Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com
Summary of Brenda’s July 15, 2016, channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: Many of you are enmeshed in earth fears. It is as if you have one leg on the 3D side of a precipice and the other on the 5D side. Some days you know all will be well – and others you’re certain fear will always be your life. You’re undergoing a spiritual questioning of your 5D being – which will end in a few days. You’re testing your 5D faith for most haven’t yet created your earth dream to solidify your knowingness that 5D exists. But you will by following your joy.
“Is Earth on Your Shoulders?” is the title of this week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com.
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
You are beginning to sense, see and feel small rays of sunshine through the massive clouds that have reduced your light for eons.
Some of you have not yet acknowledged your new you, but you will for this is the time of doing so.
You are thinking that just telling you something does not make it so. The same method used to mystify and cover the glorious you hidden on earth for eons. We agree with that thought. At the same time, we wish for you to address your changes.
You have been in prison for so long you do not understand that the door is open, and you are free to leave.
You are becoming quite adept at saying, “No” when you do not feel like doing or being something. You are looking for joy and fully expecting it. Your anger is not because you are enmeshed in fear, but that your joy is not more consistent and deeper. Concepts you would not have contemplated a few months ago.
So it is that your anger has transitioned from fear to not enough joy. A definite indicator that you are a different being than was true just months ago.
Of course, you note fear and chaos throughout the globe. Of course, you are exposed to the media harangues and fear-based programs. The difference is that such programs make you angry, not fearful. Angry that others are not grasping the concepts of New Earth and joy. That others seem to be wearing blindfolds. That others continue their lives of fear.
Knowing you are angry, upsets you. For a truly loving person would allow others to feel what they wish. Ah, such thoughts mean you continue to berate yourself for not being instantaneously perfect.
You are evolving, not remaking yourself. Evolution is a process – of which you are in the middle. Remaking someone most often means instantaneously or much more quickly than a process.
Please understand that if those of you at the forefront had remade yourself when you first initiated your transition months or years ago, you would have been so outside the norm that others would not have believed the possibilities. You would have polarized earth into two distinct groups counter to everything you were attempting to create. Plus your physical being could not have withstood an immediate transition. So it is your transition is a process.
In that process, you shifted from an earth life of expecting fear and pain to anger that your joy is not deeper and more obvious. You are truly a different earth entity.
Even though you have transitioned dramatically and continuously in our eyes, you continue to berate yourself for not doing or being enough. You have, and you are.
Do you understand how far you have transitioned in a blink of an eye? From ongoing fear to expecting joy? From a heavy being carrying so many pieces of past and current life fears that you were not the being you are capable of, to a glorious beacon of light others notice and wish to emulate?
The piece most difficult for you to accept, even at this stage, is that you are indeed a bright light. You feel anger or fear for a few moments and expect that such is your life on earth in this lifetime. Yet, you are ignoring how fleeting that fear or anger is in comparison to your searching for and expecting joy.
Is it not true that much of your anger now is that you have not created all you wish to create – whether personal or global? That you are not yet – in your mind only – a Universal being? That you have worked so diligently only to feel as if you have not made any progress?
Do you understand that even questioning those actions and thoughts that you once held as sacred beliefs is just one small indicator of your personal evolution? And that you now note when you do something you do not wish to do instead of just accepting that life is that way? You are much different from what you now realize or acknowledge. The difference that is pushing your need to create joy in any form.
Your anger at yourself is misplaced. But that will shift in short order. The key piece for you to understand and act upon is that you expect joy – the most obvious indicator of you evolving to new you of New Earth.
Do not fret about your lack of instant joy creations. That will come. For now, glory in the fact that not doing so makes you angry. How joyful! So be it. Amen.
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