for-september-16-2013-by-bella-capozzi/