A Time of Completion - The End of the 9-Year Cycle
November 2016
Dear friend,
We are in a pivotal moment in humanity’s awakening journey, one that is changing the landscape of our personal and global reality forever.
The Door to Completion
2016 (2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 9) is a 9 Universal Year in numerology. The number 9 represents the frequencies of completion, reflection, and service.
You’ve probably noticed these themes (especially endings or completion) showing up big time this year, in the outer world and in your own life.
With cycles of Universal completions and endings, we are always asked to fully face and resolve any unfinished business in any areas of our lives that need tending to.
These include the areas of health, relationships, and patterns of behavior, including how we treat ourselves.
The last few months of a 9 Universal Year are often the most intense, because we are being nudged to quickly finish everything that needs to be completed from the past 9 years, before the new 9-year cycle begins.
During a 9 Universal Year, we often also notice some stagnancy when it comes to accepting change—some hesitancy about starting a new project, job or relationship, or moving to a new location.
If this is happening in your life, know that it is also happening all over the planet. And that we are being given the space to finish with the old before we begin with the new.
2016 has been a highly karmic year, in which we have been experiencing the karma of the actions we took over the past 9 years.
Think back to what was occurring in your life in 2007, and you may notice some similar themes are coming up in your life now. Some of these themes may feel wonderful, and some maybe … not so much.
This is not a coincidence. This is clear feedback that indicates which energies, patterns, and outer situations you need to address now.
Think back to 2008. Did you start a new job or project? Did you move somewhere new, or begin a new relationship that year?
Can you remember the tone of your mindset that year? You may have decided inwardly that, “Things are going to start changing for me now, in really positive ways!”
That was because 2008 was a “1” year, and it set the tone for the 9-year cycle that we are wrapping up right now.
If things aren’t feeling so wonderful for you right now, you can view it simply as an opportunity for you to learn some lessons that you set out to learn long ago, on a higher level. You are being given the chance to let go and move on now, so that you no longer need to repeat those lessons.
If everything is feeling wonderful for you right now, it means that over the last 9 years, you intentionally set a positive course for your life that is now being reflected back to you, in miraculous ways.
The next two months are very important, because they are giving us the opportunity to be completely finished, once and for all, with whatever we are ready to move beyond.
It will be increasingly harder to operate in a victim consciousness now, because we are being called to action—to finish the challenges we began long ago.
A Time of Service
A 9 Universal Year is also a year of service.
We all know what it’s like when our mind gets too caught up in itself. This can also be referred to as being too “self-involved.”
Being overly self-involved is an indicator that the mind is operating in survival mode, to the degree that it is unable to fully see the bigger picture in life.
We don’t need to judge self-involvement as either good or bad. But it’s important to realize that if we remain in that space for long periods of time, it keeps our energies limited and stagnant, instead of us feeling expansive and in the flow of life.
Adding more acts of selfless service into our lives helps remedy our limitations and stagnancy. This kind of giving can especially open up the areas of health, wealth, and overall happiness.
Service to others is also one of the most effective things we can do to balance and resolve old karmic debts.
If you are experiencing any karmic debts in your life, such as in the areas of health, financial wealth, and inner fulfillment, this would be the perfect time for you to dive into the energy of service to others.
Whenever you offer any kind of helpful service to others, the higher energies of Love and compassion flow powerfully through you. And over the next two months, those energies will be magnified manyfold, because of the highly potent moment of completion we are now in.
Preparing for a Brand New 9-Year Cycle
You may be experiencing certain forms of stagnancy in your life, especially in areas such as new relationships, creative endeavors, or moving to a new home.
If you can begin doing the inner healing work needed to resolve any old blockages, pains, or grudges you may have, while being in service to others in some way, things will begin shifting powerfully for you as we move into 2017.
That’s because this new year will be offering us something miraculous:
It will give us the opportunity to become the person that deep down, we’ve always known ourselves to be.
Now is the time to answer a few powerful questions, such as:
What would you like to create more of in your life?
What behaviors are you ready to let go of?
How will you treat yourself, after you have committed to more self-love?
How will you treat others, and allow them to treat you, once you have committed to offering more loving support to them, and to yourself?
What are some extra things you can add to your daily or weekly schedule, no matter how small, that promote having more love, happiness, freedom, balance, wholeness, gratitude, wonder, kindness, miracles, and prosperity in your life, and in the world?
We can begin asking and answering these questions now, in preparation for creating our happiest and most fulfilling life, as we enter a brand new 9-year cycle in 2017!
This is a time to let go of the firm grip we’ve had on the things we’ve been attached to for so long, that are no longer serving us or those around us.
This is the time to let go and simply let ourselves be.
It will serve us well to do so. And it will be much easier to do this now, instead of moving into the new 9-year cycle, still firmly holding onto that which belongs in the past.
If you are reading this forecast, then that is all the confirmation you need, to know that you are now willing to let go of any lingering attachments to that which is no longer aligned with your highest good.
Take comfort in knowing that, and trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be on your sacred journey.
Till next time,
Miraculously yours,
Please make yourself at home on my website, and feel free to browse around to see if there's anything else that you may resonate with or find support in.
©2009-2016 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved www.emmanueldagher.com You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.
Hi Emmanuel
ReplyDeleteI really like your info on the 9 year cycle. What an amazing 9 years I've had and all the purging and letting go, it sent me out of whack. 9 years ago I really wanted to move to Australia, and after travelling the world for 8 years I went to Australia in July 2016 but when I got there I realised that I didn't even want to live there it was a lonely place and expensive. My point is that I'm trying to decipher the message here and I'm not entirely sure what it is...Does it mean i'd finished some karma there? or I wasn't in the right place? i felt disconnected there.