Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com
Summary of Brenda’s July 8, 2016, channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: The fear expressed via your media, politicians, friends and family is as predicted. For 3D structures wouldn’t collapse if fear and pain were occurring in bits and pieces instead of almost daily. Each of you has a personal puzzle piece that won’t become part of New Earth if you follow shoulds instead of your joy.
“Focus” is the title of this week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com.
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
You no longer need to carry the world on your shoulders.
Many of you are experiencing a heaviness you cannot attribute to happenings in your life. You are trying to understand why you cannot shake or shift sadness that is so deeply ingrained in you that you feel hopeless, angry and fearful.
That heaviness, that uncomfortable feeling is you assuming you are responsible for all earth and earth beings. That without your assistance, the earth would fall into a heaviness that is beyond anything you can imagine.
Once again, it is an issue of self-love and listening to that little voice within you. You are no longer the only or one of the few humanoids responsible for depositing Universal love throughout the globe.
For many of you have fulfilled that role time after time. You are the god/goddesses of love that seeded earth for this time. And each time you performed that role throughout the ages, you were either alone or one of a very small number. You did have the weight of earth upon your shoulders then.
As we discussed before, the earth is your creation and experiment.
So whenever you en masse felt the need for an injection of Universal love on earth one or a few of you would volunteer to perform that task.
That phase is over and has been for many months. Yet, because you are so attuned to earth, you feel the need to reduce the anguish of others starting to awaken – or to move them more quickly into 5D. Neither is possible for you are no longer able to perform that role. It is a bit like after being promoted to company manager you also want to complete the role you had previous to your promotion.
You do not have time nor energy to backtrack to a role you completed years ago. For once you initiated your personal 5D journey, you transitioned out of your earth caretaker role.
Yes, yet another caretaker role you must abandon now. For indeed, the earth is as capable of taking care of itself as are others. A piece you have neglected to accept fully. For you now are starting to accept that other entities can take care of themselves, but not yet that earth, as a whole, can also. If you will, the earth is your baby. And you do not wish to sense that your baby is unhappy.
The unhappiness you are now sensing is merely earth proclaiming uniqueness and individuality – just as is true for you.
And the unhappiness you are sensing through many entities of the globe is merely other beings awakening to their potential, their new beings. As if the blindfold of continuing service to anyone but themselves is being ripped off instead of being gently removed as was true for you.
Many of you feel as if your blindfold of continuing service was ripped off also. But in comparison to what is happening now – yours was somewhat of a “walk in the park.”
Of course, you are angry at such a statement for you suffered for months, possibly even years. In a sense, you opened the wound of knowing that there is a more loving way to live on earth. And those following are ripping off the bandage you applied to that wound.
Even though this is not now a “going gently into the night” process, it is not your process. You are at a different place for a reason. You are the beacons for anyone who cares to sense a better way. It is not your place to enmesh yourself in earth chaos. Such was your caretaker role for eons – either as earth observer or participant. That role has been completed.
Your new role, your promotion is to beacon of light. For indeed, instead of suffering and gnashing your teeth for a few months or days, you were embroiled in that role for eons. That role is over. Your new role is to be a beacon of possibilities for those who wish to follow. Your new role is to live in joy, to display to others the glorious possibilities of new you and New Earth.
Others will complete their painful stage in months or perhaps a couple of years instead of the eons you devoted to shifting earth to Universal love. Those following are completely capable of doing so if they wish. Carrying them will not assist them in moving to their joy – it will only delay their agony. Just as is true for those parents who ensure that their child never suffers or fails. Such makes for a wonderful childhood, an uncomfortable family dynamic during that childhood and an amazingly detached adulthood for that child.
So it is now. You cannot take away the pain and growth of others without stunting or stopping their growth. They will survive. In truth, they will eventually thrive despite their cries to the contrary. Do you remember trying to teach your child to pick up his or her toys? It was such agony with wails of anger, “I can’t. It’s too hard. NO” until many of you just completed the task for your child – resulting in even more wailing the next time.
You cannot carry someone over this phase. You can only display self-love in the hopes that they will notice and emulate. It is not your role to return to those who do not – and try to shine your light more brightly. Your only role is to shine your light for those who wish to see.
And you will shine your light by the joy you express, feel and display in your world. You are no longer saving or preparing the earth for this wondrous transition. You are the beacons of earth with no need or energy to pick up the toys of earth. That was a role you satisfied before initiating your transition in this lifetime. Go in joy. Live in joy despite the anguish of others.
That role will be difficult for you initially, just as was true when you started teaching your child to pick up their toys. But if you continue to pick up their toys, you will not have the energy to be the beacon you now are. Living in joy and expressing that joy will do more for earth entities than any caretaking you can envision. So be it. Amen.
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