It is the same as seeking your way of ascending, transcending, descending, transitioning, enlightenment, or whatever name you give it outside of yourself by following teachings, (new) beliefs, dogmas, patterns, masters, religions, etc. It is all within and therefore you can only work from within to make the outside change. The consequence of this can be that you still perceive separation. It may be you perceive others not to be vibrating on a certain level of resonance with you or see them as not having reached a certain level that you are in your process and that makes clear you have not reached the ending of your own oneness or unity within as you still perceive things to be lower/higher/ not have reached or reached, etc. Do not blame anybody or yourself for doing so as it is a process and you will go through these feelings and perceptions regardless.
Therefore there will be still an experienced time for some of separation in their own process even if they are progressing in their inner wholeness/oneness or unity within. There is still left something to balance out. Know all humans are in a process to balance their polarities again. A call for unity and oneness of all humans working together in their own individual wholeness (balanced out polarity) is not possible as it is just a state of being of each of you. Everyone goes at their own pace through their process. The best you can be is just BE your own neutral self after balancing all out or BE oneness and unity within. It is a state you will not feel separated as you will not perceive separation any longer. If you still do feel separation yourself it is because of imbalance that still needs to be worked on from within. The imbalance still perceived you will work your way through in feeling and finding the unity. You find always signs upon your journey. You will have your own experiences on your path and help offered in that process you freely can accept or not. It is still your process and you have to go through it.
Wholeness/oneness is a state of being not something you force upon others or you can create for others in what way ever. That state of being will give you unity within and that will reflect also on the outside. You will not perceive anymore polarities and duality in that state of being. All humans go through that process and make a choice eventually to be or not in that state of being and still be the unique you without separation. It is about releasing, integrating and seeing things for what they are. You accept it, give a space and not stay to long with it as it just IS. All IS just part of it all. The game of push and pull or attract and detract, expand or shrink till all has found its place in balance will go on. When finished all will be united. That is the state of unity/oneness you will life and breathe. You will just BE that unity and oneness in all the expressions of you and do not need any creations to bring unity forth. It is just being One.
Love and Light,
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Love you all in gratitude,
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(c) 2013 – Copyright of Lucas, all writings of Lucas maybe published, re-blogged and posted only in full without altering anything with the link mentioned in the article with name of the author Lucas.
Thanks Lucas for your wonderful message. - R. - India