Of course AA Metatron keeps repeating the same thing over and over to me, that as long as we are in BALANCE in complete and utter balance within and without we cannot possibly be effected by anything. Sadly, for most of us we are still only learning to get into this state of being, and until such time that we fully are capable to do so at any given moment in time at will regardless of what is going on around us, we need some help.
Asking my guides for assistance I was led to a few amazing substances freely found on earth that do protect against all types of radiation. Moreover, some of these substances, not only protect, but withdraw the radiation once it has already entered your system. Now, for those of you who will bring this point up. I am NOT trying to scare anyone, I am simply answering a question that I have been asked over and over again by so many of you. Many are afraid of the changing sun and the increased radioactivity on our planet, and while I do not see this as a catastrophe, I do think it’s best to have something on hand that can assist you.
So here are the major players that I was guided to (as always PLEASE consult with your physician before starting any new supplement programs):
- Shungite Gemstone (carry with you at all times)
- Clays with either Zeolite or Pyrophyllite in them (to be used both internally & externally upon your own discretion,)
- Seaweed Agar-Agar, Hijike, and Arame. ( After doing extensive research on this topic I’ve decided to stay away from seaweed from the Pacific for the time being and suggest that you look for Atlantic Ocean seaweed instead, or do your own research and make your own decision regarding this topic.).
- IODINE (as always my #1 companion) ( Click here for more infomration)
- Apple and Citrus Pectin (when chernobyl happened a Russian doctor gave apple pectin to kids to take care of radiation and it worked!)
- Chlorophyl (a great source is NETTLE leaf supplement)
- Liposomal encapsulated vitamin C (source: Click here for more information )
Below are the details on some of these for you. Please feel free to add or subtract or add any and all of your feelings, opinions, objections, suggestions to the list.
It is estimated by scientists that shungite is almost 2 billion years old. It’s appearance reminds one of coal, it is found in very ancient layers of the Earth’s crust that were formed before life forms existed on Earth.
Shungite is sometimes called the “Stone of Life” due to it’s healing and antibacterial properties. Many people use shungite to create a healing spa in the home by placing it in some water to purify and charge the water with cleansing energy.
Shungite is a stone of rejuvenation.
This mineral is hailed as containing a healing power incomparable to any other. Shungite purifies, protects, normalizes, induces recovery and promotes growth in living organisms.
Shungite is considered an excellent source of protection from harmful electromagnetic radiation from computers, microwave ovens, TV sets, mobile phones, etc.
Healing properites of Shungite
Healers use shungite to alleviate a wide variety of physical complaints such as heart difficulty, allergies, skin diseases, arthritis, hair and skin rejuvenation.
Zeolite or Pyrophyllite Clay
Zeolite is formed when rolling lava encounters a body of water (such as a lake or the ocean), or whenvolcanic rocks and ash layers react with alkaline groundwater. Zeolite forms as a volcanic rock which is then milled into a fine powder. It is built of numerous porous channels of irregular shapes which act as a filtering sieve, or container, for heavy metals and toxins. The porous channels attract other minerals or environmental contaminants which must first be purged from the Zeolite before human use. Zeolite is commonly provided as both a liquid and a powder.
The liquid Zeolite purging process involves several cycles of high heat and rapid cooling, the addition of acids and the addition of a few alkaline minerals (to improve its ionic exchange capability) before it is ready for human use. This purification process produces an average particle size of 1 micron (similar to a montmorillonite).
While this extensive purification process produces a decent detoxifying clay for the bloodstream (but not the bowels where the vast majority of body toxins reside), its altered state is less balanced in its mineral profiles than an unheated clay. High heat disturbs Nature’s original mineral and biological composition, reducing its value as a nutritive clay. In any case, only a minimal amount of nutritive minerals from a Zeolite are available for assimilation by the body, since a Zeolite does not break down easily in the body. Once heated and processed, what might be provided to the body as mineral nutrition will lack the full spectrum of trace mineral balance naturally provided by other clays.
This lack of mineral balance in a purified Zeolite is a less than desirable aspect of the clay since minerals in the body are so strongly dependent upon each other to be effectively utilized by the body. The full spectrum of 70+ minerals are required each time minerals are taken to be sure sufficient mineral balance is maintained.
Given the high prevalance of mineral deficiency in our soils and food supply these days, working with a clay that is both detoxifying and nutritive is an important consideration for the “dirt eaters” of the world.
A 1 micron average size for a processed Zeolite is good for getting into the bloodstream where a good portion of the detoxifying needs to take place, but this can also be accomplished with a Montmorilloniteor a Pyrophyllite without altering their original clay structures or mineral profiles.
Pyrophyllite is also a member of the smectite group of clays and is the basis of Sacred Clay. Pyrophyllite makes one of the most powerful detoxifying clays known, partly due to its balanced mineral profile and partly due to its exceptionally small particle size going down to less than 1/10th of a micron. The smaller the particle size, the greater the surface area for the removal of toxins. Taken as a bulk clay internally, one gets the benefit of both cleansing of the blood and detoxification of the bowels (from where most of the toxins entering the blood are derived).
Pyrophyllite was formed differently from the other clays mentioned, in that it began as an underground boiling lava soup that decomposed into a clay through an interaction with deep underground aquifer water, steam and pressure.
It is believed that the manner in which a Pyrophyllite is made is the reason it possesses stronger detoxifying powers relative to other clays (one former auto mechanic found a 1/8th inch oil slick on the bottom of his first Sacred Clay bath). Sacred Clay’s rich electrolyte content (8 electrolytes comprising close to 10% of the clay) provides an abundance of free ions acting as antioxidants. Ions are required for rapid transport of toxins out of the cell and efficient transport of nutrients into the cell.
Because Pyrophyllite easily breaks down in water, it can easily go down your drains after a relaxing clay bath without worry. (source: http://www.vitalityherbsandclay.com/clay-and-minerals-for-health/clay-comparisons.html)
(NaturalNews) Apple pectin is a dietary fiber supplement that is often used to maintain powerful digestive health. It is also known as fruit pectin. Purchased in powder form, apple pectin becomes a gelatinous, or jelly-like, substance when wet. Many people are familiar with apple pectin in the making of jams and jellies. However, natural healers, herbalists, and fitness experts use apple pectin when preparing colon cleanse products because it is a soluble fiber. Apple pectin has the ability to sweep out radioactive dust particles from the intestinal tract, and it was used extensively after the Chernobyl nuclear plant meltdown.
How Apple Pectin Works
Apple pectin is a soluble dietary fiber source. The fibers in apple pectin help to balance the colon. In the digestive tract, apple pectin swells, forming a gel which acts like a broom to sweep the entire intestinal tract of waste material and body fat. In the large intestines, apple pectin breaks down into short chain fatty acids, which have positive pre-biotic benefits. Apple pectin is considered safe by the FAO/WHO Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives.
Apple Pectin and Radioactive Protection After Chernobyl
Both master herbalist Dr. Richard Schulze and nutriceutical researcher Jon Barron have recently mentioned that apple pectin was used after the Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster in 1986. Jon Barron states that “apple pectin was used in the aftermath of Chernobyl to reduce the load of radioactive cesium in children.” Dr. Schulze says that apple pectin was used “extensively” after the Chernobyl disaster. He mentions that apple pectin has been proven to remove heavy metals, and even radioactive Strontium 90. Dr. Schulze says that taking apple pectin proved to significantly prevent damage from radiation exposure.
Apple Pectin Reduces the 137Cs Radioactive Cesium Load in Chernobyl Children
The Swiss Medical Weekly published a report in 2004 confirming that apple pectin was seen to reduce the 137Cs cesium uptake in Ukrainian children after the Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster. A study led by V.B. Nesterenko at the Belrad Institute of Radiation Safety was performed to see if orally administered apple pectin was effective in binding 137Cs in the gut for food contaminated by radiation, or if eating “clean,” non-contaminated food was enough. The study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving children from contaminated villages near the disaster area.
Radiation levels were measured at the beginning of the study and one month later. At the end of the trial, 137Cs cesium levels in children who were given apple pectin were reduced by 62%. Children who had received “clean” food and a placebo had reduced radiation levels by only 13.9%. The results were determined to be statistically significant.
Love & Light ~Anna Merkaba – Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com//
*The information provided herein is for informational and entertainment purposes only, and does not constitute medical advice, and should NOT serve as the basis for any medical decision by you. Anna Merkaba is not an M.D. or licensed medical professional. Please always consult your physician or any other medical professional before beginning any new healing treatments
Nice article. I don't know the difference between Montmorillonite and Pyrophyllite though. Thank you for the blog post. I'd love to hear from you soon.
Arnold Brame
Thanks Anna Merkaba, to share a knowledge about Montmorillonite and Pyrophyllite through this article. Scalar-Field is a electromagnetic protection that strengthening anybody against direct and ambient sources of EMF.
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